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Isla Verde 2019 pics

isla verde 2019
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Small Mesa
Brain , Lettuce and mesa
over view of clear reef
Live and dead coral regrowth .

These pics aren’t enough to show what Isla Verde has to offer . Our camera died during my last tour unfortunately . The best shots were lost but in explanation some Mesa’s were over 4 meters across . The colors ranged from red , green , blue and purple . Outstanding vibrant hues and competition for space as they covered the area with hiding places for the young fish .

When we approached the thick coral areas there were multiple types of coral as far as we could see . Sight was stupendous ranging from 10 to 20 meters and down 6 to 7 meters still having brilliant color . The schools within the nursery held Trigger , Grouper , Neons and Puffers of all colors . The Clown fish came in a multitude of color as well , ranging from common orange / white to red , brown and purplish .

Again I’d like to point out how the plastics have been diminishing . In schools throughout Luzon and Visayas children are taught not to allow plastics into the ocean . Single use packaging is being looked at as pollutant material and may be banned throughout the Philippines soon . Why this form of shelf life sales has been distributed is a manufacture profit margin and forced into consumption by companies searching for larger profit . Waking up to these facts opens different ideas that may add living food to packaging instead of choking the life of all marine life . Let’s be a part of the solution and enjoy the company of these creatures from Dilis to Whales , from Turtle to Coral . This is ground zero .

One thought on “Isla Verde 2019 pics”

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