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2018 new beginnings

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We’ve gone to the building dept. here in Lobo . Expected to get a go ahead on the pier , netting for plastic pickup and beach cleanup .

What I got was , sent to Batangas Environment and Natural Resources for an application . They want to review and discuss the proposal . Meanwhile we’re waiting for the 55 gallon trash barrels to modify some collectors stationed before the reef as the Mayors aid requested . Being calm .

We’ve got two more weeks here before our return to the coast to begin tax season . With any good fortune all that will be complete by mid March and we’ll be en route back to the Islands to continue the project .

Getting started has to happen somewhere sometime , but when ? With opposition standing between us and a clean reef I can only imagine what the turtles and fish are thinking . There’s been storms all month long hampering diving because of turbulent water with no visibility . this is throughout the entire seven thousand islands here in the Philippines . Doing what we can on land is slow at best but we’re trudging through the red tape .

High season begins in May . Usually tourism and beach goers start populating the sun spots , enjoying the many pleasures day and night . As weather seems to have set rain season a month in the rears we expect a warmer than normal dry season as well . This should add to the people’s desire to cool their heels in the surf and enjoy some ocean breeze . We’re pushing for progress or even enlightenment in way of teaching those that don’t know about clean oceans and what that means for everyone .

Many countries dump their garbage directly into the ocean or give it to India . The flow of plastic debris from the Indian ocean is massive , effecting most of the gyres in the Indian and Atlantic oceans . As much as 85% comes from India . So those countries dumping there don’t have responsibility ? I think they do and should act on a cleanup project there . Set up reclamation plants , fabrication plants , offer work from molding to shipping reconstituted plastic products . With a little help and encouragement we might be able to persuade something to start there as well . Please help by writing to your legislators and asking them to plead our case . On Line is as easy as pen and paper . Thank you

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