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2021 wet season

2021 wet season
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Mid July and we haven’t been home since January , there was a window of lessor harassment and we took advantage . One month is better than nothing and in this lockdown state of mind we thought it was worth the effort . The water was familiar , as usual , 82f with a slight tide of 6ft between high and low . Water clarity was sandy and soot most of the month due to rain so I didn’t take many pics . As usual the reef looked completely different . I’m sure it’s due to the storms and not my memory , ha . I recall the tide being minus 3 ft and beach combers strolling along looking for whatever washed up . Mornings are great minus tide times .

Tourism used to be a main staple for many economies around the world . Staggering to think how the lack of tourism effects so many people in so many ways . Here I am now telling memories instead of posting new bright pics and complaining about plastic in our oceans . What service we provide has been adjusted by an unseen fear about a nearly harmless cold or flu bug under the guise that one life saved is worth the effort . By our acknowledgment we report the unseen pollution , inform people and make efforts to enrich our world and lives . I take it personal not being able to review and report progress about the oceans so this is past tourism . Yet we wait for an open free world again , just 2 weeks , just give me 2 more weeks and this will all be gone .

Someone commented on laughter the other day . We all agreed we hadn’t seen happiness anywhere in this last year and nobody had encouraging stories so no chuckles that day , oh well . Fear seems to be comforting to many and that brings so many questions we just have to address a few . So much debris is being tossed and washes into our waterways because of this light cold fear . Touch it and flush it , forget it was ever there until that glove\mask wraps around my nose during a dive . Fear of people , relationships , truth or just about any contact with any living thing . For this light cold we quarantine ourselves away from the daisies , the sunlight or anything happy because apparently this shot for the cold is going to help laughter return . I fear the question , ” how’s that going ? ”

Interesting find is how the dump sites in some cities are working in todays world . Since cut backs , less garbage and value of recycle material creates manpower to sort and recycle without extra costs . The sorting and recycling makes quite a profit in itself so nice to see open minds looking into the overflow . We think as natural resources rise in price recycle material will become more desirable . The products are good quality but expensive and not weather proven and now quality control seems to have slipped on all products so again we feel recycle goods will prosper . Opportunities seem to pop up always offering new ways of doing things , innovative ways to live comfortably within scant means . Clean water has a lifting vibration , makes us pleasant even happy . Maybe one of the reasons nobodies laughing anymore , waters all polluted ?

There’s always hope the restrictions will be lifted soon and we’ll be showing you all beautiful reefs with fabulous fish nurseries in abundance . Then there’s that chance we’ll be in lockdown until forever . My sarcastic humor gets misunderstood without background music . Ok , just until the end of my life which is near forever if you ask me . Just like that , we don’t get to choose .

Here we are mid summer 2021 and not much going on . That seems the norm anymore as people believe the fear and how now only this untested goop will restore normal life . The lives of millions will improve when we cast off the restrictions unjustly placed upon everyone . Settling for a little has been a hardship for most of the world without reason . Life could and should return to normal as soon as possible if there is to be any quality for humanity . This summer is turning out to be more of the same restrictions without reason . No explanation could cover for stupid . If it doesn’t work the first time tried what makes sense trying again over and over ? Moving on , we send love to everyone out there and look forward to your posts .

I’m urchin to be on the reef

bus stop

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