HOME on the REEF

This year we experienced a couple Typhoons , hammering the reef and our house. Kristine and Pepito. Both super Typhoons that changed our reef , making them unrecognizable. The Mesa shelves that stood like trees were strewn across the reef like upturned umbrellas. The marshmallow towers that stood like high rises were swept out to sea and dropped down to the deep channels. Some survived , most gave way for new growth that quickly took advantage of the open sand and sun needed to anchor and supply warmth and energy. It’s a brand new reef. The fish and clutches of eggs abound with new life, like there was no problem. Shows the tenacious nature of sea life, just how strong the will to survive is. Here I must mention the forever chemicals and foreign matter hampering the life of everything living there in our oceans. Those things we humans place in the way of growth, stunt the size and reproductive cycles, killing everything quietly while offering an easier life for a few humans, profit above all.

Our house got hit by Kristine. Breaking down a wall along the east side and washing fill under and around the foundation. We acted quickly to repair as the next storm was already on the way. Pepito was expected to join with another Typhoon in the Pacific and become the bigger storm, maybe of the decade. Thankfully that turned north and hit in northern Luzon.

We breathed a sigh of relief and helped rebuild the crew quarters that were destroyed along with most neighbors houses along the wall. Thanks to the crew, neighbors and family we are doing well now. Anyayahan , Welcome friends, is the boat that crosses to Calapan, Mindoro. Best crew, captain and safest passing. I recommend the trip to anyone visiting the area.

Our next visit will be to Isla Verde, the dense reefs boasting 2000 species of fish and over 2500 coral types alone. Shallow waters make snorkeling a pleasure for the novice as well as professional divers. the deep comes quick and current can take you off quickly so stay aware of your surroundings. Even so there are football size areas in waters 2 to 4 meters allowing sun rays to show a brilliance of color. Great for cameras. Isla Verde sits in the middle of the Tiburon channel flowing from the Visayas to Batangas and on to Manila. There’s another reef we plan to visit just west of us, before mount Maria. I’ve heard very positive reports of their reef and resorts. Better keep my camera charged. I’ll post a report on that reef after the holidays. We’re excited to be home and so many things have kept us from reporting but there are no excuses only the job at hand. Giving you the information and passing it along to others interested in saving our environment has no price tag. Thank you all for following.

We hope to bring family along on more expeditions, being divers from young we old timers have to keep up with the grand kids. Some were babies when we started this site and our pride of their growth and knowledge is amazing to us. Watching them teach others and grow confidence among their piers looks like a generation of new thought and action here in the eye of life among the waves. Our world is vast yet small enough to be a baby among planets. There isn’t anyplace we’ve found remotely like Earth. We despairatly need to help it, and us survive the pollution frivously cast like dumped garbage. to ignore it any longer is a death sentence we can’t afford. I’m sure you’ve heard we’re on the cusp of no return. If you’re not part of the solution now, maybe it’s time to think about joining.

By 2050 our plastic industry will triple. Just over 20 years and there won’t be anything living without plastic in their system . There is no way to pick up every piece of debris. There are methods of biodegradable material to be used instead though. Who cares if the plastic can last forever if we’re all long gone before it’s tarnished and lost it’s shiny gloss? Recycling is a fiction made up to keep green believers busy looking the other way. Fish species have shrunk in size and population and that’s been cast as to many people while it’s the chemicals dumped in our oceans by the tons and tons unchecked. Every time we ban one chemical there are ten more to take it’s place. The game isn’t a game we want to play. Switch and bate has to stop, be exposed and there are people now willing to listen. Sound your voice and write your leaders. Gather together and shout about what’s costing your life and those coming after us. You can see it above the waves just as well as below the oceans. PLEASE HELP!

Biology of Thought

In a short brief I would like to introduce questions relating to actions our own cells make in reaction to the chemicals we ingest. From the moment our DNA unites with another we were taught to believe our fate was set. Not true. The environment influencing us has more to forming us than we could imagine.

Dr. Bruce Lipton’s analogy explains the sub-particle workings of the membrane , nucleus , proteins and charged matter within the cell. Like a butter sandwich, bread then a layer of butter and then bread . Water and oil express outside contaminants as well as nutrients but the oil stops the water from entering the inner cell. Place olives between the bread as tunnels for proper nutrients to enter yet keeping the bad elements away.

The particles that could harm us figured a way to inject themselves into proteins that feed the cell , entering like a trojan horse. Of course this turns into a circus as the cell doesn’t know how to act. Opening doors and windows for assorted illnesses to take hold. Changing DNA along the way to produce diseases like Epilepsy, Parkinson’s, EDHD, Dyslexia and about 500 + other disorders that could be completely eliminated just by what we ingest one way or the other.

The plastics in our lives is a bigger threat than you’re being told. The forever chemicals dumped into our environment is harming the natural growth of everything on this planet. The spraying of chemicals worldwide is harming life as we know and their not about to stop for our sake.

We plan to look deeper into the unseen genocide taking place . We all should be outraged by what is happening . Research what you can and protect those you love.

Survival of the fittest

Just some facts combined with other facts .

There are many ways to procreate. Asexual , Sexual , Hermaphrodite, and even more self pollinating species that ensure survival in our special world of water. Among these marvels of survival , we’re faced with massive egg laying , plenty of predators and just the environment against living to maturity enabling them to again procreate and begin another cycle .

What has been introduced into the mix , maybe the biggest threat to survival on the planet is man’s intervention and total destruction of our beautiful planet with total disregard for other species or science of how they have been destroying life on a global scale for decades.

One fact that glares out is the dumping of toxic chemicals into our waterways. Just by pure greed we’ve sent many animals , plants , fish and even ourselves into , toward extinction. In the ocean as an excellent example some fish use chemical scent , pheromones to attract a mate. Even going so far as during propagation , warding off predators but the most important is attracting a mate. Forever chemicals and Atrazine confuse these species , let alone the rest of life. We are fighting on another level now and will be as long as we ignore the facts.

Second fact is the sun shining across our world , giving photosynthesis to almost everything growing in the seas. During a seasonal cycle some fish, mammals , even plant life adjust their cycles because of lack of sunlight. precious life giving light that promotes growth for everything . When we experiment with blocking the sun with man made chemicals , it’s not just unfounded but criminal intent against every living thing on our planet. let alone starving the lives of most of the fish , mammals and plankton providing sustenance for all including man’s hunger as well.

Without scientific fact those that use the world as a petri dish are using everything as their own failed experiment. Without fact , science or concern for life in general , we’re being eliminated without a choice , without a vote. We’ve been told , they know what’s best for us. I beg to differ with these self appointed know it all and stand against everything they say. I do not consent , I do not give my agreement to damage any life form on land or sea. I feel the saturation has already reached levels that eventually will destroy all life on our fragile planet. I for one would enjoy surviving on into the year 3000 and beyond. I would enjoy seeing the next generations live healthy , happy lives , progressing toward another level of evolution bringing humanity out of these dark times.

With that said . We are all in this soup together . Like it or not , your actions and choices effect everyone else . Your inaction has a similar effect as we spiral out of control with a maniac at the helm . Worry about your daily bread and being pink or green but it’s not going away and we need to see the facts. There are more proofs that astound us as we watch the oceans and how life shows us how fragile life really is here in our water world. Man couldn’t have survived this long without help from somewhere. We’ve grown to realize the need for a gardener and steward , act appropriately and begin the watch against mismanagement. Stand now or fall beneath the visible veil that protects us for now.

Barrel coral
Coral tunnels

Thankful insights on a crooked path

Sometimes as we wander aimlessly through life we stumble into jewels of opportunity . Most of the time it’s hit and miss, being 99.9% miss leaving us with something other than our main goal. That’s science, practicing medicine and most other factions of collecting data furthering our social growth.

That isn’t the case now with all the newly uncovered technology brought forth to just a few, not openly given to the common person. It has been said we have a thousand years of advanced tools and information we haven’t opened yet. Lessening the need for genius minds and propelling the desire for a simple worker to unlock small parts of a larger whole. You can put the pieces together from there. Trust is earned not easily given and for good reason. Our history shows control is power created by gifts offered under false pretense, no gift ever arrives anymore . Just keep looking in the direction of the man made hazard, expend all effort to clean it up with hopes of having a better life. Learn by our mistakes. This works well with simple minds.

In our effort to expose the plastics and garbage dumped into our Oceans we focused on exactly that, cleaning it up. Feeling the rest of the planet would unite to help and things would be better. Yes people are helping , gathering debris , cleaning oil spills and a multitude of projects to keep us busy. Without the effort we’d be much worse but the dumping continues faster than the cleanup effort and that’s the game. Create a problem , call it a world crisis and tell people they are the problem. Nothing makes us work harder than feeling guilty. The excuse doesn’t dismiss the problems though . We have many problems to repair along the way to greatness.

Mankind has a faulty memory to be sure. We’ve gone through these cycles over and over through the centuries. We here in the Gyre site focus on the pollution in our Oceans and in our fresh water tributaries . We’ve contained our focus to helping in ways we feel will benefit all people and enlighten everyone about health and safety . We stay out of the war zone and try to project a peaceful outcome for those that realize war isn’t necessary anymore. Our planet has become to small to ignore the facts of live and let live, grow together and enjoy happiness. Disease comes from pollution and dumping into our Oceans is a major problem . Viruses and Bacteria thrive in the filth we discard frivolously , not thinking about the outcome. Well, we do but as our leaders continue dumping and pointing fingers at the populations we divide and become lost in hate of people not really at fault.

Back to the jewel in the mountain , the needle in the haystack as it were. What we discover is woefully shy of being on time but we find small growths along the way. Hopefully we won’t become extinct before our decision makers figure this out. another focal point is the fish in the reefs. like a jewel or needle our reefs contribute massive gifts to all mankind. food to replenish our hunger, CO2 to replace our oxygen , the beauty of coral and strength of limestone for future building and art projects. Unless we acknowledge the poisoning we’re inflicting on the world and ourselves we’re doomed to cycle back to diseases above growth. We were born as beautiful examples of a being that expressed love , patience, health and nurturing for every living being on this planet. Greed and control has grown so vile we don’t know right from wrong anymore. Trusting in leaders that display poor qualities has always proven to be bad choices. Start at the base , help the root problems and encourage healthy growth. Then we build from there.

There are some lies about what and who we are that need addressing. There is hardly enough people on this planet now. If we weren’t dumping so many forever chemicals in our atmosphere plant life , animal life and a plethora of benefits would abound. The more we are turned against life and in turn each other, the more confused we become. War is the most outdated concept in the modern world . There is no need to hate or hold others responsible for atrocities created by the few greedy leaders . Let’s stop the hate for the handful of haters. We are evolving toward a fourth dimensional mind, sight that will unite the people along our evolution into the universe. This has been prophesized for thousands of years. Well , Aluminum attaches to the pineal gland to retard our growth. Understand this please. We are being attacked on all fronts. The sooner we stop this onslaught the quicker we evolve. Energy levels have dropped causing us to become disinterested in much other than survival . kick it into high gear people. Sterilizing our young, gender confusion and the attacks on our population is a false flag as I’ve stated. We are the gardeners of the universe, not meant to be living in pollution, not meant to have dull minds but to flourish and be vibrant. I’m very comfortable in a garden , on land or under the waves. It gives a feeling of unity , of being a part of something greater than just myself. Grow a plant and see how it makes you feel. Eat the fruit or vegetable from that plant and be super energized . All these are the hidden truths we’ve been separated from . Gifts of life.

School of babies together for protection
color abounds in the reefs around Isla Verde


HERE WE GO WITH THE RACE OF THE YEAR. No I’m not talking about the swim race from Lobo to Isla Verdi, I’m talking about the birthing of thousands of baby turtles hatching. Such excitement is a once a year event held throughout the beaches in the South China Sea. Extending to Australia and up to Viet Nam. Maybe I forgot some special areas within the egg laying beaches that are none the less producing hundreds if not thousands of turtles every year. Yay to the tenacity of these great world explorers.

When they hatch they immediately head for the ocean . People excitedly gather , party and help the little critters find their home out there. What a big home it is indeed. Turtles have been recorded in every ocean , tagged as far away as north Pacific coast from hatching in Indonesia , almost 12,000 miles away and still growing. In Japan they eat their fill of giant Jellyfish the Man O War along with kelp, coral and balancing the ecosystem to what used to be normal. Until the advent of plastic in our oceans the job they do went unnoticed. Now we’re faced with massive hatchings of Jellies and less turtles to eat them . So , Jellie’s are on the menu in Japan . No doubt they wish it could be quality fish , unpolluted by mercury and radioactive pollution but nope now they get Jellyfish. yum.

In such a short time our protective organizations have turned a blind eye to the problems we all face, but that’s nothing new as we find how upper crust society gobbles down the prime and leaves the bones for world populations to fight over. Look over there has become the battle cry every time a disaster strikes , but that the opposite way from the disaster at hand. So no change here. Only that fishing catches produce smaller fish and lesser catches than just ten years ago. The research has been dumped by the control polls that would be astounding if released. yep we’re not seeing the food on the shelves and what there is happens to be to expensive to buy. Get your credit card ready, pay the 22% interest and have a tasty bait fish for dinner. Hey this is about turtles!! Well they are so special in our ecosystem books have been written about their importance. Turtles help groom the reefs for eggs to grow properly. Turtles can live over a hundred years and produce thousands of eggs in their lifetime. Such a titan of the sea should be honored and watched so we can follow their lead. Why would such a long lived animal produce such massive hatchlings and live so long? Because the world needs them that badly , without the mighty turtle our oceans would quickly fall out of balance with nature. Just as the shark is misunderstood , so is the turtle. Protected against virtually everything by it’s shell. A true survivor , a grazer , peaceful and gentle, the turtle stands alone.

There is a great threat not only to the turtle but all life here and that is plastic. Plastic has been spread like peanut butter all over the planet. Spread like a freak that just don’t care. unmonitored and toxic at levels beyond a livable amount. Why ? If it’s so bad , why haven’t any of our world policing groups acknowledged it? As the turtles graze they like to add protein to their diet, jellyfish is perfect. digesting the jellies is easy with some coral and sea grass in your gut. Not so for plastic. They become clogged with indigestible plastic and soon die of starvation with a full stomach. It must be one of the worst ways to die, painful , confusing , energy depleting , slow deaths with a 100% kill rate. So again I ask WHY ? Why hide these facts in the news and under waters that provide life for the planet. It’s a war on us all. All Life, animal, bug, foliage and trees harmed by plastic and chemicals dumped frivolously , nilly come hither, anywhere they won’t be seen doing so. Like third world countries. People we trust in places they think we won’t know. Help, I’m sinking in a sea of pollutants along with my loving turtles. They don’t understand any better than I do. It’s not to late to call or write your legislature about this huge problem that combined with the other world catastrophes lessen our chances of survival. Do the elites think their immune to end of world events?

Bohol 2024

Love all All love

2024 coral update

Hi guys; we’re back in Isla Verde , where the constant growth of coral amazes me. As we’ve traveled to other destinations expecting bountiful returns of colorful coral, we find bleached and dying coral. Why ? Some places are damaged by man and it’s obvious while other sites are a mystery. Ocean temperatures have been constant for the 15 years we’ve been monitoring the oceans. Some places have blocked off the flow such as the Keys in Florida and warming has occurred beyond normal for years now. I’m hearing the great reefs of Australia are now bleaching beyond repair. I find believing the so called facts just to convenient . The Great Barrier reef is open to the southern Indian Ocean and exposed to a massive chemical dump along with massive plastic dumping and who knows what other unwanted debris swept under the waves. As far as we can tell the water temperature has been constant at tolerable levels but a natural level of bleaching isn’t what we see. We’re seeing a death across the reefs on a massive scale. Something only mans hand can effect , not nature.

On a scale of hidden truths we’d say this is one of the worst cover ups in world history. Blame it on the average human , cow farts, the green deal that we’ve ignored , on and on into the blame game and ignore the truth. We’re being polluted by chemical dumping and forever chemicals don’t go away. they just accumulate more and more until the reefs and humans choke on the shit that keeps products store fresh. please stop these crimes against humanity now. Our world is at stake.

We’ve gone to two sites showing stress in just the last couple weeks. The natural degradation has overtaken some of the reef as new coral springs up. It’s a process that combs the sea bed adding limestone to the oceans floor for a regrowth, maybe next season or ten years from now but coral is very resilient when given a chance to thrive. Think of it as a forest after a fire. Clears, cleans and leaves great nutrients for the next generation to use. It’s a natural cycle. It’s also easy to point out the manufactured damage as opposed to natural die off.

Most people don’t dive or look at what’s there in a scientific way. People just want to enjoy the cool of the water, feel the mist and trust there will always be living oceans to produce the oxygen needed to breath our air above the reefs. They want to fish and catch their limit. We would like to see their dreams come true but until we look deeper into the web of deceit and address the poisons frivolously dumped over the reefs, we are doomed. If the waters are too polluted for safe swimming how do the creatures that live there feel? We have no place to escape to and once we destroy our paradise it’s gone.

In most of our posts we allow for everyone to think for themselves. Ask the questions that come to mind. We also try to pack enough information to feed those brain cells with the questions. I know everyone reading these posts have empathy for the people and planet around them to follow through, to ask.

As with most crises now days the false denial always points to we the people. If only each and every one of us would have done something to help. That’s shifting the blame away from the factories and organized leaders taking the payoffs. It’s not your fault or responsibility but chasing your tail keeps you busy. let’s instead try sending a message of concern to our representatives explaining how drastic the problem has become. Just don’t believe the ” global Warming ” is the root of our problem. We’ve had enough of that lie, or the nicer term of ” misinformation ” that dismisses responsibility in such a flowery way.

As we swim the reefs here I can’t help thinking we’re protected by neutral government around the South China Sea. Today the reefs are vibrant, alive and producing the worlds fish in mass that no farming or hatcheries could ever match. It’s a marvel to watch the births of hatchlings or the puffs of coral spores during a full moon. It fills our hearts with hope, survival and even abundance. That we do address this very important issue is paramount to our lives and most of us don’t even know the importance of keeping our waters clean.

Unlike Australia where the Great Barrier is open to one of the worlds largest oceans, aided by deep water currents to keep cool. Between Indonesia and the Philippines is shallow waters running through thousands of islands. One thought is those shallow areas filter some of the forever chemicals along their flow helping protect the young schools and coral. We would like to examine some of our theories in more detail and plan to although our budget only allows for slow inspection and what we can see as proof with our monitoring systems. It’s rather antique but proven methods for the last few hundred years. Spreading the word is also grass root growth and we could use your help. please help spread the word. Let’s clean the gyres , enable more clean water to flow and live happy, healthy lives.

