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Sea Sheriff

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Ok , so being a janitor isn’t glamorous and doesn’t bring mounds of cash brought by beautiful women in bikinis , but Sea Sheriff is like being a waste manager only implies we sail the horizon in search of pollutants . Now that could be a Sifi movie for Sundance !

On our rounds we travel to far away reefs with only a knife and bag . Using maybe a stick to help gather evidence for forensic tests . We fill the bags and move on . Ever on the prowl for plastics and petroleum products clogging our arteries and flow patterns . It’s a lonely life as we watch the party goers dancing on the beach but they’ve got a collection bag to leave a clean camp so we move along the tide . Hey wait , their waving us over . Gona close for now and have a break with the locals . Ya , so walking the beach and swimming the reefs has it’s percs. Then ya find out these people are here to help clean it up as well . Now it’s a party .

What else would you expect from a walk along the beautiful ocean ? We all envision a clean environment but that’s become far from true . Help doesn’t seem to be in abundance as our world leaders have other important issues . It’s a great opportunity to touch nature and meet people if you’re into that .

What it is is not going to change by continuing along the same path we are on . The survival instinct kicks in just after we realize it’s to late . When the fear of being gone sets in people direct attention toward the extinction problem , but wait there’s more ! Pain and suffering in great abundance replaces your hunger for food . Water becomes tainted and nothing prospers without clean water .

We’re just going to have to deputize you all . No way even ten thousand people can make a dent in our problem . If we have organized teams with equipment to match and recycling plants , maybe , just maybe we have a chance . Ok . we’ll take what odds we’ve been given and do the best we can .This has been a lighthearted post kinda joking with a serious problem . From our hearts we hope everyone keeps the seriousness of survival fresh in their daily lives . Try to leave a small footprint along your path . Check your throw away from week to week and try beating your previous trash weight .

Be Well

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