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Beginning of the end

Beginning of the end
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Is the end near ? Is this just the beginning of a new normal ? What should you expect out of life from this point on ? We are in a different world than just a few years ago , that’s true . For those of you old enough to remember lining a garbage can with news paper or packing a lunch in wax paper , these times are dangerous . The advent of plastic controls our daily movements , dictates how we flow through our days with promises of maintaining freshness that we can get back to later . Rushing ahead is our only option as life demands a 26 hour day to fit into a 24 hour period . Who set this system up and why ?

The common family has to work two jobs then do the household chores that a healthy family requires . This we all try to obtain along our journey to blissful retirement . What we now leave in our wake could be what we have to live with in that utopian future . Our end is on the horizon , the generation being blamed for ruining the world , the care free people from a 1960s mentality of peace and love . Does it really seem we gave up on nature or the next generation ? Not at all . We’ve been working together trying to combat the overwhelming landslide of problems heaped on us by outdated policies . Sweeping our problems under the rug just doesn’t work . The advent of a simpler lifestyle to compete with daily demands has become the normal and we trust it’s good for us . This couldn’t be further from truth .

On our way out we take the art of socializing with neighbors , separated we stand . We lose the art of preservation from season to season , it takes time and isn’t cost efficient anymore or so we’re told . That is just not true but does take time we don’t have anymore . Ignoring the simple things that help clean our world are thought of as time consuming and others can organize efforts to clean the mess with their spare time . Who has spare time anymore . Focus on the outdated handling of these problems and make the changes within , before they become epidemic . Trash and land management , disposal of toxic wastes shouldn’t be another reason to tax people . These modern problems should be dealt with before the distribution into society . We shouldn’t have third world countries as dumping grounds , held down by manufacturers needing a cheap way of increasing their profit . Ok , the bottom line seems to be cash . Money for the board and retirement packages so large they choke on the wads of money . What goes to the worker and then the people that are faced with living after these presidents are set ? We get to clean up the messes . This takes all our excess time as we fade into a short meaningless sunset . quite marvelous for the geniuses that set this structure up .

What we can do is write our legislation , voice our opinion about what should be set aside to help clean our world up . These presidents and retiring heads of corporations shouldn’t be given a sweetheart retirement . They don’t deserve being at the top of the heap when their actions have caused the destruction of our world . Let your voice be heard , shout out to those that will listen . The disease of our time has grown to yearly viruses sprouting from the garbage piled around us . These deadly problems along with dwindling sea life and chemicals sprayed on what foods we grow have begun a soup of toxic poison all around us . Use of the computer allows everyone to research what lies before us . This should be the beginning of the end for unjust unmonitored destruction . Our only defence is to work together in cleanup to change of these policies . Work together toward the natural changes upon us now in climate change to plastic in our oceans .

We’re faced with events that could easily cause destruction of billions of lives let alone ruin the world we hold so dear . This is all there is people , there won’t be a second chance once we’ve met the extinction level . It could be a beautiful sunset for the few willing to ignore the bodies strewn across the world as fertilizer for whatever is to come next .

I for one am not ready to lie down and hope for the next generation to come up with a plan of salvation . I am not willing to sit back and accept the plastic growing in our oceans and bellies . I am not accepting the new diseases born from the new toxic wastes offered to us as a helpful item in our now overburdened lives .

There are alternative products to plastic . There are safe chemicals and washes that can contain the deadly waste building in our waterways . Only a few years ago we could drink from a faucet or spring without fear of contamination . We should be concerned with this instead of turning to bottled water as an alternative . The new frontier isn’t very attractive if seen as manufactured , it should be natural . We have the ability by unity in voice, by forcing change and recognizing the flaws , the greed of the few . Exposing this is as important as gathering plastic from our water ways . making change for the future while we fade into forgotten history . Do what you can to help make these changes now . Please recognize what fragile life we hold in our hands . Please become involved in this life struggle in any way you can imagine . Let us hear your voices .

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