Bohol 2024
Dive search , 2024

ocean life Dec. 2023

Hello everyone, We’ve returned from the north most point in the main Island of Luzon, Philippines. Searching for that perfect spot to take guests and send tourists. We found a few, Vigan was our first stop with cobble stone streets, empanadas, bagnet and old buildings. They also have a Zoo , holding many exotic animals . a white Tiger was a favorite, with picture taking tourists willing to sit in a pose. The beaches were further up north in Ilocos Norte.

From there we traveled north to Pagudpod, past the windmills. A small community, Saud, was our next stop, on the beach. It is a growing barangay along beautiful beaches, just right for swimming and sun. plenty of good food and friendly people. Many fishing boats adorn the coast but not much boat tourism yet. The fish and coral along the beaches were sparse, possibly due to open current and lack of protection in the north China Sea. I was told just north takes you to Taiwan, but it’s a small Island and easy to miss. Don’t try swimming , you’d likely be cast away. From there we turned south again and spent time in Ilocos Sur at Candon. They grow a lot of Tobacco there, among other crops of corn and peanuts. Just developing tourism, it’s a larger city compared to Saud and has much to offer. While there we learned to roll cigars from an 85 year old woman who told stories of the Japanese invasion of WW2. It was a most delightful part of our journey. You can buy pre-rolled cigars in the public market if you prefer, probably better than any I rolled.

The beach was nice as usual. Sand and light surf , warm water made for good swimming but again not much coral so not many fish species. I found a few shells , found a crab or two, some sea weed and what looked like peas growing on sea vines. I was told the pea type weed was medicinal, good for the prostate I believe.

Again we loaded the van and traveled to Bauang. After securing a room we took a day trip up into the mountains to Baguio City. Not what I expected. Traveling through the mountains I though we would find a small mountain town nestled among ridges in possibly a valley or along a river. What I found to be there was a city as large as any along the coast or inland, with houses and commercial buildings built up into the mountainside, some quasi flat areas but usually up or down with every step. musicians playing along the streets, two parks and a zoo. There just didn’t seem to be an end to the curiosities that cropped up right around every turn. The entire drive from one park to the next was manicured and I asked at one point if we were still in the park. It was beautiful. Being only a day trip wasn’t enough for the visit. I recommend spending a couple days there to ingest the full flavor and view of Baguio.

We returned to Bauang, La Union, enjoyed the beach and ocean there , resting for our return to Lobo Batangas the next day. I hadn’t found and tour guides yet and even though Bauang was a large city it seemed to be growing for tourism. Plenty of open beach and privacy. We had passed through San Fernando heading both directions and that was a hot spot for younger surfers as the waves were larger and surfable. It’s a known destination for the action crowd and did seem like a fun pace to be. In La Union and not far from where we stayed, I recommend touring there if your holidaying along the north coast.

The trip was wonderful, colorful and informative for sure. Upon returning to the reef in Lobo I celebrated with a snorkel dive among the ever enhancing forest in our back yard. Being thankful for what we have right here at home. Isla Verde stands out like a beacon of good hope to the world as the reef forest lies below unnoticed by the world passing by above. What a trade off of 02 to oxygen we have and nurseries of fish species propagating here is unparalleled anywhere we’ve been. Thank the creator for sending us to this home .

Heading North
Another beautiful day in Paradise
Swan boats Baguio park
Coordinated fishing
Our neighbors came out to greet us home…

Reef Life

It’s 2023 , almost years end and we haven’t touched more than 3% if what we’ve learned this year. Some highlights.

We’ve gone to Mote Laboratories a few months ago . Located in Florida U S . Great people devoted to protecting the reefs in south east United States. The waters have warmed and it’s hard to keep coral thriving above 90f . They are growing Elk Horn coral and displacing it in safe areas along the Atlantic coast. Elk Horn coral is hardy and can withstand temperatures above what the corals here in the Philippines need. So much more information is on their site for those wanting more information.

We’ve experienced an oil spill along our coasts ranging from Palawan to Luzon , flowing between Mindoro and Luzon and surrounding inlets. 900,000 liters spilled before being contained . Little was heard about this disaster , maybe due to so many other world atrocities at the time. It will not be forgotten.

The ongoing push of World warming and pollution has met with unscientific claims yet the plastic and forever chemicals are still flowing into our oceans like a bad case of diarrhea . Going unchecked by any world health organization or green type system billed as our saviors. Seems the green is only dollars and the health is for the elites .

If we’re being pushed into WW 3 all this will fall into the blind eye zone , or are we being poked in our eyes just for fun. The cost is overwhelming to us all while the governments seem not to notice. We people are left with yet another cleanup job to keep us busy . Do we really throw all our plastic bags and wrappers into the wind? Do we fart too much ? Has the glimmer of smell , taste and the world dream of milk and honey so invaded our lives that we have to keep up with what’s new , no matter the cost? Soon we will coat the fish in Plastic to protect them from harmful chemicals , feed them steroids and only allow swimming on alternate days ? So, don’t fish with the bugs cuz we need to eat that protein . The trade off for electric cars is approximately 17 dollars per gallon of what would have been oil fuel. That doesn’t count the pollution of the batteries. And many listen to this insanity.

This trip to the reefs show many species are recovering and that’s a bonus , an epic boost to the reefs and nurseries throughout S. E. Asia and on to Australia . We expected to travel more this trip but health issues stomped on that right away. Within a few weeks we have hopes of visiting the reefs in the northern areas and will enlighten you all with pictures and news of life there . I hear good things about the cleanliness and desires to help nurse the reefs further into happy healthy habitat for new outcroppings of fish and coral. What we see is what you get. The truth is all I have to teach since I was taught to read and write. Defense becomes our best offence as we endeavor to persevere.

We could try explaining the devastation surrounding us all right now but we think you all know why, so just to survive is a plentiful fruition of humanity. I have faith in humankind and fully expect the time to come when life is happy and we all get along. There are a couple of amazing new items I’d enjoy sharing with you , so excited about and helpful for all . They may change the course of our lives. There is a water filter coming out , reusable and cheap . When governments are alerted to the potential of this filter everyone will have a cleaner healthier life. This will add to quality and longer life as well as eliminate harmful chemicals before they enter the main flow into our oceans. You’ll hear more about this fantastic device as time passes. The second is a resonance device to help with health, healing and negative outlook among other positive contributions in our daily lives. With all the negative signals bombarding us , along with harmful chemicals constantly thrust on us , we now have a scientific proven device to cleanse us inside and out. Pretty fantastic items for the future of life on our little blue marble. Just my opinion but I feel this is a life changer for us all.

There’s only one way we can travel and that is up. Into and on the red path as my forefathers would say. There is no tear it down and make us all suffer as that is the most negative thought pattern we could ever adapt. Make life a beautiful place for all . Provide what is needed for all and expand into the universe with our eyes open and heads held high .

Lobo Reef
many species thriving
Mesa’s of many colors 2023
Weird and wonderful

Looking Out My Back Door

We’ve made our way back to Batangas with an appreciation of the reef just steps away. I also grew a heart for the Florida Keys and the battle they have with keeping the coral alive there. We are gifted here in the bulls eye of reef and nursery growth . I could estimate 25% of the schools of fish world wide come from the naturally protected reefs between Australia and here in the Philippines.

First and foremost the new births impressed me immediately upon entering the water. schools of baby fish every direction I turned. All colorful species, blue, yellow , stripes, dots, tiger stripes, catfish, groupers, and many others like the ever present parrot and clown fish. We’ve been busy adjusting to the time change and opening the house, so batteries were dead that first dive. Next day rained and most of the schools were hiding under coral, but enough were curious and posed for me. Being overcast and suit clouding the water took some of the brilliance away yet I came away with a fulfilled feeling of peace and comfort. We will all survive.

After visiting the Mote Laboratories in Florida, seeing the effort those people are taking toward restoration of dying species, I would like to see something like that present here as well. We have a lot to offer the world and informing people of the importance these reefs. As the world seems to be going crazy the one place that remains constant is the coral reefs here. I’ve been monitoring temperatures, tide, acidic and alkaline stability among diseases that just naturally come and go like a common cold. What we’ve seen is no unnatural global warming, no rising ocean levels just a world that needs to be cleaned up and respected. Placing blame or creating a disaster for the sake of fear and money doesn’t make a man made disaster. If there was one we’d address it full force with every country in the world. We’d all be in trouble.

There doesn’t seem to be much damage done from the oil spill last year and that’s a blessing. The people here acted quickly , put up barriors to capture the oil , and keep the spill to a minimum. Thank you all, people of the Islands effected by that disaster. 900,000 liters of oil flowed into the straights between Palawan and Luzon averted by the people on site. Seems the media and Government had their hands full at that time.

OK , more to come later, more reefs to explore and we’ll be in touch.

All Love

Philippine oil spill 2023

For over four weeks now there’s been an oil spill in Oriental Mindoro, sunken ship with no permits that no media cares to report. Over 800,000 liters of industrial fuel, oil, pouring from the ruptures in a tanker that shouldn’t have been sailing let alone carrying toxic oil in the seas of the Philippines. This ship has failed to pass required checks since September 2022. The name of the ship is Princess Empress, owned by R D C Reield Marine Services. Sailing from Limay, Bataan going to Iloilo. After a month the information concerning the owners being linked to San Miguel Corporation even the type of fuel has been masked by goverrnment agencies and main street Media.

Fishing has been halted from Palawan, Batangas and parts of Oriental Mindoro. This is a major spill that deserves world attention yet has been covered up by big agencies paid off or in affiliation with the disaster. Such acts should not go unnoticed or unpenalized. The blame is clear for the world to see but hasn’t been given the proper legal attention by court or government. These atrocities have been thrown into a basket of world offenses we the people are expected to absorb with a spoon full of lemon. The taste holds in our mouths like oil has been mixed with it. The straight truth is much easier to swallow. Without fish we starve, without reefs we suffocate, as these dirty deeds seem to become normal. When will it stop, when will we have our world back ?

Isla Verde is a protected sanctuary along the straight, west of the spill. Weakening of the North West winds causes the oil to flow Northward toward the Island passage. the damage is expected to last for years. These winds are expected to push the spill to provincial capital Calapan City, the Verde Island and some parts of Batangas Province. Barriers have been placed along reefs through the passage. The spill is expected to affect 20,000 hectares of coral reefs, 9,900 hectares of mangroves and 6,000 hectares of sea grass, most of which are found in the marine ecosystems in Pola in Mindoro, Caluya in Antique and the Cuya Group of Islands. After a month of neglect the Philippine and Japanese marine salvage operation has begun. that is a step in recovery. the Senate legislation 518 chapter 4 section F protects ecosystems world wide in a number of ways. If the offender or corporation is knowingly involved in dumping any toxic or harmful substance they are held responsible for damages done. The fine is minimal and almost a joke as the cleanup effort will cost millions and take years to repair. What effort can we address at this early stage of recovery? Inform the public for one. Address the spill with human involvement, elbow grease, and begin filtering the ocean as aggressively as possible. Tighten regulations and impose fines enough to fit the crimes. Inspections of sea fairing vessels that carry toxic substances and a possible ban on water transport of these substances.

This is the worst disaster involving our ecosystem in the Philippines we have ever faced and to berate the importance of such a disaster is a crime in itself. Without our precious reefs, our fish nurseries that replenish the great oceans we would all be lost. All countries should be outraged by this event . I can’t believe the coverup by such corrupt enterprises ignoring, covering their tracks and hiding the truth from us all . This is not acceptable in any way shape or form and needs to be dealt with with a heavy hand . Enough Is Enough !

Reef Life 2023

This is our first post in 3 years, but far from our last. It’s been a rough road to follow and hidden damage becomes exposed again like calm after the storm.

When I first swam the reef this year what I noticed was a lack of nurseries, lack of plentiful reef fish or the aquatic life that encompasses those fragile schools. I immediately sounded the alarm to families living along the shore. Most knew what had been happening but had no knowledge of the why or how to combat the loss of life. Sound firmillar? It should because that’s the norm for our everyday life now. We are to blame for the misuse and destruction of our world and to eliminate us is the chosen fix. No science, no logical explanation, just put fault on the confused and concerned people starving for reason.

It’s been a hard road traveled and we’re getting older. No excuses can supplement the loss and now is not the time to quit. So in the time we have, for the next few weeks we’ll be examining as much reef and sea life within our grasp as we can. We will express the facts to you as honestly and scientifically as posiable then allow you to make a decision. Help or ignore the problems but you can’t unsee the train wreck that is in front of us right now.

In my first few dives I recognized the coral growth. Most years, because of Typhoon activity the coral takes a beating. Building back to display a beautiful, colorful new reef for schools of fish to hatch out, be protected and thrive. I saw that was close to normal for our reefs. What was missing was the schools of colorful fish that usually carpet the mesa and horn coral. What usually gives shelter is there then where are the hatchlings I enjoy so much? As in previous writings , I feel the pollution has a major impact on the eggs just as the song birds are fewer that years past. The chemical pollution is almost as bad as the plastic, we can’t see and ignore. Stopping the industry is like fighting a brick wall. What tools do we have, what unity or voice holds together in a myriad of misinformation and non science. Hold together , become a collective voice and stand strong. Else wise we fall, just like the powers that be have planned. Without our reefs and schools of fish the food is lessened and we starve. We have to protect the fragile birth of all species not just our human children. You see the attacks in every move these media people make. Make a choice now or regret it while you and yours are without.

This is a short post but we’re happy to be back. In the next couple weeks I hope to send out more positive news. We plan to visit as many reefs as possible and send as much information to you as we can.

Near Isla Verde 2023

Near Isla Verde 2023


Throughout the world the word for mother is similar, that’s for purpose as well as showing a nurturing from our mothers.

This post ends the collection of realities explained by our past posts in the lock down era. May we never see that oppression again, never forget and hold those responsible accountable. We’ve shown the neglect of leaders without concern for fellow man. Actually our world is dying because of man made problems like pollution and chemicals that are so destructive they will end life on our planet forever. We the people are being blamed for these manufactured attacks as if we just don’t care about the rest of the people. That’s the opposite of what’s going on but when their trying to kill and control life, nothing else matters.

Mother earth needs our help now more than ever before. Global warming , Green deals and attmosphereic manipulation are all wool over our eyes. blind us with false promises false science and word salad that confuses even the brightest minds. To top it off we introduce disease as an excuse to hold humanity in a prison setting.

Mother would never kill her child, cause harm to others or ignore the facts but if they can take motherhood and make it something else like corrupted man being called mother, well the soup is getting hot. Woman has been knocked off her throne. The king is expected to honor these few IT’S for the sake of riots against what was a loving , accepting society. And Then What ?

To change life we make choices for the better. What has presented as ” tear it all down” has nothing to replace the what worked fine with. Does that make sense? Throwing a fit is a childish prank done to see the limits a child can achieve, usually to their mother because she will passionatly scold while to through a fit to the unknown may end very badly for the child. How far are we , the common sense majority, going to bend to these tyranical few child like people doing the bidding of a corperate overlord? Sorry if that fact hurts those still hiding from the riots of Portland and Seattle. Let’s clean this up before we have nothing left to clean up. What was once a peaceful world is now devided and ready for conquer, just not by the Chinese or Russians, not even the people of the so called free world. You know as well as this writer the culprit is big Pharma run by the world bank and D.O.D. That’s not Dad or Mom.

Our next post is here and now, on the reefs again. It may be a shock to some but truth is a hard pill to swallow. Mom needs us more than ever right now. She’s stood by us , taught us and nurtured our needs. Let’s not believe the end is so near that trusting the enemy is our only option. Trust Mom. Our world.

In the beginning we were blended for the acknowledgment of our species. That we could help life throughout the universe and beyond. We have shown to follow is easier and comfortable if we just let that cycle control us. The migration pattern of the Hopi people and where they came out expresses the need to make choices for the whole, keep our minds open and follow instinct. When we get too comfortable we give away the unity of mind and spirit. We have this time to make our own cycle and that door will close again soon. Those controlling destiny must know this and want to continue oppressing the people, unlike any mother or leader we’ve ever encountered. Yes, it’s the end of the fourth world but we can make our own cycle, destiny is in our hands. Otherwise we forget and are condemned to follow the controlled life as slaves. Listen to these words and express them to others. Blend in harmony what octaves you are and the beauty will grow. Trust yourselves.

interdimensional water?

We can see water easily change from solid to liquid and vapor and that is enough to show our path along dimensional lines. We are 80% water and internally flow like the streams, creeks, rivers and into oceans that circulate throughout our world. We are that flow as well.

It has been said we influence water crystals by thought but could it be more internal as well? Yes I think so . After realizing how water crystals form after being influenced by positive or negative thought the conclusion can only show we effect everything in our lives. This is a profound statement for those wishing to just follow or be led. With all the mistruths most of us have lost our minds anyway. It’s very simple, just think positive. Use your thoughts to send loving feelings into all situations and those thoughts spread to others. Flow keeps thoughts balanced, negative thought is like a damn holding back that flow. Everything beyond or down stream has to change because of the lack of positive flow. If we are uncertain or angry our course develops blockages like ponds with scum and bad bacteria that sickens our flow.

Resonating harmony through water strengthens vibrations enabling frequencies to blend. This gathers and unifies people making a stronger thought pattern. Just expressing positive thought blends with other people. Negative thought is jagged and repels others, so it has to be repeated over and over to convince people it’s for the best. Sometimes what doesn’t taste good isn’t. Even things we can’t taste or see have been introduced into our world, not for the better but to make profit. In this modern world we have developed many toxic molecules unknown to their effects long term. These retard our decisions, damage our immune systems and sicken our flow. Not a good thing in any way, shape or growth.

PFAS is , Per- Polyfluoroalkyl substances or easily stated, forever chemicals. These man made molecules replace hydrogen in their bonds with fluorine, creating an almost unbreakable bond that lasts thousands of years. We now have these chemicals in everything including ourselves. This causes diseases such as cancer among many others. It replaces the hydrogen with an oil\ grease bond, ” fluorine” to the carbon that prevents breakdown for easy cleaning of carpet, clothing, paper dishes etc. What does it do to us ?

