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Plastic and Oil

Lobo Batangas 2019
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We’ve been seeing what’s in our face , the plastic but we don’t recognize the oil spills throughout the world . Our shipping lanes are inundated with oil , spread out like jam on bread . What we don’t see can and will kill us . Plastic is easy , just look in and dead sea animal , bird and in some cases land animals with garbage pits to dine in . This all stems from oil and petroleum production . Make no mistake about our future , we’re dead if we continue in this direction . Government has been sold a belief that everything is fine and we all need this petroleum , we can’t live without it . Alternative sources have been suppressed even hidden from use because they’re a threat to this monopoly . Plastics could be made from many natural substances that degrade and even benefit the world . Such a small step would change our course into the future . Highly recommended by many scientific surveys but not being addressed at all .

The cleanup efforts are donations from private sectors and humanitarian groups but mostly ignored by governments . It’s easy to place blame but the question I pose is , why ignore the people and favor the oil industry ? There are many questions to answer , many off ramps to avoid the wreck just ahead . I challenge all governments to do the right thing , the humanitarian thing and side with the people for once . We’re seeing countries around the world protesting the abuse inflicted by corrupt leaders . This seems to be part of the indifference shown for the people of this world by elites that separate themselves from their people . Let them eat cake was once a call to revolution . Let’s not go there , let’s manage the problems and trade jobs from polluter to janitor .

If we stopped dropping bombs and sent our military to help in cleanup efforts our world would breath a fresh start . If we closed down the petroleum industry those people could work along side the militaries and never miss a paycheck . If is a big word compared to genocide , suicide or murder with intent .

we the people could focus on things like water for Africa , food and protection of Women world wide . Schooling the propaganda that divides our countries for war profits as well as confusion . I’ve met people from around the world and guess what , we all have love in our hearts . This message is sent in that vein of love . What I’m exposing is the continued use of natural resources against people , not for our betterment . The world has become so small we watch each others grief daily without compassion or remedy . Let’s find the solution and work together .

fish need a voice
egg clutch hidden in the coral

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