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time flies

Lobo Batangas 2019
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Here we are in 2019 , wow . Think of all the progress , inventions and awareness that’s become recognized in the past 10 years .

We’re on the verge of edible bags , plates and even forks to straws . We’re making many products from recycled plastic that’s economical to use since it lasts forever .

There has been a growing concern among governments of several countries banning plastic bags . This trend is growing as other officials recognize the threat and lobby their leaders to interact . This is everybody’s problem and we all need to recognize that .

Those countries that chose to pollute and destroy reefs are being watched as well as forced to stop the harm their doing . Other countries are changing their view that importing garbage is profitable . Only of it’s separated and recyclable . The new trend looks like filled cargo containers sent to a bogus address in a third world country doesn’t come back , very creative but insults every brain cell they might have . Guess the fine they’d receive was worth the risk .

There’s plenty of room for invention in this cleanup market . still looking like people are dipping their toes in to see how it feels . The latest project involved many boats and barges . I believe it took place in 2018 and they had their hands full from the start . Any effort is a big effort on the high seas and most projects are a thimble in a hurricane . Private funding is tough when there’s little to no profit .

The tonnage of plastic is still being dumped and washed into our water systems daily . Until we change our packaging as well as our negligent behavior we’re non stop polluting our oceans and ourselves . The old saying ” ya can’t eat dirt ” will become ” ya can’t eat plastic .” Giving up is not an option . Time is of the essence as we move forward in life . It’s happening whether you like it or not . It’s happening if you help or don’t . In just 60 years we’ve polluted our world way past what thousands of years delivered . I’d say time to clean could take much longer than 60 years .

If what I’m saying is in fact true then how will your children eat let alone drink clean water ? How expensive will what flowed freely cost in 20 years ? Is this an organized effort to chastise the population while cornering the market on water as well as foods ? Does this all stem from plastic waste ?

Lucky I’m an optimist . Zombies won’t eat our brain but will help clean up the mess . In just a few more years our collection at sea will learn and use the knowledge to quickly clear square miles of Plastic debris . Fish species will propagate in abundance as the non food clears from their sight . Disease should lessen as cleaner streams to lakes and oceans revert back to natural levels . Human kind survives .

This photo is taken by AllWinner’s v3-sdv

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