Other than melting clouds, as I was taught as a child, water crystals can be influenced by our children as mind expression and strength. There are many other exercises we ignore today that used to be fun before modern electricity. Now we’re in the big time, ha. I think if we knew the power we hold in our thoughts we’d accept different life styles. Some of what we learn today is just wasting positive thought for an acceptance of expectation. Some is a belief that fellow man wishes us all well and will to protect life above all else. Sorry to disillusion you. Buyer beware.

Thinking in terms of, Frequencies, Resonances, and Vibrations brings us to Harmony. Harmony is blending our positive thoughts with others, expanding like a chorus, and developing beauty to enjoy. Coming up with solutions where alone we couldn’t have imagined. There’s more to this frame of thought. There are harmonies that elevate our mental growth as well. Certain tones open neuronal pathways we overlook that bring love and patience, growth into our other dimensions such as 4th dimensional sight and mind. This allows seeing into mercurial places aura and etheric along with many other advances. The world will balance better once we’ve grown to invite this. As we grow toward this maturity we begin protecting self space as well. Many of the modern items we take for granted aren’t for our good but stagnate our natural growth, Who would want to do that to humanity? Now the fact that big business isn’t concerned with our health and happiness comes to light.

Watch yourself and be aware of what you put in your body. Use clean water always , at least as best you can. Flush out the toxins as best you can. Stop using manufactured goods and grow what vegies and fruits you and your family need. Grow extra for those unable to. Question things like carbon emissions and resetting the environment to fit the dictates of underqualified people. THINK.

Is water in other dimensions? The molecules vibrate forward and backward. We are in a negative vibrating universe. What is between solid here may be solid somewhere else, another dimension. Being said, everything is connected through dimensions. Nature places the two most abundant molecules Nitrogen and Hydrogen along with carbon to make almost everything. I assume fluid must be the basic atmosphere for most levels of dimension if not all. Water blends with water around the world. Water carries thought and holds memory. This is how we send and receive intuition, love, grace, and will continue to thrive. Drink to our survival.

All Love Love All

Lost Direction

Man’s will has followed ritual dictates through religious demands. In some places the noncompliance to follow leads to ostracization, expulsion from social standing and eventually humility. The hidden truths won’t prove right or wrong but usually gives unity of good people to gather and ponder spiritual thoughts. This in itself is a grateful feeling of being a part of something more than just self.

The deeper offering of family dominance entices men to follow without question. Men are top of the heap in that respect. Woman is just second best, always subservient to man’s will. Above man is a priest spouting a god’s words of obedience, telling us we are of sin and will forever work toward a better self, just out of reach. Personal aggrandizement, self motives, and a loss of direction through following dictates of powerful policy, weather political or religious always leads to barbaric warfare. We as a race of humans have been caught in that cycle for thousands of years, believing what we are told must be the truth or the threat of humility for not.

Oracles, savants and profits in their recordings show us one thing. The cycle doesn’t improve our spiritual growth. Reincarnation goes forward and backward like a ping pong ball. Without focus we have no path to follow . In one life you’re a great person and the next you’re stealing just to survive. In that respect it’s hit and miss but mostly miss with a lot of pain. It’s also been said there are six levels of life on this planet. Two lower are hell, the mid realms are easier and the two upper are positive places for growth. The problem is we’re always in the lower and mid levels, never to advance to the place we could grow from. The belief of harmony, octaves, and the unity between spirits ends following the slave cycle and habit brings that along from life to life. This is unrecognizable, and suppressed by all those religions that thrive on humankind. You don’t need to ask why.

Think for yourselves. Start a new cycle of peace, love, truth and honesty, then let that spread through your personal vibration to those you love. On and on it will grow to elevate our world, unite people in these troubling times. Believe in yourself, it certainly can’t hurt. At present we the people are being blamed for everything going wrong. We’ve polluted the world, hated our brothers, been lazy and suppressed the female to extinction. Man wants to be woman and woman is ashamed to be female. Nobody can make a clear decision. In our waking up to the truth we all want aluminum hats. It’s all boulderdash, poppycox and the like. Hiding our heads in the sand won’t make anything better.

My personal retreat is under the waves. When I’m visiting the fish and coral I get a calm feeling of security. The baby schools hiding between the fingers of coral are amazing. Swimming in harmony like a dance that involves everyone. Finding protection before they learn to chance a life in the open world. Learning confidence and trusting those swimming along with them . Even under the waves we can’t escape the plastic, then when we pop our heads up for a breath there’s more man made pollution above. These things can and should be attributed to a few greedy individuals pushing consumerism on the rest of humanity while shaking a finger saying we haven’t done enough. Truth is, most people try to do their best. Those that just don’t care will always be among us and always try to take what isn’t theirs. This brings us back to todays lesson of making your own choices. Make the best ones you can and do what you can because you might not have another chance.

Love all All Love

I , I AM

The title of this post is written in some of the oldest acknowledgments to life known. Found all over the world, some still holding this belief as the beginning of man’s consciousness.

In our attempt to give understanding through these posts , the next step brings us to evolution of man, us, in all our colorful expressions of life. Time passes , culture rises and fades like sun bleached murals worn out over eons. Our intricate and confusing rituals depict truthful cycles of interpretations of a supreme creative plan. This force of thought precedes human will as if it were biologically placed in our DNA. We need to know who and where we come from and why.

Who are we? Although evolution has been used to gloss over any question , giving control to a few academics, it just isn’t true. Proof shows many steps missing in our genes. Spliced DNA is the logical path to follow. When the facts eliminate what seems to be true, what is left has to become noted as possible. What would be the logical debate for opposition? Why control of every aspect of our lives of course. We are a hybrid, a work force, a vessel to contain a spirit in the 3rd dimension. What we will become is much more but don’t let that interfere with your ego, growth. We are a child that needs care, an explanation, guidance and patience. That child makes many messes.

Where we come from is still up for debate, but some logical answers and a few ancient scripts will help. Let’s say we began as spirit. Our spirit was without physical form . After eons of time our spirits began to fade just like the sun bleached murals. Look at it like this . Everything needs to eat, replenish it’s energy by absorbing energies around itself. If the molecule is spread thin in creating universes, it must regenerate by bringing in new molecules. If the life force of our spirit can’t hold ourselves together we become vulnerable to reabsorption. Get it , gone.

We not only need a solid body from time to time, but we need to advance mentally to hold that form. Like the octaves in the musical scales we harmonize together, helping other spirits become focused. Gravity holds us to this solar system and magnetism draws us together by the harmony of our spirit. Very cool to be a part of. This somewhat explains the where and why but there’s so much more to us than imagined.

Our cycle has been rough as best. Having to be punished for misdeeds like the child we are is part of a growth cycle as well. If you can realize the devastation of the Americas when Columbus arrived you can recount the fall of a great society in our seen past history. How people went back to hunter, gatherers from a culture of written language, metallurgy, agriculture and science. Now let’s imagine the entire world facing such a setback such as the great flood. WOW. One great time keeper states we are in the 4th cycle of this type devastation ( Hopi ). There are other religions to reflect this but I choose Hopi people, people of peace instead. All religion is a sour apple their trying to feed us.

There’s more to why than just our spirit needing physical form. What makes us so important? As other universes must loose entire races to world calamities, we have been gifted. That could only be for the preservation and growth of another. Like the octaves of the musical scales, it takes others to advance to the next step . We as newborns haven’t grasped this yet. Those that will to control the sandbox have closed many doors from the lazy , uncaring spirits that have been told ” just follow “. Knowledge is power and control. Thus the orgy must rage on. Damn the torpedoes and so on.

As we need another cycle to cleanse the world of tyrants we grow. Through the pain and lost memory. What holds our advancement is our habit from dimensional cycles . What we practice we remember. What becomes our nature, written in our resonance from cycle to cycle. It’s comfortable for us. Our spirit wants to advance not regress. That’s part of evolution, plane and simple. Saving grace. We’re at the carnival with so much to do and see, where do we start? Should we gorge ourselves on cotton candy, play the games or enjoy the rides? Just don’t over do it. Most is a distraction.

In past posts we’ve given exercises and acknowledgements to insights for your personal growth.

Huna breath , Etheric and Aura enhancements , Mental movement, Harmonizing and our 6th sense, among games to play with others wanting to grow instead of follow. It’s time to wake up to the true world around us. Truth is there.

Water is the flow of life. This site is dedicated to pure water and air and it’s becoming harder to achieve these pure molecules needed for proper growth here on Earth. As f0rever chemicals continue to seep into everything, so we are corrupted, mind and spirit. We have a feeling this is being thrust upon humanity to stop our mental advancement. A crime past humanity and into the other dimensions of spiritual energies. To dull and dam back the flow of spirit is a universal crime that should be addressed now.

We will be continuing with evolution of reflection of man (humanity) until we are free to visit our reefs and inspect the pollution levels left unchecked. Love All, All Love.

Baby Steps

In the unfolding of Quantum timelines there is a flow of thought, picture and sound, like a movie that never ends. Simply described as Akashic records. My colorful description is it’s a Female collective of thought, like a switchboard for communication. A phone line between our subconscious and conscious brain connected to this flow of timeline. It stands to reason we should stay truthful and do our best because everything is recorded, even mistakes.

With the recognition of this truth we fall back to our scaled race of beings millions of years advanced from even our creators. Are they there in the records? With their technology , seeing the Quantum timeline and not being there would be a shock to say the least. Having to read, write and keep science honestly would be the only way to advance as a race . This must have been arduous. Passing down discoveries from generation to generation . Trusting where your ancestors came from, your history.

As infants in this universe, we are somewhat the same for now. Our brains haven’t grown together between Alpha and Beta and it looks like maturing could take some time. Very few people have touched on the recognition of these records or the circuit board available to 3rd dimensional humans in general. Probably a safeguard, in our maturing. Although it logically seems the advancement will come when we are ready.

Engineering of humanity wouldn’t have been left to trial and error, even if all that was wanted was a mule. The old adage ” treated like a rented mule” is a saying of abuse and callous lack of compassion for help in daily strife. Kill the golden goose, not any sane person would. History shows we’ve been a cycle of war, neglect and abuse from a cycle that’s not even our own. Many questions arise from this fact. Wouldn’t mechanical machines have been better? Why follow another’s cycle of pain and suffering? Who would place uninformed scientists to practice evolution while in the dark? The answer is, they had help from much better science to blend us into what we are destine to be. Our root parent ( goose killer) is not pleased but they want the golden eggs. There are other benefits for other beings held more precious than gold though. The cards will unfold as we ingest and decipher what history along the Akashic timeline shows .

Our world is 70% water. Without this abundant Hydrogen and oxygen Life would be thriving other places. Humanity might not have been given the chance to thrive, here or anywhere else. We should protect that delicate balance we have above all else. Without a thought most people live along water flows, from rivers to our oceans . We survive because of the gift of warm climate and solar protections keeping the balance. Our primary concern is to keep clean the waters of this earth along with enlightening people to preserving life on this tiny spinning planet . Gardeners need water to grow the crops, be it grain, green or us. All Love Love All.

before the beginning

Since we haven’t been able to travel to Isla Verde we’re writing this post to enlighten people and possibly give insight for our future.

Long ago there was a war between a race of creatures millions of years advanced from any others, against every other world within reach. They wiped out entire planets, took resources as they pleased but left a wake of destruction in their path. As they grew in technology matured in life and method of war, they noticed themselves missing from other dimensions. They also noticed some valuable materials were destroyed, never to be used again. Let’s say these beings were cold blooded and fierce. Scaled skin, 7 plus ft. tall, double lid eyes and teeth that could rip elephant hide apart.

If you can imagine beginning on a horse, turning that horse into a tank then projectile making the horse obsolete. Fighting against beings less evolved but having their great leaders in other dimensions, just not yours. Their Kings expanding at each cycle to the 3rd dimensional cycle, they grew and held their status by the achievements, their leap into the unknown was as much a trust and love of their species as a pull to compete for longer and better life each cycle. Just not them. They had to record time to remember their greats with no return for continued growth.

As with human, what depicts kingship should be the positive traits of our leaders. The accomplishments for the people as recognized by these leaders. Science, invention as well as creative imagination encouraged social protection and hierarchy. Welfare and encouragement to accomplish would be rewarded by climbing the social ladder to a higher position within the society.

What we have now is more a slave society based on fear and division of the uninformed but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Returning to the battles and losses of natural evolving science along the path of destruction, these scaled beings realized the loss of botanical elements as well as chemical compounds after destroying some of these planets. The pollution and extinction level left little to desire and could never be replaced. At that point they realized the value of these primitive places, learning preservation was a much better path than total control. Who if any would be their friend? Tremble in fear of these huge beasts that is more like it, but an intelligent creature is not a beast. Having compassion separates beast from a killer whatever the motive.

Long before the wars ended, the technology brought them to realize they weren’t in other dimensions. What a blow to social order that must have been. Knowing other races lived on, over and over they came back. Some remembering habit through the veil of birth from past repetition. Almost as if their work never skipped a beat. Others gone forever to be reabsorbed by the creative forces hungry after bringing new universes into our 3rd dimension. Molecules come from bonding of other molecules that come from string harmony that comes from vibrating forces not even the most advanced races know. What makes these vibrate? Is this GOD ? Do we harmonize between ourselves? Is this free will? We can decide of ourselves after we look deeper into the cycle of life here and now, but we’re not here yet. Patience. We’re working toward that. Until the time of our realization we will be in another race’s cycle of control and oppression. Pain and suffering is our debt for being given life as we know it.

As I have stated before in writings, there are 3 stages of natural evolution. Liquid, solid, and vapor. There are levels of these as well as forward and reverse or positive and negative. And then, we came. Nothing goes to waste, only us. Our inactive thought takes us places of fear and concession. Our leap of fate, to be more than what we are defines our path, thus the statement,” we are all immortal but those compassionate ones are divinely immortal”. But are we? How do we become forever? For us only the spirit is immortal and that is slavery.

Given enough time and knowledge, allowing us to step out of the sand box more than children is on the path but far ahead of us at this time. Many cycles may pass before we break the yoke that binds us . Not until we realize who and what we are can we begin to create our own cycle. Even that is not an easy task. We are set against our own world leaders as well as being trapped in another peoples cycle. Truth is distorted beyond belief but that’s the meal they’re feeding us. So the world is flat, we’re unable to feed ourselves because of a green veil between the sun and our polluted world. Oh and it’s all our fault. Had we only listened.

This is conjecture for thought. More is to come in this saga, hopefully leading some to decipher truth and spread it to those that wish for true knowledge.

positive vs negative

Why is being positive the hard choice? Doing right hard as opposed to to doing nothing or just being negative? Taking the easy path instead of working for the rewards fades as quickly as it streams through our heads. Getting burnt sticks in our memory for ever when wrong choices are made but that isn’t always the way. Our memories hold the good above those bad incidents throughout our lives but most people will recall the wrong choices we’ve made, unless they care for us, like a joke or a spike laughing at our misfortunes. Maybe it’s they are having problems remembering the good in their lives or they haven’t achieved many goals along their path. Point being, don’t give up and do the best you can in every instance. You make your own fate on your destiny, the end of this cycle.

It has been said our spirit is forever but those that choose positive paths have divine spirit forever. Gorgieff stated we only achieve a soul when we’ve reached a certain level of conscious. As the octaves of the scale are Do RE Me Fa So La Si, at Mi and La we need help from another spirit. Being human we are not solitary spirit then. Reach Mi and you acquire the solid form of soul, spirit. Since I feel the word soul is created by religion I won’t use it again. Spirit is our essence. For the most part his teachings are spot on in other aspects .

Here we are in the 21st century. The end of a three cycled tier . Sar 26,800 years plus, 12th cycle sar of 350,000 years and a universal cycle of endless time 12 times that. All while we are in the fastest of times of a 365 day year. This may be hard to comprehend but if you look up Cronos time you’ll understand the situation.

What would all this have to do with me you ask ? It can mean everything to a spirit that has a choice. To a spirit that has a voice on the council. What are we worth? We have been made to be the cadillac of the universe. Our spirit has been made to fit into the octaves, helping blend all dimensions of spirits like a river of flow from 3rd dimension to 4th and 5th, yet we are in infancy. Therefore to be as positive as we can makes quite a statement.

Our end goal is to be gardeners of the universe. The design of US wasn’t by mistake but has been hidden for control and profit for thousands of years. Our spirit has been through more than you could ever imagine yet we hold together strong, almost unbreakable. This protection has been built into our DNA since our creation and now the controlling factors are trying to block us by any means. Stressing the the law of “don’t mess with the genetics of this planet or the people .”

Do not despair, the Mayans prophecies predict a 5 to 6 hundred year setback if the negative spirits continue to influence us past the 12th sar ending in 2012. Remember in a universe with average lifespan 100 times ours the figures can be a few years off. Be positive.

Harmonize, enlighten, imagine and never forget what and who you are, each a strong spirit built to encourage growth, weed out the untruths and stabilize the conduit between dimensions. Harmonize with like beings and grow stronger than ever imagined .

Harmonize octaves and blend together in strength, have fate in your decisions. How much we suffer depends on your path to destiny .

love all

years end, years begin

November denotes the end of a cycle . When the short sun darkens our days the expectation of a new and prosperous year is on the cusp. We all look forward to warm , long days of growth , harvest , learning and challenging ourselves within if not openly.

In most religious ceremonies there are points of reference to show how connected they are to the universe. To change this would be a cloud of confusion and the ultimate end to that cult or belief eventually. To control people they must have order and adhere to these principals. Keeping the flock believing yet keeping the truth hidden has been the game plan since the inception of man as ruler of this planet , or so they tell you . Quite a colorful vision of fairytales .

First , we were given the job of custodian on this rock after we were taught time and how to record it truthfully.

Second , Our stars are our clock , explaining the fate written by those that wish to control societies throughout the world .

Third , God is the movement of the molecule . What that means is , the molecule moves at our will . Good or evil , it doesn’t care . The molecule wants to please the thought process and will gladly act as asked. Why would a god be angry and then be forgiving ?

So for the geniuses that figured all this out and created life as we know it . This is all about to come crashing down like a brick card house, not a believable option anymore . The truth isn’t and won’t be believed anymore . Pope Wadya callem is changing right before our eyes . Oh the gayness of it all . A new day at the factory , same old lunch break and yes more suffering than a rented mule .

