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Glad to be here

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We’re seeing an end to this crazy organized assault on humanity , hopefully sooner than later. The positive we take away with us is lacking in enthusiasm , pale in expression because there is no foundation supporting a happy future. Hang tight my family , there will be an end to this world of abuse. We have a footing if not a solid foundation built by the sweat and pain from everyone since ancient times. People follow good causes . If you are a free person anything other is slavery. Let’s do something with our freedom to help .

As we’ve said ” we haven’t been to the reefs in a long time ” almost 2 years now . We have heard some stories and they aren’t pretty . Five times the garbage washing up on beaches around the planet . Unchecked pollution , mostly medical debris floating everywhere . So the no-see-ums to small to see or clear who knows what that enters through skin becomes a rash epidemic that’s billions for the big pharma but bad for us and the planet.

In times of hardship entertainment saves the day , or you can get a laugh for a nickel. Best thing to do is sing a song or master some Fred Astair moves. put on a play about poverty in 1929 . The homeless you see today was the gypsy back then .

Water is the new hostage in the terror against the population. Our concern has been mainly fish nurseries , healthy coral or new growth as older bleaches . The trash inhibits egg protection among many other problems such as . It seems jelly fish float along with plastic bags. I’ve seen as much as 50% mix . Turtles eat Jellyfish but can’t tell the difference from the bags . See , Big problem there. I want to look into how and why my theory fits with intelligent jellies or an electrical impulse? Is this common all over the world ? There are other projects we need to look into when the nonsense stops and we open the world .

Most of the world reuses items . Clothing is one major bonus . taking parts from more than one garment to create your own style . Weaving items is fun also. From baskets to ornaments hanging in the wind to clothing again . Depending on the material almost everything can be made by weaving . Interesting note , there are water filters that strain Atrazine as well as larger molecules. Filters are usually woven. Just a thought but to filter the polluted water before it hits our oceans might save a speces or two.

Our hopes and prayers are to return home soon , to swim with neons and betas , lionfish , octopus . Among the few mentioned are the mesa coral blue , green and red , the mushroom mammoths standing 15 ft tall, always with a few fish under. Check acid and temp . Then follow through on organizing reef explorations throughout the Islands . We’re sure the outcome will be exciting . I expect to find quite a difference in pollution and quite astounding results from that . Fish population being an indicator . What we’re losing in research hurts , what we have planned depends on freedom of movement to achieve the facts and record them honestly.

While we’re on the subject, I’m thinking of growing a truck patch. Maybe my neighbors will grow something different so we’re not all eating the same old squash. Watermelon, that’s the ticket, I love watermelon.

Think positive about the future. Here we are, but hey we are here and unstoppable once we recognize a problem or threat to the world . Right now is like in the movie 5th element, “Green, what color green ? GREEN GREEN. We are stuck in the illusion of green deal, global warming and covid19. These all fade away when we stop playing with them.

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