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Over there , no , over here

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Just a few years ago I could walk the beach and it was beautiful , clean and inviting. I would enjoy having my children feel that same connection with nature . How much stress can humans endure? What memories will they have for their children ? Will their children have enough to eat?

Channeling our attention away from the problem has been a control method used since the beginning. Breaking focus not only stalls progress but can then change course and action . So many distractions and false information eventually break down a movement toward health and prosperity to utter collapse and despair. Who wins ?

My heart aches for the two whales found dead in SF bay today . They reported the first autopsy as from malnutrition . The news couldn’t report straight fact that they were full of plastic . These animals died in vain . Wait , look over there ! A post about the squash from Wadgama , how colorful and nutritious. Is it packaged in plastic?

The policy of switch and bait is so blatant we’ll laugh when it’s our turn , believing the lie . Who is doing all the cover up ? Why ? Until people stand and unite against this it will rule the day .

Doing whatever we can is all we can do . The best from day to day is a slide scale , so just do your best at every given moment . Doing something shows you respect others , nature . Doing something shows you want to live .

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