The hope for a new future , a new year , cycle , growth of We the People is at hand as well . The Mayan belief states we people will become enlightened within the next 5 to 6 hundred years , maybe less we can only hope. We are expected to gain 4th dimensional sight and mind . That’s a big step for humanity . With recognition of a tone to harmonize together we start inertia rolling that can’t be stopped . Those in control now that know this are trying everything they can to stop this from happening . Chem trails , aluminum in our systems and now MRNA nanoparticles in us . Boy they won’t stop either so be careful. Last ditch efforts will to be kill off everyone that doesn’t follow like the sheep they wish us to be. Not truth their telling is it ?

Some basic building blocks are easy to follow and can be enlightening as well .

Grow your own food , might have to be under greenhouse in the future because of the chemicals raining down . Protest them doing this , it does nothing for the environment but harms everything .

Teach your children yourselves . What is being taught by the establishment is more for control and looking into your personal lives, not giving an education to anyone .

Socialize with neighbors and friends to build a strong bond . Word of mouth has always been the best medium in protecting health , life and liberty . School playgrounds are a good social meeting place and you can watch your kids as well. We may not have energy in the near future so neighborhood gatherings of most kinds may bring happiness and opportunities like we have in the 50s. In short , there are a number of events to better our lives without breaking our spirits .

Leave no one behind to isolation or depression . If possible protect the sick and elderly. My thoughts are , we will still have e-net to send controlling messages of doubt and anger , hate and division . In time the subtle way we’ve been indoctrinated into believing our phone and computers are our contact to the world will suppress us into a corner . Like a liquor store being open while churches are closed for our health.

At the bottom of the barrel we see most of what’s offered isn’t for our good but for control and derangement . Turning child against parent black against white etc. Most importantly show love and patience toward every human on the planet. We are the human race . We are worth more than the slaves , more than the elites . We were created because we have a gift for the universe, yet now we’re still in our infancy. Realize who and what you are as that ambassador of love , hope and endurance to our world . You are great , you should and will be acknowledged for your contribution , just be patient and don’t give up . Happy holidays to all .

Glad to be here

We’re seeing an end to this crazy organized assault on humanity , hopefully sooner than later. The positive we take away with us is lacking in enthusiasm , pale in expression because there is no foundation supporting a happy future. Hang tight my family , there will be an end to this world of abuse. We have a footing if not a solid foundation built by the sweat and pain from everyone since ancient times. People follow good causes . If you are a free person anything other is slavery. Let’s do something with our freedom to help .

As we’ve said ” we haven’t been to the reefs in a long time ” almost 2 years now . We have heard some stories and they aren’t pretty . Five times the garbage washing up on beaches around the planet . Unchecked pollution , mostly medical debris floating everywhere . So the no-see-ums to small to see or clear who knows what that enters through skin becomes a rash epidemic that’s billions for the big pharma but bad for us and the planet.

In times of hardship entertainment saves the day , or you can get a laugh for a nickel. Best thing to do is sing a song or master some Fred Astair moves. put on a play about poverty in 1929 . The homeless you see today was the gypsy back then .

Water is the new hostage in the terror against the population. Our concern has been mainly fish nurseries , healthy coral or new growth as older bleaches . The trash inhibits egg protection among many other problems such as . It seems jelly fish float along with plastic bags. I’ve seen as much as 50% mix . Turtles eat Jellyfish but can’t tell the difference from the bags . See , Big problem there. I want to look into how and why my theory fits with intelligent jellies or an electrical impulse? Is this common all over the world ? There are other projects we need to look into when the nonsense stops and we open the world .

Most of the world reuses items . Clothing is one major bonus . taking parts from more than one garment to create your own style . Weaving items is fun also. From baskets to ornaments hanging in the wind to clothing again . Depending on the material almost everything can be made by weaving . Interesting note , there are water filters that strain Atrazine as well as larger molecules. Filters are usually woven. Just a thought but to filter the polluted water before it hits our oceans might save a speces or two.

Our hopes and prayers are to return home soon , to swim with neons and betas , lionfish , octopus . Among the few mentioned are the mesa coral blue , green and red , the mushroom mammoths standing 15 ft tall, always with a few fish under. Check acid and temp . Then follow through on organizing reef explorations throughout the Islands . We’re sure the outcome will be exciting . I expect to find quite a difference in pollution and quite astounding results from that . Fish population being an indicator . What we’re losing in research hurts , what we have planned depends on freedom of movement to achieve the facts and record them honestly.

While we’re on the subject, I’m thinking of growing a truck patch. Maybe my neighbors will grow something different so we’re not all eating the same old squash. Watermelon, that’s the ticket, I love watermelon.

Think positive about the future. Here we are, but hey we are here and unstoppable once we recognize a problem or threat to the world . Right now is like in the movie 5th element, “Green, what color green ? GREEN GREEN. We are stuck in the illusion of green deal, global warming and covid19. These all fade away when we stop playing with them.

Are There Any Limits

Here we are a few years past lock downs , still oppressed and locked down.

We didn’t expect this world abuse to continue or for people to take what their serving so long . It’s a great way to dirty the water but I still would have bet on decent people helping clarify along the way . Hey that’s a lie or this is cheap and really helps would have helped save lives a couple years ago but you all know what really happened by now . To say we’re mad as hell just isn’t enough .

So here’s the update on what our waters are faced with .

Air pollution is a high concern now as chemtrails saturate us 4000% times what any animal should endure . It’s killing everything now . Saturation has reached such high levels even the people doing it say “enough”. This enters our water too people ! But wait there’s more , tons of chemicals flood our waters daily causing a toxic soup , like Atrazine and acid , mercury and nurdles from plastic manufacturing . Now you may assume the poisons make the eggs and sperm not so excited about being born ? Yes I do too . We’ve seen a decline in all forms of life lately and a plethora of extinctions ranging from African birds and animals to North American song birds . Anything of beauty seems to be dying off .

We haven’t been able to travel freely . Going to reefs is a big part of checking on our eco-system from the ocean bottom up . If we are kept away as debris piles up unchecked and the nursery of thousands of species go without , who does that help or harm ? Our fish are being gobbled up by hungry people and are unable to repopulate because someone is major polluting and I don’t mean cow farts . Again , who benefits from this action? I think the same people talk green while doing the most against us . Pointing at auto emissions while chemical pollution kills the planet is such a kinder loving way . Hey we’re all dead anyway you slice it if we don’t stand together as a world united against this madness. A closed world keeps us from seeing each other , talking about the true events happening now and how to deal with them . Please open our world .

This threat of death has become so saturated in our daily it seems simple passive anymore . Yet as we just mentioned It’s Happening ! We are under attack , our world population is under attack because a few leading figures are afraid there might be to many people . I think that falls under delusional mental narcissism but there could be more to it . If we are to quietly fall on our own swords for you , please open the world in our last hours . Freedom to be with family is a small request . The necessary gathering to pass down history , pay tribute to lost family , pass along keepsakes is deeply engrained throughout most of the world . In the beginning of the frenzy people were kept from family , touching through glass as they died without even human touch . Just a couple years ago . Please stop the insanity and open our world.

We’re not sure what will be posted next . Hopefully something about the ocean and reefs . This post has much more unexpressed questions and some solutions to offer as repair . We see a lot of love and togetherness no matter what belief or shade our eyes are so keep sticking together out there .


We visited the SEA lab and got a load of great information and pictures to share . The original lab was 2 mine sweepers scrapped then welded together making an approximate 40 foot pill shaped container accomodating 4 men at a depth of about 200 ft.
The budget over all was about 2 hundred thousand dollars . The appliances were bought from Sears , being the cheapest they could find . Items like heaters , toasters , lighting and even sinks . Using a garden hose for fresh water supply they cut corners in every way .
Spending days even weeks down under opened a new world up to mankind . They began to ponder maintaining prolonged life under the waves . Living , farming and building neighborhoods even . Then the pioneer George Bond asked questions like “ could we maintain under fathoms , freely swimming from the lab and back into it without going through decompression ? “ The answer was yes . Eventually, we we’re saturation diving up to 600 feel. Before this was known divers had to endure up to 50 hours of decompressing to avoid the bends .
George Bond had made milestone advances in underwater research and changed our world . Saturation dives had become possible but how deep could man go and what could we do ?
Up to now heavyweight suits were worn for deep water repairs . Hard to maneuver , not very comfortable and attached by air lines to the ship above . Only to depths the air line could extend . Now swimming freely using body tanks , able to see better as well the divers return to the lab already under pressure to recover from tiring work they had to do .

There were modified changes to breathing as well . Helium was exchanged for nitrogen leaving about 14% oxygen and 86% helium . This allowed the molecules to saturate into muscle under the great pressures under water . The problem was carbon dioxide in the recycled breathing mixture . They placed a filter between the scuba tanks and it worked .
The next lab would take man to 300 ft and they stayed much longer . Attaching a bell to enter and exit . Under equal pressure the entrance could remain open , keeping the water from flooding into the lab . Worked great and divers were once again pushing the limits of under water goals . The second lab was designed for exploration , comforts and safety . With a much larger budget Sears was no longer needed. Scott Carpenter joined the team . A Record stay of 30 days made Scott a super star above and below the surface . More projects accomplished , more questions to answer .

Deep Ocean drilling became possible , repairs at depths that couldn’t be reached were possible. Secret missions and military involvement was imminent . The next level would be 600 ft. for prolonged periods . Taping into soviet cable to listen in on secret messages was one job we couldn’t have done without the research of saturation diving . Sounds like a James Bond movie , ah but it was George Bond that saved the day .
There was a Sea lab 3 made for the deep water exploration and to be filled with helium instead of air . The Helium atom is much smaller than the oxygen atom and the welds weren’t secure enough to keep it from leaking . The team sent down to do repairs used the tanks with filters for the dioxide extraction but one tank was empty and a team member died . America mourned his death and the project was ended . Some still believe it was sabotage .

We have placed some pictures and QR codes for you to learn more . Hope you all enjoy this information .


Here’s a short look into our universe through the eyes within your minds.

Vibrations create tones . It’s movement and friction casting off a wave or ripple in all directions around this friction . Everything vibrates naturally from the smallest particle to our sun and stars . I have a feeling gravity and magnetism plays an orchestrated roll throughout the journey .

Tones along with density and weight make up the octaves , ok add in a little friction and before you know it we’re harmonizing . This is the setting for an organized solar system . But wait ! There’s more if you look through the mirror from the other side, other dimensions . Certain vibrations , magnetics and gravity all extend through those bubbles like they weren’t there . Even more astounding , our minds don’t recognize the separation either . We just haven’t exercised that part of our conscious that recognizes these subtle feelings .

In our modern world we don’t hear or see the vibrations around us . You can’t see a 5G signal or smell if it’s not healthy . We don’t have defenses against bad vibrations , they say just toughen up or get some thick skin , ha. We think there’s something more to all this , especially since modern science has military weapons involving sound and vibrations now . We’re more interested in the beneficial part of natural octaves and harmonies . These vibrations still can’t be seen , smelt or heard by our ears nose or mind but they are as real as a dog whistle .

There are signals that greatly benefit our growth . There are vibrations that heal , there are harmonies that enlighten and give comfort . There are all kinds of influences to our lives we aren’t aware of because of vibrations , either natural or man made . How we think creates a vibration around us and can extend to others in both positive and negative ways. Our prayer repeated three times creates a ripple sent from us to this ocean of matter that responds , positively or not . Depending on our will .

Begin with simple efforts of harmonizing with all around you . If you close your eyes and see etheric moving away from you , turn it around and bring it toward yourself . Then open your eyes and continue on . Control of emotion becomes a habit while chaotic thought has no controlled direction. Einstein loved to sail , controlling the unseen . If the wind just blew you any which way where would you be ?

There is a lot we haven’t acknowledged yet and so much more to discuss , ponder and find . One thing is sure , we want to learn , we want to grow and survive . These are the issues and repairs for so many problems within our world today . If we can discover truths we will build a foundation for a new cycle of life .

all love love all

Our Time

Hello , today is 10-9-21 of the western calendar in the Aquarius cycle of our solar system . Today we will take a brief look at past cycles to help us understand where we are in real time . There have been three recorded so far and our common known history only acknowledges this one . Why ?

Our second focus is of course about pollution , ancient past , not so ancient dump sites and modern accumulation of non degradable toxic man made garbage . This will be the relics found in the far future , plastic , mercury , radiation among many other deadly substances we can’t see, taste or smell but remain deadly for an indefinite time .

As has been written about past cycles , we are the problem . Mankind became evil , corrupt and our world needed cleansing . This lie has kept us all in the dark for thousands of years . The cycles are natural occurrences in our solar system . There is no fault or blame , could there be for the tide or world axis tilting 18% from winter to summer . We do not control nature and even though lawyers have to find blame for every action , some excuses just don’t fit into natural occurrences . Not enough knowledge is known about events that take thousands of years to play out . It’s natural not something we can blame or put an excuse to . To blame mankind for a natural cycle is insane . To try to change our natural cycle is just as insane but sure keeps a lot of people busy .

The first two world events have little explanation as to why or how they came about . Before Mu , the second cycle , was our entry into life . Beautifully written in myth the story of first man tells of deceit and jealous actions . Man was born and immediately kills his brother . Not very believable but effective for that blame game . Having to fit within the narrative written by lawyers of the time , yes humanity was corrupted and had to be washed clean . It has been written that mankind went underground for protection until it was safe to resurface . Archeologists have uncovered only a few unexplained items dating back that far . The timeline has been so distorted we carbon date and then lie about the findings to fit the modern narrative . I estimate this to be almost two hundred thousand years past. If we look at world geologic changes we see many natural events happened then and could account for chaos on a world scale .

Our second cycle shows much of the same . This I believe to be the Mu civilization and we know a little more about the history after digging into past dump sites . People have always left a footprint , always had garbage and left clues about their society . This civilization was as modern or more civilized than our world today . It offered comforts , technologies and government but was corrupted as has been recorded . This cycle retained much knowledge from their social and scientific base upon emerging back to the surface . The story tells of survivors underground emerging after years , almost starved to extinction . Again it was blamed on corruption of the people but mankind was given another chance to grow and mature .

During these two cycles that could have lasted hundreds of thousands of years through and between the garbage dumps have been hard to find . Maybe the people back then were conscious of pollution or just used everything at their disposal . We have and know of many ways to send and receive power , communications , etc. without wire . They could have had less cumbersome devices or natural degradation of their technologies that we won’t find in their dump sites . Much of history has been hidden or changed to fit the modern ideology . A rose by any other name still smells as sweet or you can’t make a silk purse from a sows ear but they are trying .

Our last cycle was recorded by the flood and outcome of mankind after our new world emerged from the waters . How picturesque we make these calamities seem . How quaint and tidy the sweeping of a corrupt world was to delete those nasty evil humans away . Oh wait . This story has more detail. In some recordings the disaster was caused by our big brothers . In detail it tells of jealousy and lust for power ,wanting to destroy opposition at any cost . Even if it meant all of humanity . Still the excuse was we humans are at fault for our sins . Ha sound like the cycle we’re in now ?

In each of these growth periods we start off as peaceful loving beings given a world to learn and grow in . We are given a set of guidelines to follow and threatened with punishment if we stray from our path . In each cycle we’ve grown to corruption quickly and more vile . Are we learning anything or is the truth being hidden from us so the surviving people in control remain in control ? It seems to me the lessons are learned by our mistakes and the past shows much pain in our evolution . We can learn and change for the better if we desire to . I feel most people would embrace the chance to excel into a fourth dimensional mind and body . We are on the cusp of this happening right now . Unfortunately there are powers that wish to control these cycles but remember we can’t change the tide or natural evolution .

What will we leave behind for future geologists to discover ? Will they find plastic lawn furniture , tires and nylon strewn throughout our dump sites ? Will we be thought of as primitive beings focused on shiny objects like a monkey with a disposable lighter ? Will there be humans left after we burn it all down if we don’t give them what they want ? More important is , will our water and soil be able to live and continue giving life to us after we discharge the nuclear material we’ve gathered and are threatening to use ? If the next event is said to be of fire where can we find safety ? Is this biological threat , viruses , going to be part of the end of this cycle and how long could this all take ?

We can end all this mayhem by changing our cycle now , at the cusp of time change . Universal time has shown a truth that can’t be denied . Natural end of life events will happen but we have abilities to protect ourselves from them . Man made life events are not so . The insanity of trying to make world events happen with wishful positive outcome while walking a tightrope is moronic . Maybe the cat will land on it’s feet ? In any case there is no plan or organized outcome to this . We make a change now or forfeit to the unknown . I like to be prepared . The only change we need is to not follow the path of death set before us now . Have a plan for change if that’s needed . Set the future for the freedom and companionship of all humanity . Cleaning up the mess isn’t hard or overbearing , just have a positive outlook and roll up your sleeves . Ok , you didn’t spill the milk but you don’t want future generations to wallow in it . It only takes a moment to correct a problem instead of adding more problems to hide the first mistake . Let’s not keep making the same mistakes over and over like those driving the bus are now .

There are many problems now and many more planned for the future to keep us focused on surface calamities if we don’t address these garbage piles now . They have been placed in our path to distract us and keep us from focusing on change for the better . What’s being offered is more plastic in our oceans , more toxic material in our atmosphere and a threat of death if we look past the yoke on our shoulders . Read up on truth . Search for solutions to better life for everyone . Clean up the dumping set on our doorstep and work together for a better future .

We were given a set of instructions for life in the beginning , most having been obscured now by controlling factors . One major rule was not to mess with DNA , and we have ignored that law , making ourselves god . It is a special time in our evolution right now , after growing through past cycles we have a chance to enter the universe permanently and proudly as a race providing life and growth throughout the universe . Let’s make the stars proud to embrace us , let’s be the gardeners of the universe .

Where will we be in 5 years?

Hello everyone, it’s been a while since we had freedom to do most things. Right now we need a cleanup effort throughout our world if we want a clean environment to live in from now on. That used to be a natural thought I saw in everyone, a freedom we just trusted in like family. As soon as we became aware of a problem , we began repairs toward fixing it. We trusted those in charge would do the best to expose any threat to the people. But I’m finding out the opposite has been the course of action and that should more than upset all of you.

People deserve to make their own choices. The information should be given in simple honest terms so everyone can understand the importance of keeping our world clean. I see by teaching and offering solutions we strive towards compatible outcomes everyone can survive in happily.

If our world is over populated we can control the overgrowth within a couple generations . It took a few thousand years to reach this point and bam we just eliminate most people because we didn’t face the problem when we had a chance ? Doesn’t make sense . Injecting fear and hate into society while withholding needed goods doesn’t make sense . Allowing the water of this world go rancid and polluted and what that causes doesn’t make sense .

