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Are There Any Limits

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Here we are a few years past lock downs , still oppressed and locked down.

We didn’t expect this world abuse to continue or for people to take what their serving so long . It’s a great way to dirty the water but I still would have bet on decent people helping clarify along the way . Hey that’s a lie or this is cheap and really helps would have helped save lives a couple years ago but you all know what really happened by now . To say we’re mad as hell just isn’t enough .

So here’s the update on what our waters are faced with .

Air pollution is a high concern now as chemtrails saturate us 4000% times what any animal should endure . It’s killing everything now . Saturation has reached such high levels even the people doing it say “enough”. This enters our water too people ! But wait there’s more , tons of chemicals flood our waters daily causing a toxic soup , like Atrazine and acid , mercury and nurdles from plastic manufacturing . Now you may assume the poisons make the eggs and sperm not so excited about being born ? Yes I do too . We’ve seen a decline in all forms of life lately and a plethora of extinctions ranging from African birds and animals to North American song birds . Anything of beauty seems to be dying off .

We haven’t been able to travel freely . Going to reefs is a big part of checking on our eco-system from the ocean bottom up . If we are kept away as debris piles up unchecked and the nursery of thousands of species go without , who does that help or harm ? Our fish are being gobbled up by hungry people and are unable to repopulate because someone is major polluting and I don’t mean cow farts . Again , who benefits from this action? I think the same people talk green while doing the most against us . Pointing at auto emissions while chemical pollution kills the planet is such a kinder loving way . Hey we’re all dead anyway you slice it if we don’t stand together as a world united against this madness. A closed world keeps us from seeing each other , talking about the true events happening now and how to deal with them . Please open our world .

This threat of death has become so saturated in our daily it seems simple passive anymore . Yet as we just mentioned It’s Happening ! We are under attack , our world population is under attack because a few leading figures are afraid there might be to many people . I think that falls under delusional mental narcissism but there could be more to it . If we are to quietly fall on our own swords for you , please open the world in our last hours . Freedom to be with family is a small request . The necessary gathering to pass down history , pay tribute to lost family , pass along keepsakes is deeply engrained throughout most of the world . In the beginning of the frenzy people were kept from family , touching through glass as they died without even human touch . Just a couple years ago . Please stop the insanity and open our world.

We’re not sure what will be posted next . Hopefully something about the ocean and reefs . This post has much more unexpressed questions and some solutions to offer as repair . We see a lot of love and togetherness no matter what belief or shade our eyes are so keep sticking together out there .

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