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This is going to be a bit different yet in line with our other posts , so please use your imagination and shine brightly with us .

There are many levels of consciousness , all connected by our neural net or nervous system . There are many levels of being , from an atomic level to worlds and suns . There are many layers of these atoms and they move backward , forward , positive and negative among other vibrations we can’t understand in our three dimensional universes . This includes us as we are held together by magnetics and gravity among other glues like string theory explains .

Our brain , minds , don’t recognize the difference between any of this , or not on a subconscious level . We are programed to react to our world by what we’re taught and what works , thus cognitive thought stops where intuition , clairvoyance or our gut feelings start . We think there’s no solid connection between us and say a tree or fish . Air separates us , but does it ? There are positive vibrating molecules we can’t see that fill those spaces in another dimension . Remember , our subconscious doesn’t care or recognize that , only what we’ve been taught to believe since we were born , in our Beta brain .

The pollution ingested by us flows and some lodges in our bodies causing aging and blockages to slow or stop our advancing into an upper level of consciousness . Much of this can be avoided and what hasn’t can be cleansed by flushing our system with proper brooms and filters . All purple foods aid in cleansing blood , garlic helps flush toxic heavy metals , onions gather those heavy metals like a magnet also . Fresh water is one of the best cleansers ever and is so plentiful right now , wow what a gift . There are more natural aids available than in a drugstore but we’ve become a society of trust your local chemical factory and that’s very bad in my opinion .

Our water has been a target lately . Those few that gain control of us seem to not care about cleansing the water of our planet . There have been wars declared for the right to abuse water in abundance yet no solution or management has been offered for replenishing or cleaning this resource . There is just so much water we forgot that part even mattered , or have we ? If we remain separate and ignorant to the fact that everything is interconnected we don’t know the details , so pollute and use all you want , it’s plentiful for now . If everything continues to be polluted , water , our bodies , our oceans , we will not advance to the next level of consciousness , we will atrophied trying to accept the extra strain put on our systems . We will continue to ingest toxins that cluster around our pineal gland , crystalizing and stopping the advance of higher intelligence . This is one of the greatest harms mankind could ever face and it’s happening now .

Water that flows around this planet is like our blood . Plastic that is introduced into that flow clogs and introduces numbers of chemicals unseen but deadly harmful to us and all life , especially what lives in those water ways . There are many chemicals sprayed on crops all over the world , by the tonnage that washes into our waters every season . Many being long lasting heavy metal type, choking the life from oxygen breathing animals , gills included . We see the plastic but not a majority of the pollutions drifting around us , being ignored because what you can’t see must not hurt you or even be there . Focus on the smog , focus on blame of the everyday person that just does what their told . Let’s blame them because in the USA there has to be a blame for everything , no mistake , no accident but accountability for every action . Unless it is caused by those in charge , we the people are at fault and should be made to pay .

Now that we have a lot to clean up , have been given a 26 hour day crammed into a 24 hour period , we should ignore the evolution of our species until these problems have been cleaned up . If our DNA is being changed by introducing unfounded chemicals into our bodies, isn’t it changing every living thing along with ours ? At present so much new untested nano technology is being pumped through us as I question our longevity . Is this to stop evolution of species ? Are we such a threat that to destroy the entire world is at stake ?

Can we work together and overcome the threat , the fear of evolving to a higher plane of existence while showing love and compassion ? Will we be the parent to an unruly leading class that vows to destroy it all if they don’t get what they want ? Yes we will . Yes we can and should . Let’s join as if those molecules between us join together holding the fabric of our universe tight and safe . We are the gardeners of the universe and hold a place among the planets and stars throughout all we behold . Tests have been done already showing in two generations plant life returns to it’s natural DNA base from a highly modified GMO . This fact proves we as human will return to our path of evolution if given the chance . We need to address the problems our world is faced with now or it will become very hard to in the near future . Scientists need to face simple truths about effects from over fertilization , bug manipulation by chemicals and virus attacks against the people . This is not a game, it’s life .

There is so much more to this than we have brought into view today . With little research we see what is around us and easily can adjust toward a better outcome . Please discuss life with friends and family , add to our plea , give advice for solutions and repair . We all want a better world , without pain and suffering . We all deserve long life with love at its core and a future evolving toward higher planes of existence . We are the flow of water throughout our world . May we cleanse and flush out the pollution without much rehabilitation. We are interconnected . All Love , Love all.

Simple life evolves…….

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