Out of all these mind boggling time consuming phases set before us has to come answers and solutions to remedy this sickness. Let’s begin with the trash. Clearing up garbage is always a first step in health and social advancement. During every plague recorded the root cause has been filth, debris and bad water. Cleanliness has been the greatest combatant against viruses, bacteria and many other infections causing disease among humans. Not only what rubs onto our skin, and some of that penetrates through our pours into our blood stream, but what we ingest as well. Many of our containers have passed regulation for cleanliness or gas reactions to heat but most are overlooked because of convenience or packaging. If we looked deeper we’d find many problems with these conveniences but who has time for that in todays busy world. Thus we open doors for alzheimer’s and parkinson’s among many other physical and mental disorders. You can plainly see the inline among our society now.

The complaint is, ” if we can save one life “, but to kill thousands for that one life is most insane and untruthful. The pollution has become so common that along our beaches in a first world country we see so much debris anymore we ignore it and move along with our day. Hope that plastic cup doesn’t poke you. The surface is just like what our insides look like now. With so many chemicals added to everything we eat, how could it not be a cesspool of adverse poisons clogging us to the point of collapse. Our glandular and organ systems have been overwhelmed with pollution. Our immune systems are failing, unable to fight on so many fronts, brought on by consumer driven quick solutions to problems we never had to deal with in the first place. Think about that for a minute.

If we’d take time to focus on what we need without peer pressure or need for speed, we’d have time to live right. More time to concentrate on helping each other and ourselves instead of chasing the false dream. To watch what is in what we eat as well as what we throw away saves time and health. To make an effort toward cleaning our body involves cleaning our world and mind away from the constant dumping of these useless products, additives and packaging. As we drift away from the RAT race we’ll find life has a set pace that’s in harmony with natural living.

Scientific tests prove natural DNA resorts back to it’s natural state when left to grow untampered with for two generations. This is a big thing! As food and water has been modified to bring the best to us as consumers we deplete our natural system. As other chemicals take over the job our endocrine system was beautifully made to do, we atrophied and become more reliant on the supplements. If that train is stopped we will be exposed to unprotected areas allowing harm to ourselves. Good that in two life cycles we find our level of normal natural life again. Wow. Otherwise we’d have extra noses to breath, humps like a camel to cycle the extra waste imposed by fast foods. You could imagine the plethora of odd looking beings that spring from overdoses of unneeded junk in us. Our world is the same, it’s us, the waters are your life flow, the air is your breath.

So this “keep it clean” attitude has more to it than mama told you but it all works together. Again the way to happiness and health is through you. Start cleaning up after and before yourselves and it all becomes better. I’ve been told mucous free diet can change your DNA so far as to end diabetes. Like a mother to be can stop the cycle by changing her diet before planning to have a child. Amazing to think we have that ability. Not so amazing our science doesn’t see a profit in that. Then what good is science unless you’re a researcher or working toward the betterment of mankind? If the information isn’t openly offered and taught to people how can anyone survive? Listen and learn. Follow the facts not the advertisement. Show love and patience to everyone, soon enough they will understand truth.

A smile, the sound of laughter, moments of graciousness between strangers has been lacking in our lives. To reach out for another person is our nature. What’s being taught now is just the opposite. In a study taking children of all denominations, placing them together without influence or prejudice, they get along. Of course taking something out or adding something to only a few always starts the combatting. In a like study where the children are asked to divide themselves between groups of achievers and non accepted social achievers, the status is high with popular confident children as opposed to the unaccepted majority. This doesn’t mean the latter are any less intelligent or sub standard but their placed in a secondary mental setting because of personality. Thus the lie grows. These studies have been banned from testing because of the mental trauma steeped for lifetimes among the average child. The point is, these actions have been taught and instilled into some minds while compassion and nurturing is a natural growth pattern. Are we then evolving by what we’ve been taught? If the nature of the beast is behind us and our future evolution is of natural decent, why then is starvation, war and slavery even needless death still paramount in society? This seems to be part of the cycle we’re stuck in right now . A crossroads, a chance to change the destructive path we’re blazing or to make our own choices into the next century. Not an easy job.

It has been noted, we’re in the fourth cycle or world now. Every turning of the calendar has succeeded in getting worse than the last. The vibration or harmony of our planet has changed and now man has ways of controlling that harmony, not for the better I might add. How can we support the last cycle as being healthy, how can we not forge a new cycle for the future of humanity? It also has been prophesized this may take time. Let’s look at time and cycles a bit. As we evolve we open to unseen truths. To control this flow is not natural but those controlling progress have understood power is controlling thought among other life given rights. On a dimensional scale we are held in a lower realm by our evolution. Naturally we wouldn’t want too much mental power as we progress. Too bright and we can’t see what’s ahead. That child will eventually grow to handle the energy presented but we’re young in our evolution. The time of the universal clock comes to a new cycle when we’re stable enough to understand it, like seeing two dimension and advancing into third dimensional mentality. Big change. The same will be with fourth dimensional sight and mind. We’re not there yet and the universal clock has just struck. What does that mean? Simply put, it’s going to take a little longer for us to find peace and harmony. If you can recognize that you’re on your way to a happier and healthier life. So don’t be depressed or feel we’re still animals living in a garbage dump forever, but protect yourselves from the beast on the path. We aren’t so bad and are on the right path. Patience is a virtue.

In closing this note I wish you all creative thoughts and harmony together. We need to know there is more than what is offered. Working together and explaining the progress we’ve made against all odds gives us endocrine surges, tunes us together as a radiating light and sound force, blends our minds to strengthen us as a social force that will endure forever.

all Love , love All

the janitor

a beautiful mind

Class is in….

2021 wet season

Mid July and we haven’t been home since January , there was a window of lessor harassment and we took advantage . One month is better than nothing and in this lockdown state of mind we thought it was worth the effort . The water was familiar , as usual , 82f with a slight tide of 6ft between high and low . Water clarity was sandy and soot most of the month due to rain so I didn’t take many pics . As usual the reef looked completely different . I’m sure it’s due to the storms and not my memory , ha . I recall the tide being minus 3 ft and beach combers strolling along looking for whatever washed up . Mornings are great minus tide times .

Tourism used to be a main staple for many economies around the world . Staggering to think how the lack of tourism effects so many people in so many ways . Here I am now telling memories instead of posting new bright pics and complaining about plastic in our oceans . What service we provide has been adjusted by an unseen fear about a nearly harmless cold or flu bug under the guise that one life saved is worth the effort . By our acknowledgment we report the unseen pollution , inform people and make efforts to enrich our world and lives . I take it personal not being able to review and report progress about the oceans so this is past tourism . Yet we wait for an open free world again , just 2 weeks , just give me 2 more weeks and this will all be gone .

Someone commented on laughter the other day . We all agreed we hadn’t seen happiness anywhere in this last year and nobody had encouraging stories so no chuckles that day , oh well . Fear seems to be comforting to many and that brings so many questions we just have to address a few . So much debris is being tossed and washes into our waterways because of this light cold fear . Touch it and flush it , forget it was ever there until that glove\mask wraps around my nose during a dive . Fear of people , relationships , truth or just about any contact with any living thing . For this light cold we quarantine ourselves away from the daisies , the sunlight or anything happy because apparently this shot for the cold is going to help laughter return . I fear the question , ” how’s that going ? ”

Interesting find is how the dump sites in some cities are working in todays world . Since cut backs , less garbage and value of recycle material creates manpower to sort and recycle without extra costs . The sorting and recycling makes quite a profit in itself so nice to see open minds looking into the overflow . We think as natural resources rise in price recycle material will become more desirable . The products are good quality but expensive and not weather proven and now quality control seems to have slipped on all products so again we feel recycle goods will prosper . Opportunities seem to pop up always offering new ways of doing things , innovative ways to live comfortably within scant means . Clean water has a lifting vibration , makes us pleasant even happy . Maybe one of the reasons nobodies laughing anymore , waters all polluted ?

There’s always hope the restrictions will be lifted soon and we’ll be showing you all beautiful reefs with fabulous fish nurseries in abundance . Then there’s that chance we’ll be in lockdown until forever . My sarcastic humor gets misunderstood without background music . Ok , just until the end of my life which is near forever if you ask me . Just like that , we don’t get to choose .

Here we are mid summer 2021 and not much going on . That seems the norm anymore as people believe the fear and how now only this untested goop will restore normal life . The lives of millions will improve when we cast off the restrictions unjustly placed upon everyone . Settling for a little has been a hardship for most of the world without reason . Life could and should return to normal as soon as possible if there is to be any quality for humanity . This summer is turning out to be more of the same restrictions without reason . No explanation could cover for stupid . If it doesn’t work the first time tried what makes sense trying again over and over ? Moving on , we send love to everyone out there and look forward to your posts .

I’m urchin to be on the reef

bus stop

Vibration , etheric , aura , life force in harmony

Here now . We are set in the moment and then it’s gone . As we view our past we decide what accomplishments we’ve made or not . Did we just walk by the garbage along our beautiful path , ignore the unpleasantness of janitor so we could enjoy our stroll ? Were we the one that tossed the garbage down for someone else to notice and take action of picking it up ? Maybe we just unconsciously picked it up and placed it in a recycle bin . Does this show different levels of vibration between people ? Sure . What could be said is ” we’re all in this together “, but that’s wrong . On the surface, yes we are all third dimensional beings and yes we are here on this pebble together but on a vibrational state we are as separate as spirits can be .

The scales can help explain this and some believe our resonances or vibrations rise as we become conscious of more around us . Do , Re , Mi , are the first steps up the melody ladder, then we reach Fa. At this fourth step it’s said we need help from another spirit to attain tone. One person isn’t meant to advance alone. This to mean a blend of octave is needed to enhance growth and harmony. Makes sense? Then the next steps So, La, can be solo but wasn’t blending melody so much more fun? Anyway, Si needs help also and you just can’t get over these hurdles without help. There was a Russian man , Gordjief , that did some extensive work on cause and effect with much surprising results but would have been put to death for saying so in his time. We will use what fits within the narrative of known science for now anyway .

I just read about placing two tuning forks together and how their vibration blends in harmony when that happens . You can try if you have an interest or need proof . The higher the frequency the more positive the vibration . Lower vibrations , heard by humans can’t be heard by other animals here on earth , higher vibrations can’t be heard by humans . Another funny fact left on the table. Most of us are drawn toward vibrations that are harmonious to us . We feel something about another person or animal . When we contact these beings , as they harmonize with us , we become happy , positive and alert , more in the moment . That is our molecules dancing in delight by our happiness . We move the molecules by our focus , by asking and doing . Simple but true . Another vibration is more electrical and that’s our Etheric . Everything has an etherical glow , it’s no secret but has been denied by western beliefs . For humans this is just an electrical current blended or influenced by our mood , health , happiness and understanding of what’s going on around us . It can be from a quarter inch to over an inch radiating from our bodies . Don’t worry everything has one, even rocks , they vibrate too . To easily see your etheric place your thumb and finger just slightly apart and you can see on a light background the vibrating between those fingers . Doing this through your day can help you stay tuned and focused. Practice seeing this and soon you’ll be ready to see your Aura , and others also .

Getting back to this moment and then … it’s passed , ha , I’m in need of every moment being as positive as I can make them from now until I no longer have connection to this physical world . That may be a long long time though , so in the meantime we’ll harmonize and grow together , spread the knowledge and bring this world to a higher plain .

It’s been said , ” we can explain everything in the universe except the movement of the molecule” . What makes that little sucker dance ? There is also a resonance along with that movement . So we have tone and movement we can use but don’t understand . On a positive level this is amazing , unstoppable , world changing if you use it right . Why isn’t it being acknowledged or used in a positive way ? Control is a good answer . If somehow our receptors could be controlled , keeping us from seeing or interacting with these natural vibrations, what then ? If our natural growth is damaged , our reproductive process blocked and denial of anything other than this third dimension being real, then we are damming up the flow from dimension to dimension , holding back growth and adhering to unthinkable oppressions . That would be a crime against life on every level .

What we have been witnessing in the past year or so is just that . This didn’t start yesterday and won’t be cleaned up by tomorrow but needs addressing now. While we look at the hungry nations and the homeless people that had something but whoosh now it’s gone , we sympathize , have empathy and try to help . We’re told we hate each other and shouldn’t touch anyone else , shouldn’t pray or extend a hand because , co , co , contamination or some such fear that keeps us from harmonizing or even helping resonate a negative being back to positive . The beauty is being stripped from our view , the melody is drowned out by cries of anguish and oppression . This is just another dam being built , holding back the evolution of love between people . I haven’t seen the hate and prejudice until now , when a few disruptive people claim they’re not getting their fair share . As with everything , you help , work toward a goal and achieve it or remain stagnant and wither by your own choice . Negative has never accomplished a goal or made not one thing better for anyone or any animal throughout history . Negative doesn’t harmonize and is not pleasant in sight or action of any kind . How do we overcome such darkness ?

In this moment we choose to pick up that garbage and give the next spirit passing by a beautiful view . We choose to sing , not just talk of harmony but sing it out . Look for the positive influence around us and listen to that vibration for a moment at least . Search for another and another alike ourselves , gain strength together and become a harmony that grows , is heard and is pleasant to hear . Most of all , don’t give up . The saying “it’s darkest just before the dawn”, has fact in it’s meaning . Many of us look at the problems around us and just want to give up . That only keeps you where you are , controlled by the negative, the fake hate facade mask telling you you can’t have happiness . Yes you can .

Move those molecules in a positive way . Effort is step toward our first goal , happiness . Once we’ve begun to walk the path we can beautify along the way for others to enjoy . Once we begin resonating our voice, others will sing the tune with us .

An analogy given by most religions is of pain and suffering to attain that heaven . I disagree . Pain and suffering just holds us back . Sure we go through much more than we deserve as most people do but we can and should avoid it and any entity that tells us so . Yes if you burn yourself on a hot stove you’re most likely not to do that stupid thing again but isn’t just being told good enough ? You want to empty your pockets of rocks before you go swimming . Nowhere in any book does it say you can’t achieve without pain and suffering other than one trying to control you . Nowhere does it state the movement of the molecule works better if burden is placed on it . At no time ever has the screech of an out of tune violin been pleasant so please tune that sucker and let’s jam .

Just a side note : Our aura is a very strong glow from our resonance . This beautiful display of self shows everything about us . Our mood , our health and even when we’re being deceiving toward others . It can compliment us or repel others from us . Modern science is coming along with machines to show our aura but have only addressed it through CAT scans , color codes of the body . many actions through daily strife show through our aura and with practice we can become sensitive to this glow . Having a healthy outlook and living in a positive way strengthens our resonance , our flow , so use every moment to brighten life around you as best you can from moment to moment .

all Love , Love all


This is going to be a bit different yet in line with our other posts , so please use your imagination and shine brightly with us .

There are many levels of consciousness , all connected by our neural net or nervous system . There are many levels of being , from an atomic level to worlds and suns . There are many layers of these atoms and they move backward , forward , positive and negative among other vibrations we can’t understand in our three dimensional universes . This includes us as we are held together by magnetics and gravity among other glues like string theory explains .

Our brain , minds , don’t recognize the difference between any of this , or not on a subconscious level . We are programed to react to our world by what we’re taught and what works , thus cognitive thought stops where intuition , clairvoyance or our gut feelings start . We think there’s no solid connection between us and say a tree or fish . Air separates us , but does it ? There are positive vibrating molecules we can’t see that fill those spaces in another dimension . Remember , our subconscious doesn’t care or recognize that , only what we’ve been taught to believe since we were born , in our Beta brain .

The pollution ingested by us flows and some lodges in our bodies causing aging and blockages to slow or stop our advancing into an upper level of consciousness . Much of this can be avoided and what hasn’t can be cleansed by flushing our system with proper brooms and filters . All purple foods aid in cleansing blood , garlic helps flush toxic heavy metals , onions gather those heavy metals like a magnet also . Fresh water is one of the best cleansers ever and is so plentiful right now , wow what a gift . There are more natural aids available than in a drugstore but we’ve become a society of trust your local chemical factory and that’s very bad in my opinion .

Our water has been a target lately . Those few that gain control of us seem to not care about cleansing the water of our planet . There have been wars declared for the right to abuse water in abundance yet no solution or management has been offered for replenishing or cleaning this resource . There is just so much water we forgot that part even mattered , or have we ? If we remain separate and ignorant to the fact that everything is interconnected we don’t know the details , so pollute and use all you want , it’s plentiful for now . If everything continues to be polluted , water , our bodies , our oceans , we will not advance to the next level of consciousness , we will atrophied trying to accept the extra strain put on our systems . We will continue to ingest toxins that cluster around our pineal gland , crystalizing and stopping the advance of higher intelligence . This is one of the greatest harms mankind could ever face and it’s happening now .

Water that flows around this planet is like our blood . Plastic that is introduced into that flow clogs and introduces numbers of chemicals unseen but deadly harmful to us and all life , especially what lives in those water ways . There are many chemicals sprayed on crops all over the world , by the tonnage that washes into our waters every season . Many being long lasting heavy metal type, choking the life from oxygen breathing animals , gills included . We see the plastic but not a majority of the pollutions drifting around us , being ignored because what you can’t see must not hurt you or even be there . Focus on the smog , focus on blame of the everyday person that just does what their told . Let’s blame them because in the USA there has to be a blame for everything , no mistake , no accident but accountability for every action . Unless it is caused by those in charge , we the people are at fault and should be made to pay .

Now that we have a lot to clean up , have been given a 26 hour day crammed into a 24 hour period , we should ignore the evolution of our species until these problems have been cleaned up . If our DNA is being changed by introducing unfounded chemicals into our bodies, isn’t it changing every living thing along with ours ? At present so much new untested nano technology is being pumped through us as I question our longevity . Is this to stop evolution of species ? Are we such a threat that to destroy the entire world is at stake ?

Can we work together and overcome the threat , the fear of evolving to a higher plane of existence while showing love and compassion ? Will we be the parent to an unruly leading class that vows to destroy it all if they don’t get what they want ? Yes we will . Yes we can and should . Let’s join as if those molecules between us join together holding the fabric of our universe tight and safe . We are the gardeners of the universe and hold a place among the planets and stars throughout all we behold . Tests have been done already showing in two generations plant life returns to it’s natural DNA base from a highly modified GMO . This fact proves we as human will return to our path of evolution if given the chance . We need to address the problems our world is faced with now or it will become very hard to in the near future . Scientists need to face simple truths about effects from over fertilization , bug manipulation by chemicals and virus attacks against the people . This is not a game, it’s life .

