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Cigarette butts and plastic straws . Oh My !

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This photo is taken by AllWinner’s v3-sdv
This photo is taken by AllWinner’s v3-sdv

Single use plastic packaging is choking us to death . We all know there’s alternative packaging but shelf life means more to big business . When busy mom’s can grab a milk , nutritional treat and sandwich wrapped in plastic , throw it in a plastic bag and send Tommy off to school , she’s feeling good about her duties as a mother . Of course the straw is provided in it’s own plastic for health reasons . This has become the normal in today’s society .

Tobacco industries place filters on most cigarettes for our health as well . Isn’t that thoughtful of them ? Maybe they found out we’d smoke more if we weren’t coughing so much . Not only is smoking addictive but we’re left with that fiber butt for 10,000 years or so after each 4 minute smoke . Like Tommy’s daily plastic wrappers , lunch takes 10 min so Tommy can relax or play until the bell rings . lunch is over .

For us to buy from bulk doesn’t mean we should buy in large quantities . Just buy from the bin or bulk storage of the item needed . Using our reusable containers . When the item is used , refill the container again . If you see something packaged in single use plastic , you probably don’t need it or the preservatives it’s kept fresh in .

Most industries melt down to just a few big companies with a lot of names separating  them . Looks like we’ve got plenty of businesses but that’s a way not to show monopolies and avoid responsibilities . Lawyers think these things up to justify receiving that big paycheck . We pay for that with a plastic check , no return . Hey sounds like it’s our fault too . People don’t deserve to control water or have rights , ( CEO of Nestles ) . And their plastic packaging is good for us , as long as we clean up behind ourselves . Ok , for the next 10,000 years we are each responsible for each piece of plastic we buy . After all , we bought it ! Not the next generation , not our grandchildren but us .

Our imprint left after we’re gone reflects how busy we’ve been chasing our tails . Shows how vulnerable people are to get demands done while adhering to strict regulations .   Law has placed responsibility directly in our laps again . Like the Paris climate talks . Government has denied and forgiven any government of cause and effect , pointing a finger at the people . Did this help the pollution ? Yet if they took us all to court to pay for our crimes , there’d be no one left to buy their plastic wrapped world .

The solution is simple . Stop buying plastic wrappers . Start using homemade foods and products like people used to just a few years ago . That has been blocked by legal teams stating whole milk has to be pasteurized as well as everything else you eat . No sharing or selling because of contamination . Have a licence for this and that . Sounds like we don’t have a choice ? Not so . The choice is not to consume chemicals as well as donate to the plastic pile . Yes we’re busy living in a 26 hr. day consisting of only 24 hrs. Please do your best .

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