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Pain and War

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Our world has changed these past decades from peace and harmony to confusion and hate . Not long ago we were at war with everyone else , thinking our way was the right path . Time heals and we forget the painful times we’ve gone through , at least most left alive have . Those born after have never experienced the trauma , the bitter hate and lack of compassion that encompassed the world then . Is the cycle to begin it’s ugly destruction again or maybe it just needed time to organize , repair it’s mistakes that didn’t allow success back then ? Most young people play life like a board game never having seen past their lives .

This site began as a cleanup site offering solutions to problems we face that effect us daily . We realized if world problems continue unchecked a domino effect would worsen life for millions if not billions of people . We saw there could easily be solutions to these problems , that together through love of our world we can make a difference , no matter our color , creed or religion . These truths can still be accomplished if world leaders understand both sides of the coin . Wouldn’t helping clean up messes be as profitable as making more messes ? Wouldn’t giving knowledge about over population be better than exterminating those thought to be in the way ? Again I challenge our leaders to at least listen to the pain and trust people are intelligent enough to make hard decisions . Every spirit has a heartbeat and was given life for these years of growth here on earth . Predator or prey have been placed below human because of our ability to have compassion , to choose right from wrong . Now for us to exercise those abilities is more important than ever .

Our cleanup has become one of shame , disrespect and lies toward fellow man. Not just the atmosphere we thrive in but ourselves . I see more garbage thrown away now than ever . I wonder why ? I see division of man by prejudice and greed unlike anything since WW2 , why ? I see people kept from learning , divided from each other for the advancement of a few . For the last 20 years or so we’ve been taught to lie , to steal and kill whatever is in our way . The teacher being our own judges , white collar crimes and big business wanting only profit without consequence . Have we been following blindly or are we watching and doing alike ? I still believe in humane actions from the majority of people . Research shows social behaviors are in the best interests of the whole , not for just the few . Manners express the kind nature of the population even under stressed conditions . We have rights no other population has ever had in world history yet a few greedy people have vetted against unity and divided us for profit . Trust has never been questioned as much as now .

Returning to old market beliefs is one way to protect ourselves . Barter , trade and labor in trade are exchanges we should look into . The USA has stifled small business knowing these are our foundation . Most of the world still holds small business as a staple of society . Happiness through giving and receiving strengthens each of us more than most realize until all is lost . Don’t let kindness slip , acts of kindness is a backbone in every event . Listening to false narratives divides us and harms this bond . It’s the small things that add up to major accomplishments . As people gather with pride for each other , bringing what they have to the table , we all eat . As people regain pride our world becomes less cluttered with garbage , becoming beautiful again . There is no choice to these duties , we must acknowledge now . There are many points I have left out some of you will recall as you read this plea . Please post them , act together and we can give hope to crumbling disorder . Please hear our cry of unity .

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