There is so much more to this than we have brought into view today . With little research we see what is around us and easily can adjust toward a better outcome . Please discuss life with friends and family , add to our plea , give advice for solutions and repair . We all want a better world , without pain and suffering . We all deserve long life with love at its core and a future evolving toward higher planes of existence . We are the flow of water throughout our world . May we cleanse and flush out the pollution without much rehabilitation. We are interconnected . All Love , Love all.

Simple life evolves…….


I like to break words down sometimes for better understanding of their meaning . Words like Human , Hu or Hue like in reflection and Man like in our species . So we are a reflection of the real species , the creator as understood by teachings about our history . This has hidden messages and opens many more questions about our ancestry . Maybe more than can be discussed here but that’s for future explanation . Another word is Garden , wow what a word this one is . Let’s be dyslexic and invert it to Den Gar , being a place of solitude to grow and nurture new thoughts without judgment . A private place each of us has for recovery and experimenting thought and body . A place we can invite someone else , privately to explore questions and use each other as sounding blocks without judgment from outside sources . Right or wrong we can decide .Now we come to a powerful word misunderstood by in todays western world as fiction , Imagination .

Imagination is our thought put into practical use through what we perceive as possible and in some cases could be possible . This word begins the journey of creation , unfolds social acceptance for a better society and gives communities further comforts accepted in the growth of humanity . Makes the reflection a solid foundation for us to build on , firm footing . Although it can be much more and used for much different purpose than social gains . Today our goal is to acknowledge it’s importance and positive use here in the garden , our world . What we can imagine can and often does become reality . Inventors have always used imagination for figuring out applications in time ,space , mechanics and creating everything from the wheel to space exploration . We are inundated by the pure science of imagination . Think about that for a second . We can achieve whatever we set our minds to , beginning with imagination . Solutions abound when we focus on solving problems . Our minds provide an army of helpful thought everyday and we don’t even know it . It’s natural , another great word , haha.

Could it be the problems we’re faced with everyday outweigh the solutions ? Could it be that we tend to pass off responsibility to others we deem as knowing more about the problems than ourselves , or we’re to busy handling our own set of misfortunes to focus on worldly mishaps ? In many cases to shed off our burden is much easier than to carry them to a proper dump site and leave them with alike burdens dumped by others . I feel a cluster of this trash would be more acknowledged and addressed if noticed by people passing by , thus coming up with solutions , but it’s still each of us dumping the load instead of clearing the mess they create before giving it up . It all ends up in a gyre situation , settling beneath our view or far away from sight until it effects us personally again . We pay for our actions sooner or later and sometimes the cost outweighs the actions easily taken in the first place .

Hold the image of a world without food or nutrients in mind , a world of garbage piled on top of garbage breeding toxic rot that kills anything trying to grow . That this pile of debris is thick , using the air and rain we thought as plentiful once , now only chokes us , striving to gulp in one more breath , trying to heal the hunger pains of a parched reality . Not a pleasant picture but certainly the direction we’re heading with total disregard of the outcome . Then you may ask ” What can I do about it now ?” , but maybe to late . Plastic is not a friendly substance , has no nutritional value but allows sickness to spread everything it touches . As we displace the crude oils for so called energy efficient alternatives the alternative will be heaping new technologies for the continued uses of these petroleum products . Not something we need to imagine , it’s becoming reality today .

We don’t have geniuses giving the best advice but boardroom zillionaires dictating what’s best for profit . The technologies available won’t be recognized until a crossover has successfully been accomplished by these brilliant minds , unless it’s to late for that . Is there time for life ? Being told to lock ourselves in a room , maybe run off a cliff or stop having children is easier . Solutions to problems are never easy . Sweeping it under the rug has always been a quick fix but we’ve still got the problem . Creating new disasters is just like this only then we’re faced with the new created disaster as well as the old . Hold on here , there are humane solutions if we’d take a breath and let imagination step in . Rich or poor , black or white we all have equal shares in our world . Air and water were thought to be items not for sale but resources needed for simple life. Even plants deserve these resources .

Our word should be heard. Our ideas need to be listened to . There are many smart people being suppressed that have ideas about converting poorly functioning methods to efficient operating systems if only given the chance . Here we have a platform for some of those ideas to surface , beginning solutions toward easing the pains of growth that is inevitable in our future . Blending together is part of growth and that can be painful . Selfish ideas hold back society and give little relief to future populations striving to just survive another day , week and year . Life should be a pleasure , free and taught within a system of learning given freely for all to progress toward the betterment of all life . Let’s adopt this ideology , let’s shed the chains of greed and injustice and focus on life here on our planet , in our world our society our neighborhood . Let your voice be heard , send messages to those in control that seem to have forgotten they too are part of life .

Home Reef
More beauty to come when we get home, all love……

Ebb and Flow

The current if energy is never ending .

fate is our direction , sometimes by choice , sometimes by ebb and flow . Einstein used to enjoy sailing his boat , alone on a pond or stream would give him time to think and redress ideas . He realized he couldn’t see the wind , so a flag was tied to show the flow . He couldn’t see the current , so the rudder needed attention most of the time . Otherwise that beautiful sandy beach ahead wouldn’t be reached but that mud bar could pop right in the way and foul the afternoons fun . This is true with fate , if we aren’t aware of what’s around us we can end up with mud on our faces by making the wrong decisions . Sometimes this changes course of our lives and not for the easier .

As we grow into what we’d expect to be our world of decisions , making life easier , we don’t think of others . When we act on selfish goals we neglect those that might have a harder fate than us . This is not judgment or Karma it’s life’s gift to each individual as their harmony , their resonance toward their task in this lifetime . Each of us has the same only a slightly different tone . We harmonize together or become off key when our choices aren’t blending with those around us . We are a song that should sound beautiful together . Standing idle , allowing the current to send us wherever we go is a gamble , maybe too much to chance .

If I were sailing along and saw debris floating around me I would question my place . Question what brought this and what effect it will bring . Enough debris and my rudder will get caught up forcing me to follow blindly wherever the direction takes me . This is allowing someone else to make my choices for me . This is against my belief because the debris isn’t supposed to be there in the first place . What about deeper , below my boat ? Are the fish having as much trouble as I am ? Is that beautiful sandy beach now covered with this unwanted clutter as well ? I feel I should ask those dumping this trash what they expect to gain . What any of us could gain from such careless actions . Being alone I can only pick up what I can reach for now but won’t forget to inquire as soon as possible how this wrong can be righted . Call my superiors , write the people responsible and suggest alternate methods of disposal .

What I see here is upper and lower levels of life . The lower being a kind of hell pain , pollution , and a haze of concentration people have . to ignore unhappiness around them . The more focused we become , aware of the actions we take , the higher we rise in levels of life . This alleviates pain and suffering along with bringing others around us to a better place as well . The ebb and flow will always be there , always come with unexpected results but we have a choice as to the outcome , our fate . The idea of working together ,calling and writing those in charge is our song . If we sing in harmony they enjoy and hear us loud and clear . Doing this by ourselves still adds to the octave we are reaching for . You becomes we and we become a voice heard by many , joined by many , loved by all . Even the fish are happy , the turtles smile because the jellyfish are tasty again , no bellyache . The birds sing and their eggs don’t crack before the babies are born . Life becomes that song it was before neglect became the normal .

Our world has been shut down for over a year . Pollution has paved way to new tons of waste along our coasts and in our gyres . Life has become hard . We’ve lowered ourselves into hell listening to those that say it’s our fault and if we’d done what they want this would be cleared by now . Do you still believe that ? To many people cause to much destruction , we need to lessen the population . These are lies and shame tactics that have come about quickly , without science or proof . Fact is we were doing better up until 2020 , we had inertia and were building toward a better world . There were and are solutions to the population growth . Pain and suffering don’t need to be imposed because a few rich people are afraid of what might be . If they’re rich and smart they’d find solutions instead of attacking and blaming the masses . The money spent on war could easily be spent on cleaning up our world , saving species becoming extinct and giving health to those suffering people now without hope . Never before is such a short time have we lost pride in life , given up hope and become dependent on those willing to destroy us as soon as they can . Again the unity of sight , mind and voice is our hope . Open your eyes and look around , help others and don’t be divided . Sing in harmony and blend together , be heard . Bend down and pick up the trash like we’d do for our children when they spill . Freedom is life , we live free or we aren’t living .


Ocean life is declining at a rapid pace . air is polluted worse than ever , contributing to saturated levels in earth and water . Like a dirty set of clothing , it’s time to change , wash clean and gain appearance along with pride in ourselves , our world . Like each of us having pride when we receive new items , we have pride when the world is bright and healthy . As health deteriorates the glow of aura declines and recedes to a shallow electrical field . It’s a natural cycle of life and death that is usually replenished anew as quickly as it’s depleted . With such a low outlook seen by many around the planet now , we experience clutter , disregard for hope of future repair , just a tumbling spiral into depression .

The ocean is resilient in life but we can’t see it other than by the catches of fish brought to our markets . What we’re being told is all we know and that is usually manipulated by driving forces to control geographic areas by countries aiming at their goal . Looking under the waves we can see a clear story of what we’re faced with . Even though the debris is thick , the chemicals are choking and the oxygen levels have lessened , there is more exchange of life force than anywhere on land . Our oceans haven’t raped simply by greed as vastly as land , like the rain forests . Much of our oceans are open areas to far from any country to care about up to now . These are the gyre sites , the spaces far from mans desire to hold , the places man avoids like a desert or high mountain unattainable without great effort . Still the life that lives there doesn’t acknowledge our science , doesn’t know of the demand humans place on everything to produce for them . It’s pure and honest in life . Giving and taking only what is necessary , seeing the day as it comes .

To place blame is not an answer or a solution . To retain resources has always been done for stability and to prepare for hardships ahead . When we dam back to much the flow seizes and stagnates growth along the life chain like blood through a clogged artery . When one player has all the marbles the game is over because without exchange there is no progress . Life ends with no winners . Understanding this allows smart leaders to give opportunity all around , not to deplete resources . Knowing these simple applications , offering help instead of asking for more personal gain is a start . Nothing is easy that’s worthwhile and those that do the work are rarely remembered but in the course of life , the longevity and comforts become less burdensome for all . Starting with ourselves we shine , like a ripple on a pond we expand to others and the effect slowly improves our world . Acknowledging the selfish among us allows review into what is greed and what is justly done for the good of all . We all need to think , to apply those thoughts as trial and into effect , to apply what works and discard what doesn’t . This is not a time to give up . Twilight brings anew the future so when the lights are turned on again let’s see something special . Let’s build a future unending with possibilities and comforts within our world . There’s only so much here , only so much to share , only this chance to blend together in harmony . TRUTH .

Pain and War

Our world has changed these past decades from peace and harmony to confusion and hate . Not long ago we were at war with everyone else , thinking our way was the right path . Time heals and we forget the painful times we’ve gone through , at least most left alive have . Those born after have never experienced the trauma , the bitter hate and lack of compassion that encompassed the world then . Is the cycle to begin it’s ugly destruction again or maybe it just needed time to organize , repair it’s mistakes that didn’t allow success back then ? Most young people play life like a board game never having seen past their lives .

This site began as a cleanup site offering solutions to problems we face that effect us daily . We realized if world problems continue unchecked a domino effect would worsen life for millions if not billions of people . We saw there could easily be solutions to these problems , that together through love of our world we can make a difference , no matter our color , creed or religion . These truths can still be accomplished if world leaders understand both sides of the coin . Wouldn’t helping clean up messes be as profitable as making more messes ? Wouldn’t giving knowledge about over population be better than exterminating those thought to be in the way ? Again I challenge our leaders to at least listen to the pain and trust people are intelligent enough to make hard decisions . Every spirit has a heartbeat and was given life for these years of growth here on earth . Predator or prey have been placed below human because of our ability to have compassion , to choose right from wrong . Now for us to exercise those abilities is more important than ever .

Our cleanup has become one of shame , disrespect and lies toward fellow man. Not just the atmosphere we thrive in but ourselves . I see more garbage thrown away now than ever . I wonder why ? I see division of man by prejudice and greed unlike anything since WW2 , why ? I see people kept from learning , divided from each other for the advancement of a few . For the last 20 years or so we’ve been taught to lie , to steal and kill whatever is in our way . The teacher being our own judges , white collar crimes and big business wanting only profit without consequence . Have we been following blindly or are we watching and doing alike ? I still believe in humane actions from the majority of people . Research shows social behaviors are in the best interests of the whole , not for just the few . Manners express the kind nature of the population even under stressed conditions . We have rights no other population has ever had in world history yet a few greedy people have vetted against unity and divided us for profit . Trust has never been questioned as much as now .

Returning to old market beliefs is one way to protect ourselves . Barter , trade and labor in trade are exchanges we should look into . The USA has stifled small business knowing these are our foundation . Most of the world still holds small business as a staple of society . Happiness through giving and receiving strengthens each of us more than most realize until all is lost . Don’t let kindness slip , acts of kindness is a backbone in every event . Listening to false narratives divides us and harms this bond . It’s the small things that add up to major accomplishments . As people gather with pride for each other , bringing what they have to the table , we all eat . As people regain pride our world becomes less cluttered with garbage , becoming beautiful again . There is no choice to these duties , we must acknowledge now . There are many points I have left out some of you will recall as you read this plea . Please post them , act together and we can give hope to crumbling disorder . Please hear our cry of unity .

Water water everywhere

Here we are , an advanced race of human selfishly keeping everything for me and none for thee . If I can’t have it I’ll destroy it . give us what we want or we’ll burn this mother down . Sound familiar ? Only in America , but wait ! Now it’s the world not just your neck of the woods .

Today we look into what happens when pollution meets chemicals mixed with trash and heat . One big stinking problem , then another , then another , oh like dominos .

First we over cut forests for farming , not noticed or monitored by much , it’s all profit for the countries doing the clear cutting so then what . Our thermal rivers slow or stop cycling completely . Imagine five times the amount of water the Amazon river has but up in the sky , stops flowing . Ahh , let’s look back before clear cut and see the nuclear testing and fall out from such tests spreading across land and lakes , even oceans . which direction do we point ? Fear gave government the right to test with no monitoring or protection for the people they were supposedly protecting . Kinda twists the tongue doesn’t it . Who’s watching the hen house , who’s watching the money , who’s counting lives ?

Presently the drought , natural or man made takes effect and the dust begins to fly . Lakes that were there are dry and whatever settled to the bottom is now airborne . One example is lake Chad in Africa . People are fighting for what water is left but still no monitoring or solutions other than fighting for scraps that are left . Babies are born without eyes , noses or hearts and worse if there can be . This is old news but we didn’t hear about it because it doesn’t make money for the lead donkey . We’re all following our tails afraid to question what’s really going on .

Mix this all up with a quarantine , mild cold that shuts the world down and separates people from talking even to loved ones and it’s a perfect way to eliminate any one questioning their agenda . These aren’t the smartest birds in the coop but they’re in control . It’s been going on for a long time . I spoke of Atrazine and it’s use before , wondering why so many children don’t know their gender ? It’s bug spray , tons and tons sprayed on all our crops , that turns the bugs gay ( female to female , male to male ) all for population control . Wasn’t working fast enough . The restructuring of our world has to happen now , while those in control are still alive . Don’t want to miss all the fun , set up the game and oops it’s a time out . Still , their not the sharpest pencil on the desk .

Now let’s get to our water , the worlds water , our oceans and sea life . With all these man made atrocities in our air and water , settling into the soil then washing into the ground water along with lakes and oceans , all living things are confused . Is it too late to repair the damage ? Have the simple minds that set this in motion thought of the lasting effects ? Are there platforms above the earth for them to hide in while the dust settles ? Better yet , Can we come up with healthy solutions for population control without mass genocide , can we save sea life , plant life , our lives ?

Yes we can . We have to , we know how and all life on this planet depends on brilliant minds working together to do so . These challenges won’t happen as long as we are locked down and kept from the truth . Please don’t live in fear anymore . We all have an equal share in the gardening of this world and on into the future . Love is a choice , also the strongest bond in the universe . Life is of little value without love . Let’s start this journey together , all mankind depends on our actions now .

There are many departments of this problem I have left out . Plastic in our oceans , silicone in our food along with GMO’d genetics of that food , nano particles spread through the chemtrails and on and on , but there are humane solutions to each and every one of these problems . Start by informing yourselves and others of the truth . Come up with sensible solutions and work together .

We are the people of this world .

Peace to all

Calming is an art , a practice taught through yoga or discipline among other methods to aid our daily progress . Having a peaceful mind enables us to acquire our own direction or fate . A good reminder is how sailing allows us to reach a destination regardless of the unseen wind and currents . The effort we give returns our desired outcome .

There are some conflicting thinkers feeling fear and threats gain better results by intimidation . Demand control of things unseen and unproven for the mere feeling of power over others . Eventually truth prevails but the damage done and loss of true progress can never be regained . Let us be informed before making choices that will effect future events .

We’ve been monitoring tide and water temperatures for the last 15 years with no noticeable changes . I will explain our world cycle in just a few words . We are in a warming trend that’s lasted approximately 15 thousand years now . Before then we spent 20 thousand years in a cooling trend that teetered up and down for millions of years past . Snow and ice pack has been melting , causing liquid water to rise ocean levels to todays heights but we’re almost topped off . This is a natural cycle that man has very little influence over . We can build dams but the flow will eventually spill over them . We can not stop natural air flows or ocean currents . Our world is stabilizing volcanic activities but tectonic plate movements open new avenues for volcanic activities and future eruptions may occur naturally as well . Good news is that helps cool the planet but is unhealthy for crops and life forms above and below the ocean surface . These are facts we can not deny or manually control .

If we continue polluting our oceans we risk depleting our major food source and damaging the oxygen exchange from our coral reefs . This is a main concern we should all be addressing . Think of the reefs as being the rain forests underneath the waves . We don’t see them or acknowledge their beauty but that world is here and viable to life’s existence for us above . The bleaching of reefs is a natural event as storms , acid levels and over fishing and dragging nets destroy years of healthy growth in minutes . If left alone the coral will replenish quickly , allowing nurseries and feeding grounds for all life under the waves . Typhoons change more ocean geography than man could ever imagine . We have no control over these natural events and shouldn’t find blame for mother nature changing cloths .

Plastic is a major threat on more than one font . The debris fills bellies of every living creature from shrimp to whale . We eat plastic without knowing everyday . The cancer rate has shot through the roof along with other diseases because of our ignorance of the facts , or is it a money maker so we allow the pollution to continue . Now we’ve gone full circle , live happy and healthy or be sick and in fear . Not really your choice anymore is it . Have we given that control to those that know best or those that stand to gain the most ? please pay attention and do your best to help .

This photo is taken by AllWinner’s v3-sdv
This photo is taken by AllWinner’s v3-sdv

spice of life

We are making headway, slow and steady every step . The beach is clean after our school girls picked every scrap and piece of glass up . Seven bags of plastic debris were taken away . Great job kids ! All week now it’s been cold , raining and overcast . Not much good for pictures but we’ve got some from last week to enjoy .

The journey has been a learning experience for us all . With the help from others, schools, college professors, seamen and an assortment of children like our girls, we will continue making a dent in the environment . Thanks to you all . It seems now would be opportune time to grow , enlisting people with foresight an imagination and money to invest towards our end goal , attacking the main gyres themselves . We’ve got a plan , direction and enthusiasm so it’s time and investment capital we lack .

A barge large enough to house conveyors to compactors as big as a room . Add a paddle wheel to deposit the plastics on board , engines to move the beast, then times a thousand and we’re ready .

Computer is slow, we’ll continue in a while but you get the sound of it . We can make this happen . It’s simple and not rocket science. Lot’s of work though. That we can provide. I can acquire a crew but we need investors that believe our world is worth saving . HELP !

The right thing

Doing good or the right thing is hard , difficult at best , doing the wrong thing is easy , Just don’t care . Feeling good is rare but it seems lately pain is everywhere .
Have you smiled lately , had a good laugh ? It’s an important part of our lives to be social , enjoy others and retain memories that carry us through those rough spells . I believe most people want to do the right thing , just aren’t aware of how . It’s not a blame game , we do the best we can at every gives moment but bad actions cast blame way from itself and onto others . Then , stress and sadness cast a cloud over us and laughter faces into depression .

When we have a project and finish correctly the feeling of accomplishment gives a boost that won’t be forgotten . When we step up and help others , again the endorphins kick in and smiles exude pleasant energy . The enertia is catching but so is the negative actions and projections .

The past year has been hard on us all . Worst year in my life was 2020 . I saw plastic bags come back along with massive medical waste thrown into our water ways . Filth dominated our streets unchecked as people zombied through their days . In first world countries homeless families became a normal unlike anything since the 1920’s and it’s only getting worse . Third world countries seem to be handling this better. What can we do ?
Realize the movement of the molecule . As we think we move molecules , project good thoughts or bad . It’s pretty simple to do the right thing , think the right thoughts be a positive person . We can boost ourselves and everyone around us by good thinking . Doing the best you can at every given moment . Some moments are better than others but trying your best is all that’s asked .
We usually speak of coral and fishes but I thought solutions and understanding are what’s needed now . Bless each and every one of you . We will display Ocean posts soon , please be patient . The last Typhoons really knocked our home reef but life returns , in it’s tenacious ways and we have some pictures for you .

Tidal waves

It’s been a while since the shut down and we haven’t posted . Not allowed to refresh ourselves in the salt water , probably the best thing to kill any virus . Flip flop on every choice controlled by people without fact . PLEASE OPEN OUR WORLD.
The oceans are recieving more plastic and medical refuse than ever and no one even notices . We have been sickening ourselves and our world by listening to eliteists giving false narratives . Open your eyes and see how wrong this scenario has been .
I thought in the beginning a couple weeks stay at home would give the life on this planet a chance to recover but far from true . We are polluting more than ever . The debris gathers in our bays , along streets and in gutters to wash into our water ways . See the Dolphin wear the mask ? How cute .
The agenda of Atrazine and now a vaccine washes through our air and waterways everywhere . This effects all life on the planet . Did we ask for any of this ? We were warned against tweaking D N A in the old testament and the consequences , now the stew is cooking . We won’t know the outcome for up to two years after This experiment . Can’t wait ! No sexual gender , up to 70% sterile people . What about the other animals on this world ? Will the Atrazine effect their D N A as well ?
We are scheduled to return to the reefs in a couple weeks , hope they don’t shut the World down again within our fact finding mission . We will post and picture as much as we can within our one month expedition . My hopes are positive , we expect scientific findings to show a heart beat vibrant within the nursery ( coral reefs ) and beyond . We’ll tell as many schools and government officials as we can.
Our Shaman background is of helping the healing and health of our world . Bringing insights to darkened minds and adding prosperity throughout this planet . Love is at our core .

Beginning of the end

Is the end near ? Is this just the beginning of a new normal ? What should you expect out of life from this point on ? We are in a different world than just a few years ago , that’s true . For those of you old enough to remember lining a garbage can with news paper or packing a lunch in wax paper , these times are dangerous . The advent of plastic controls our daily movements , dictates how we flow through our days with promises of maintaining freshness that we can get back to later . Rushing ahead is our only option as life demands a 26 hour day to fit into a 24 hour period . Who set this system up and why ?

The common family has to work two jobs then do the household chores that a healthy family requires . This we all try to obtain along our journey to blissful retirement . What we now leave in our wake could be what we have to live with in that utopian future . Our end is on the horizon , the generation being blamed for ruining the world , the care free people from a 1960s mentality of peace and love . Does it really seem we gave up on nature or the next generation ? Not at all . We’ve been working together trying to combat the overwhelming landslide of problems heaped on us by outdated policies . Sweeping our problems under the rug just doesn’t work . The advent of a simpler lifestyle to compete with daily demands has become the normal and we trust it’s good for us . This couldn’t be further from truth .

On our way out we take the art of socializing with neighbors , separated we stand . We lose the art of preservation from season to season , it takes time and isn’t cost efficient anymore or so we’re told . That is just not true but does take time we don’t have anymore . Ignoring the simple things that help clean our world are thought of as time consuming and others can organize efforts to clean the mess with their spare time . Who has spare time anymore . Focus on the outdated handling of these problems and make the changes within , before they become epidemic . Trash and land management , disposal of toxic wastes shouldn’t be another reason to tax people . These modern problems should be dealt with before the distribution into society . We shouldn’t have third world countries as dumping grounds , held down by manufacturers needing a cheap way of increasing their profit . Ok , the bottom line seems to be cash . Money for the board and retirement packages so large they choke on the wads of money . What goes to the worker and then the people that are faced with living after these presidents are set ? We get to clean up the messes . This takes all our excess time as we fade into a short meaningless sunset . quite marvelous for the geniuses that set this structure up .

What we can do is write our legislation , voice our opinion about what should be set aside to help clean our world up . These presidents and retiring heads of corporations shouldn’t be given a sweetheart retirement . They don’t deserve being at the top of the heap when their actions have caused the destruction of our world . Let your voice be heard , shout out to those that will listen . The disease of our time has grown to yearly viruses sprouting from the garbage piled around us . These deadly problems along with dwindling sea life and chemicals sprayed on what foods we grow have begun a soup of toxic poison all around us . Use of the computer allows everyone to research what lies before us . This should be the beginning of the end for unjust unmonitored destruction . Our only defence is to work together in cleanup to change of these policies . Work together toward the natural changes upon us now in climate change to plastic in our oceans .

We’re faced with events that could easily cause destruction of billions of lives let alone ruin the world we hold so dear . This is all there is people , there won’t be a second chance once we’ve met the extinction level . It could be a beautiful sunset for the few willing to ignore the bodies strewn across the world as fertilizer for whatever is to come next .

I for one am not ready to lie down and hope for the next generation to come up with a plan of salvation . I am not willing to sit back and accept the plastic growing in our oceans and bellies . I am not accepting the new diseases born from the new toxic wastes offered to us as a helpful item in our now overburdened lives .

There are alternative products to plastic . There are safe chemicals and washes that can contain the deadly waste building in our waterways . Only a few years ago we could drink from a faucet or spring without fear of contamination . We should be concerned with this instead of turning to bottled water as an alternative . The new frontier isn’t very attractive if seen as manufactured , it should be natural . We have the ability by unity in voice, by forcing change and recognizing the flaws , the greed of the few . Exposing this is as important as gathering plastic from our water ways . making change for the future while we fade into forgotten history . Do what you can to help make these changes now . Please recognize what fragile life we hold in our hands . Please become involved in this life struggle in any way you can imagine . Let us hear your voices .

Jelly to Jam

string of jellies in the thousands

Today I entered at the pier , about one click west . This is where the reef ends or begins , other sporadic coral clusters dot along the coast as well . My intentions were to video while swimming home . I did that , capturing four segments , one being the oil spill that’s been there for three years now . The others show colorful reef and schools of fish but I was preoccupied by the massive jelly flow all around me . Concentrating on the jellies to avoid being stung while filming took most of my focus . The results were no turtles and little special shots along the way but we show great outcroppings of coral , sponge and fish .

new to me , tubular jelly
Easy to see dead spots in some areas . Last year we taped length and girth of some coral types but after typhoons the reef changes so much it’s impossible to find the same coral .

Healthy coral grows faster than I read . Some Mesa and barrel coral have grown up to 8 cm over the year so a Mesa that is 3 meters across might take thirty years . My belief before measuring was 100 years for a 3 meter mesa , or 10 ft across . If we continue to clean and protect our nurseries there’s a great chance we can protect many species of fish as well as provide oxygen for our planet . It’s a step in the right direction , recreational and fun along the way . helping pick up plastic is a very important job on the beach , under the waves or off a sidewalk on your own street . No kidding , you’re all environmentalists . We’re not lost to the commercialization of plastic bags and bottles . We’re not doomed to offering a trashed world to the next generation . We can do this and should .

stinger is her name bobbing along is her game .

Somehow we’ve got to go out there on the gyre . Maybe next trip we can organize the sight seeing tour that should be done instead of believing other information given . I’ve heard about boats being stuck in plastic so thick you could walk on it , clogging propellers and reflecting sunlight from the white plastic that gathers within the still gyres . These areas are away from the currents , sit still and heat up but there’s more . The dead lives of sea creatures litter the gyres as well . This brings bugs , a stench that must reek of decaying flesh for miles and brings bottom feeders , scavengers to feast on whatever is entangled there .

The job of cleaning this kind of mass up must take an incredible kind of human . Someone that realizes the true outcome , cause and effect our world faces if it’s not addressed . My application of a barge with a paddlewheel collector , conveyor belts sending the plastic to huge compactors , making miles of blocks then tugboating it to a plant on land still seems to be the best idea so far . This work would take a crew gathering and sorting , Captain and devotion along with satellite tugs and land crew to use the captured plastics . If one barge set against the gyre the size of Texas it would take 50 to 100 years to make a dent . If 1000 barges worked together we could make a noticable chunk every year . The cost will be in the billions .

Is our world worth it ? Are our people worth saving along with the rest of the ocean life ? Much of the world survives off fishing and our oceans one way or the other . How urgent is this matter ? After all not many of us even think about it . We love to watch the sun set over the ocean , very calming but do we think about what floats just under that glistening sunset ? Are the other daily chores more important than what’s to come in just a short few years ? Call or write your representative please , just take a moment to let them know your concerns . Shout out to the world if you have more time , inform those that are out of this loop . No joke , no small matter . We’re dumping thousands of tons of plastic into our oceans every month . All around the world the trash industry is throwing , hiding the pollution they collect throughout cities straight into our oceans . My heart melts to think we have alternate options and don’t use them .

Our site is here for everyone to follow and learn from . Post what you know , discuss the applications at hand . Using our minds together we can find solutions , we can have the beautiful world we had just a few years ago .

Living breathing , thriving coral is abundant . Helping it survive is on us .

What’s for dinner

Out on the reef today we spotted some colorful coral and fish along with a turtle munching on a bit of sponge . The winds were up and water was hazy but we got some pleasurable shots none the less . We’re looking for the Moray Eel , their elusive nature and the size of the reef makes for a challenge but we promise to keep looking , she’s worth the pic . Other illusive fish are the sharks that turn up from time to time . I think the water has been to cool as we’ve seen them on warm days . I’ve only gone out once at night and the sharks do like their night hunting , but no luck filming them yet .

We’ve been impressed by the lack of debris but the night fishing by boat continues . That’s something we’ll deal with before we have to depart . Not looking like we’re going to other reefs on this trip as we return to Cali at the end of the month . Sad truth is there’s only the pair of us to coordinate and plan for our obligations as well as monitor the reefs . As much as we enjoy doing it all there’s just so much time .

at least we got some great pics for you to review . Hope you like them all .

Night shot for beginners
cam upgrade may be needed for night shots
colorful sea slugs ready to mate

Reef Nurseries

In the last storms we’ve experienced turbulence within the reef . Our barriers , floating canastors , have broken away from their moorings allowing fishemen to encroach over the coral . This has broken down some healthy coral and depleted many schools that are usually protected within the reef . In my last few trips out I’ve noticed a decline in schools , some as much as 50% . This is alarming to say the least .

Some of the species are , whitetip soldierfish , Snappers ( Lutjanus sp. ) , Yellowtail Fusiliers ( Caesio Teres ) , Sweetlips and Bumphead Parrotfish (Sphyraena Quenie ), Batfish ( Platax Boersii ) and Humpback Snappers (Lutjanus Gibbus ) to name a few . I’ve noticed the Striped Catfish ( Plotosus Lineatus) hiding between cracks in the giant coral mounds , still in schools . The yellow and blue reef fish have gone into hiding as well instead if gathering on top of the horned coral they usually frequent .

We’re approaching the local municipality to anchor new floatilla to keep fishing away from the reefs . This is for the fishermen as well as the local communities that rely on daily catches . If we don’t alert them of the dwindling populations there won’t be food on their plates either . We have yet to survey other reefs within our acapello but fear the same may be true . The ease of catching close to shore or within reefs is attractive , making a short day and bountiful catch for local fishermen .

Yesterday I noticed a new Moray Eel close to the house . She was hidden in her cave but came out to greet me . What a colorful species , healthy and dominant . Looking to be settling into her new home quite well . I was pleased to see her and hope the other morays become attracted to our reef as well . Small sharks were spotted as well , close to shore , dorsal fin only 5cm , standing straight and true . We’ve heard the mothers hang under the shipping boats stationed over the sand just west of the reef . I’m hoping this turns into a birthing area for the Nurse and White tip sharks as well . A Whale shark was spotted last week by someone sitting at the Lomi haus overlooking the reef . She was out just past the reef in 6 mtrs to 8 mtrs deep. It would have been a thrill to have swam with her . So there is an abundance of life in our ever changing reef system . The water is cooler this month and may be attracting the sharks .

My concern about the lack of nurseries will be monitored as we protect the reefs from illegal fishing . Even now we’ve noticed the boats are farther out away from the reefs and hope they realize their livelihood depends on the schools growing to adulthood .

Sea of colors , life thrives
Turtles love to nibble on the tips

Follow the flow

Watching the creeks flow from the mountains , washing the plastic bags of all bright colors is hypnotizing . Seeing the bags catch up on roots or broken tree branches along the way , making a bundle of forever plastic half covered by dirt and mulch debris . A glimpse of children playing along the beach where no sand can be seen , only colorful plastic bags knee deep as they frolic amongst the waves bringing more plastic to enjoy . What’s wrong with that ? Our next generation will embrace this as normal , seen since their first trip to the ocean . Cresting waves bringing plastic with every lap along our shores . It’s the new normal as we trend toward consumerism , conglomerate monopolies that want us to see the sparkle of their products above all . One time use and we’re satisfied , not our concern after that . Just throw it in a heap and let someone else sort it out , or enjoy it forever as your own trophies , in your own neck of the woods . The bright colors attract so many living creatures , wow , it’s become an experiment to see what drops dead and what new bacteria grow from the beautiful heaps of color we so adore .

While the youth of this world has turned a blind eye , global warming and trying to stop the weather from naturally doing what it’s cycle dictates takes president over focus on the real problems . Who is really driving this buss ? Could the monopolies be involves somehow ? No , just a little girl reading what she’s been taught without research . Just media giving us another direction to look and blame laid on our doorstep . We the people are charged with ignoring the responsibilities of protecting our young , our world . We the people have damaged this world so bad we have to pay now , in taxes , in focus and lifestyle . All the time our coke and water is placed in safe plastic bottles for our safety , for preservation of the factories that buy and produce the plastic bags in single use form , for us . Yes , for US . There couldn’t possibly be an alternative ! There couldn’t be some other way of looking at the flow of garbage .

But wait , we have a second helping if you’ll just be patient ! Dial a janitor is coming . Yep , we’re all expecting the cleanup crew to step in just like our parents did when we threw our plate on the floor in a fit as children . How dare you not clean up after us !

Wake up people , there is no cleanup janitor , just you and me . Protest takes a massive effort and does little to change the facts . The flow isn’t going to stop until we demand globally enough is enough .

In all this ranting , exposing the real culprit is just a rant unless We the People do what should be done . Rivers are filthy , Oceans are contaminated and our health is failing daily . A slow death is favorable to that quick shot to the head , right ? NOT ! We don’t see the plastic bullets coming . If the pollution continues we’re all at the mercy of Plastic bottles and consuming the so called clean fresh taste of sugared drinks .

Join in a simple act of not throwing plastic to the ground when you’re through with that single use package .

Watch your own foot print become smaller by the day as you recognize the packaging offered to you . Turn away from the simple things that cost more than imagined when we buy that brightly colored case of single use product . It’s the only way our voice can be heard . Unite to help clean up the beaches and attributes to our oceans . Please be conscious of daily consumption .

We have posted a number of helpful applications on the FB site that needs to be transferred to this site . We have relied on word of mouth for new listeners here on the Gyre site . There’s a long way to go , we’re losing ground by the minute . If there’s anything you can mention our ears are open . We will post and continue showing positive ways to help Mother Earth recover along the way but we need unity and creative responses .

We thank you for listening and giving your time . Just bending down and picking up a couple scraps a day makes life a little brighter . Please enlighten others to the massive problem we all face .

do do do Lookin out my back door Credence Clearwater Revival
Conk me out , green new coral

fact not fiction

We’ll start with some interesting tidbits of knowledge . 97 % of the worlds water is already in the oceans . The other 3% consists of ice , snow , lakes and rivers . How much rise in ocean tides can be achieved by the total melt of our ice and snow pack ? Possible 2 meters but that’s stretching it . Rain also has some weight in this matter but what hits land goes to our lakes and rivers as well as under ground . Captured for years and longer when flowing into lakes .

Here’s a good fact we haven’t faced yet but could be a reason for chronic pain , loss of cartilage and an assortment of ailments we address as common . Plastic in our bodies ! Yes you , me and everyone living today ingests approximately 5 grams weekly . Sound like a lot ? Does to me too . By eating fish , shrimp , crab , cow , bird , just about all animal life and drinking from plastic bottles , we ingest that much . I don’t want to get started on the vegetables sprayed with Atrazine but that’s for another post , look it up .

We aren’t given a choice about these poisons added to our diet . If you shop at a market , eat from a large farm produced for profit , most likely you’re filling the hungry belly with food that shortens your life . I’ve been posting for years about the harm of solid plastics we use and don’t need to . The plastic that chokes our ocean life , in return harming us . Whether you see it or not the time has come to open your eyes to what you know is true .

The climate protesters want action on that 3% of melting ice , claim a natural cycle can be stopped if we throw our world into chaos . I ask you all to look around and see what giving more control to those supporters , not the common people but the funding parties wanting to stir up confusion and have us chasing a natural event as their agenda is doing . If I can uncover the facts it can’t be that hidden . Plastic enters our oceans by the ton everyday . So much plastic that if we don’t stop it we’ll die of starvation just like the whales that die on our beaches every year . Just like the birds that can’t give birth and also die with a belly full of plastic , Yummm .

Greed has taken over as we’ve entered into the 21st century . Possibly by those people smelling the end is near , like a vulture circling the dying bodies . I remember hearing a priest say to my father , ” The end may be as close as your children feeling and seeing it “. I thought then what gangs would do if they thought that way , heard this man spout such lies . Now I see those in charge grasping for every penny to give their family a head start above anyone else based on this very same lie .

We are alive . We have choice , show love and like any good parent , roll our sleeves up and clean the messes without blame . A good scolding , maybe a spanking and being taken out of the game is needed for a while but we don’t give up. Without this enduring spirit we’d all be lost . No matter what nationality , color , religious beliefs we have , from start to finish I stand along side the people of this planet . We’ve offered solutions , applications from cleanup efforts to alternative plastic products . It’s not easy standing up to huge business using plastic to sparkle their products , catching our eyes but please realize what damage is caused by single use plastic or just plastic in any form anymore .

Natural events and cycles happen and can’t be stopped . Like the tide or lightening , could we stop them ? Those things man has done can be controlled and by being responsible we can and will control our fate . Just remember every little bit helps , every conscious effort steers or destination toward a beautiful world again . Love All , All Love

selfless giving
clowning around

Plastic and Oil

We’ve been seeing what’s in our face , the plastic but we don’t recognize the oil spills throughout the world . Our shipping lanes are inundated with oil , spread out like jam on bread . What we don’t see can and will kill us . Plastic is easy , just look in and dead sea animal , bird and in some cases land animals with garbage pits to dine in . This all stems from oil and petroleum production . Make no mistake about our future , we’re dead if we continue in this direction . Government has been sold a belief that everything is fine and we all need this petroleum , we can’t live without it . Alternative sources have been suppressed even hidden from use because they’re a threat to this monopoly . Plastics could be made from many natural substances that degrade and even benefit the world . Such a small step would change our course into the future . Highly recommended by many scientific surveys but not being addressed at all .

The cleanup efforts are donations from private sectors and humanitarian groups but mostly ignored by governments . It’s easy to place blame but the question I pose is , why ignore the people and favor the oil industry ? There are many questions to answer , many off ramps to avoid the wreck just ahead . I challenge all governments to do the right thing , the humanitarian thing and side with the people for once . We’re seeing countries around the world protesting the abuse inflicted by corrupt leaders . This seems to be part of the indifference shown for the people of this world by elites that separate themselves from their people . Let them eat cake was once a call to revolution . Let’s not go there , let’s manage the problems and trade jobs from polluter to janitor .

If we stopped dropping bombs and sent our military to help in cleanup efforts our world would breath a fresh start . If we closed down the petroleum industry those people could work along side the militaries and never miss a paycheck . If is a big word compared to genocide , suicide or murder with intent .

we the people could focus on things like water for Africa , food and protection of Women world wide . Schooling the propaganda that divides our countries for war profits as well as confusion . I’ve met people from around the world and guess what , we all have love in our hearts . This message is sent in that vein of love . What I’m exposing is the continued use of natural resources against people , not for our betterment . The world has become so small we watch each others grief daily without compassion or remedy . Let’s find the solution and work together .

fish need a voice
egg clutch hidden in the coral

November 2019

Ending the year with a bang .

We’ve been gone for over 6 months and everything out on the reef has changed . Most importantly it’s as healthy as always , growing at a fast pace and colors bright . Fish in abundance , schools of all kinds proliferating all over . Missed some pics the first couple dives and though we can’t get them back , more are on the way I’m sure . We did gather new growth and overviews so far . That’s going to have to do for a couple days as a Typhoon is on the way .

Plastic garbage has dropped to almost nothing . Yay for that progress ! People are learning quickly how important our reefs are , how fish sanctuaries are detrimental to our lives as well as maintaining a healthy coral forest . What washes down the tributaries still poses a major problem and will for years to come , needing attention now . I’ve noticed jetties angled upstream on either side of the river collects a majority of plastic and is easy to reclaim . Here in our Barangay ( township ) , we’ve begun levies along the river and a dam upstream that will stop debris from entering the ocean . Another major move to help the cleanup . Salamat Po to insights of Lobo . Thank you very much .

Looks like we’ll be hunkered down at home until the storm passes but we have plans to visit new reefs and locations within the Philippines this year . My end goal is to produce segments from all over South east Asia to Australia .

We intend to cover townships , populated Islands and obscure inlets that may contribute to the pollution of our Oceans . I will talk to people about what’s being done in their area to stem the flow of plastics . How to curb the use of plastic bags , straws and some of the worst like styrofoam and diapers . We want to come up with solutions that local and tourist alike will make habit . Places to deposit the waste that can’t be burnt safely and hopefully collected for restructure into usable materials . People are creative of that I’m sure . When shown a disastrous situation we’ve always risen to the challenge , working together for the betterment of us all .

We are human and this is our earth . I don’t believe any one purposely neglects nature or each other . The scourge has been created by consumerism and fueled by convenience . Life demands drive us through our day like a roller coaster . It’s time to step off , not be driven by stressful daily chores and breath . Please let your nature waken and do what you can .

conk on green hard coral
home reef Nov. 2019
growth on top of growth it thrives .

time flies

Here we are in 2019 , wow . Think of all the progress , inventions and awareness that’s become recognized in the past 10 years .

We’re on the verge of edible bags , plates and even forks to straws . We’re making many products from recycled plastic that’s economical to use since it lasts forever .

There has been a growing concern among governments of several countries banning plastic bags . This trend is growing as other officials recognize the threat and lobby their leaders to interact . This is everybody’s problem and we all need to recognize that .

Those countries that chose to pollute and destroy reefs are being watched as well as forced to stop the harm their doing . Other countries are changing their view that importing garbage is profitable . Only of it’s separated and recyclable . The new trend looks like filled cargo containers sent to a bogus address in a third world country doesn’t come back , very creative but insults every brain cell they might have . Guess the fine they’d receive was worth the risk .

There’s plenty of room for invention in this cleanup market . still looking like people are dipping their toes in to see how it feels . The latest project involved many boats and barges . I believe it took place in 2018 and they had their hands full from the start . Any effort is a big effort on the high seas and most projects are a thimble in a hurricane . Private funding is tough when there’s little to no profit .

The tonnage of plastic is still being dumped and washed into our water systems daily . Until we change our packaging as well as our negligent behavior we’re non stop polluting our oceans and ourselves . The old saying ” ya can’t eat dirt ” will become ” ya can’t eat plastic .” Giving up is not an option . Time is of the essence as we move forward in life . It’s happening whether you like it or not . It’s happening if you help or don’t . In just 60 years we’ve polluted our world way past what thousands of years delivered . I’d say time to clean could take much longer than 60 years .

If what I’m saying is in fact true then how will your children eat let alone drink clean water ? How expensive will what flowed freely cost in 20 years ? Is this an organized effort to chastise the population while cornering the market on water as well as foods ? Does this all stem from plastic waste ?

Lucky I’m an optimist . Zombies won’t eat our brain but will help clean up the mess . In just a few more years our collection at sea will learn and use the knowledge to quickly clear square miles of Plastic debris . Fish species will propagate in abundance as the non food clears from their sight . Disease should lessen as cleaner streams to lakes and oceans revert back to natural levels . Human kind survives .

This photo is taken by AllWinner’s v3-sdv

Isla Verde 2019 pics

Small Mesa
Brain , Lettuce and mesa
over view of clear reef
Live and dead coral regrowth .

These pics aren’t enough to show what Isla Verde has to offer . Our camera died during my last tour unfortunately . The best shots were lost but in explanation some Mesa’s were over 4 meters across . The colors ranged from red , green , blue and purple . Outstanding vibrant hues and competition for space as they covered the area with hiding places for the young fish .

When we approached the thick coral areas there were multiple types of coral as far as we could see . Sight was stupendous ranging from 10 to 20 meters and down 6 to 7 meters still having brilliant color . The schools within the nursery held Trigger , Grouper , Neons and Puffers of all colors . The Clown fish came in a multitude of color as well , ranging from common orange / white to red , brown and purplish .

Again I’d like to point out how the plastics have been diminishing . In schools throughout Luzon and Visayas children are taught not to allow plastics into the ocean . Single use packaging is being looked at as pollutant material and may be banned throughout the Philippines soon . Why this form of shelf life sales has been distributed is a manufacture profit margin and forced into consumption by companies searching for larger profit . Waking up to these facts opens different ideas that may add living food to packaging instead of choking the life of all marine life . Let’s be a part of the solution and enjoy the company of these creatures from Dilis to Whales , from Turtle to Coral . This is ground zero .

Lobo Batangas 2019

We’re home again , with excitement about seeing the reef and knowledge the Chinese dredging ship has gone with no sand . The new energy source that lies beneath the ocean is the new clean fuel of the future . We can hold it in our hands and burn a bright blue flame . It’s solid and satellite pics show an amazing abundance around the Philippine Islands . Wonder why the Chinese want to dredge throughout ? This is the new gold , the new oil .

If mining is now under the sea , who has the rights to this substance ? Within the archipelago of the Philippines it’s clearly the Philippines’ property , Period . Making a mess to steal is like walking into your home after it being ransacked . The feeling is somewhat like rape . The damage is long lasting , just like the mining done in Mindanao . They left a mess that will take decades to repair .

Let’s calm a bit and reflect on the Lobo reef . It is thriving . Many turtles are seen in abundance , fish schools have doubled since sanctuaries protecting the reefs were instated . I’m impressed by the many colors we see growing like a garden , no a forest would explain it best . I swim the kilometer from two to seven meters deep and just don’t want to surface . Yesterday I caught a glimpse of two nurse sharks hunting . Moments later a few turtles lazily grazing didn’t mind me swimming by . If this sounds like paradise , it is .

There is some silt kicked up from the resorts , this week being Holy Week , but visibility is over six meters . The water temps are steady at 84f , 29c at surface levels , just below that a couple meters under . Calm in morning and evening with a breeze in the afternoon . Yes it is like air conditioning from Mother Earth . Across the channel Mindoro is shrouded in clouds until afternoon when it rises to show an outline of the mountains there . Isla Verde always present and calling .

Tomorrow we sail for Isla Verde . I’m so excited I may not sleep . It’s been two years since we explored there and I’ve been itching to get back ever since . Of all the reefs we’ve surveyed Isla Verde stands out alone . Hectares of coral . Fish species in abundance , from grouper of many kinds to rock fish , coral fish , eels and so many I can’t count . There’s an atmosphere of electricity throughout the boat when we get close . We’ll post our journey after editing the Isla Verde voyage .

Black and white sea snake
Up half a degree
Star fish cutie
Blue Lionfish

Over there , no , over here

Just a few years ago I could walk the beach and it was beautiful , clean and inviting. I would enjoy having my children feel that same connection with nature . How much stress can humans endure? What memories will they have for their children ? Will their children have enough to eat?

Channeling our attention away from the problem has been a control method used since the beginning. Breaking focus not only stalls progress but can then change course and action . So many distractions and false information eventually break down a movement toward health and prosperity to utter collapse and despair. Who wins ?

My heart aches for the two whales found dead in SF bay today . They reported the first autopsy as from malnutrition . The news couldn’t report straight fact that they were full of plastic . These animals died in vain . Wait , look over there ! A post about the squash from Wadgama , how colorful and nutritious. Is it packaged in plastic?

The policy of switch and bait is so blatant we’ll laugh when it’s our turn , believing the lie . Who is doing all the cover up ? Why ? Until people stand and unite against this it will rule the day .

Doing whatever we can is all we can do . The best from day to day is a slide scale , so just do your best at every given moment . Doing something shows you respect others , nature . Doing something shows you want to live .

Working alone /working together

These hero’s are inspirational to us all . People travel to the beach to relax and enjoy the waves . When we encounter trash it’s a negative experience and we leave with higher blood pressure than when we arrived . This plastic eventually enters the water system again and some is eaten by sea life . . It’s endless right now . Coming from mountain streams , blown into piles by wind throughout the land . Don’t be discouraged. If we work arm in arm eventually the mounting mass will dwindle to nothing .

Thank you all ! Thank those that take the time to gather debris, keeping it from harming innocent life . Thanks to those that develop new biodegradable packaging . Thank those that speak out and educate others . Thank all on the front line in this war against pollution.

Sea Sheriff

Ok , so being a janitor isn’t glamorous and doesn’t bring mounds of cash brought by beautiful women in bikinis , but Sea Sheriff is like being a waste manager only implies we sail the horizon in search of pollutants . Now that could be a Sifi movie for Sundance !

On our rounds we travel to far away reefs with only a knife and bag . Using maybe a stick to help gather evidence for forensic tests . We fill the bags and move on . Ever on the prowl for plastics and petroleum products clogging our arteries and flow patterns . It’s a lonely life as we watch the party goers dancing on the beach but they’ve got a collection bag to leave a clean camp so we move along the tide . Hey wait , their waving us over . Gona close for now and have a break with the locals . Ya , so walking the beach and swimming the reefs has it’s percs. Then ya find out these people are here to help clean it up as well . Now it’s a party .

What else would you expect from a walk along the beautiful ocean ? We all envision a clean environment but that’s become far from true . Help doesn’t seem to be in abundance as our world leaders have other important issues . It’s a great opportunity to touch nature and meet people if you’re into that .

What it is is not going to change by continuing along the same path we are on . The survival instinct kicks in just after we realize it’s to late . When the fear of being gone sets in people direct attention toward the extinction problem , but wait there’s more ! Pain and suffering in great abundance replaces your hunger for food . Water becomes tainted and nothing prospers without clean water .

We’re just going to have to deputize you all . No way even ten thousand people can make a dent in our problem . If we have organized teams with equipment to match and recycling plants , maybe , just maybe we have a chance . Ok . we’ll take what odds we’ve been given and do the best we can .This has been a lighthearted post kinda joking with a serious problem . From our hearts we hope everyone keeps the seriousness of survival fresh in their daily lives . Try to leave a small footprint along your path . Check your throw away from week to week and try beating your previous trash weight .

Be Well

Romblon Province , Philippines

we traveled to Romblon in November 2018 .

The island has been a primary marble quarry for hundreds of years . Everyone living there seems to have a knowledge of working with the marble stone . The main port and town are active from sun up to way past dark . With great food and tourism offered with a smile . This is a quiet and clean island group ,away from the main tourist spots . Their tour around the island takes about three hours if you don’t hurry .

In search of coral we first found the island of Cobrador where there is a school , arena and library along with beautiful reefs . The library is built from gathered plastics filling plastic bottles and plastered over . Schooling includes environmental and ocean standards for the future protection of the world and everything in it . We were impressed by the clean beaches and reefs around Romblon .

Finding the coral wasn’t hard , there is plenty of young growth everywhere . We spent four days touring above and below the surf , never exploring all there was to see around us . What I can say about the clarity of the ocean spills out of my mouth in awe . At depths of over five meters I could see dime size shells . The color of the Turtle we encountered was brilliant as was the eel , both in depth of four to five meters . Coral outcroppings were splendid and a variety of colors to dazzle the eye . I don’t feel we found the old growth sites but what we found gave a healthy review . We’d like to return to Romblon in the near future and see how the coral is prospering . We enjoyed searching through the town for marble carvings or watching people from a street side restaurant . The simple things in life .

Boracay , Philippines 2018

Our findings of the Island of Boracay may not be pretty or inviting yet , but given time we feel it can regain a lost luster and shine again . as we arrived the weather was rain and cold . environmental fees cost more than the short trip across from Caticlan . I still don’t understand charging after the fact or making the tourism trade pay for over building and improper sewage .

The rooms available weren’t the best and cost was high . keep in mind this was Christmas week . We moved to better quarters after two days , closer to the beach and a bit nicer . Many people had the same experience , relocating to available rooms . Many resorts have been slated to be torn down , many are posted with permits stating work should begin or face demolition as well . Quite a number have been demolished already . Just the beginning . The main avenue has been torn up to replace sewer lines , drainage , fresh water lines and it looked like cable lines . strong stench of open sewer could be detected throughout the east beach area . This is a temporary problem but let’s not forget it’s Christmas week .

On the streets the sidewalks are paver brick , unfinished . The sewer and water lines run under the sidewalks and most are open pits . Many places smell of raw sewage , have mosquitos and are unattractive as of yet . These are small problems that are being addressed and soon will be the beautiful city designed to be . Off the golden path it becomes paved or gravel as any other Island throughout the Philippines . Old school neighborhoods have a charm and are grandfathered in from generations ago . This is the work force for the resorts , a very needed group of families that have lived on Boracay since before it became a tourist haven .

What shows along the beach is clean and raked daily . The beaches are clean and posted for fines if you don’t respect the new environmental standards .

Cigarette butts and plastic straws . Oh My !

This photo is taken by AllWinner’s v3-sdv

This photo is taken by AllWinner’s v3-sdv

Single use plastic packaging is choking us to death . We all know there’s alternative packaging but shelf life means more to big business . When busy mom’s can grab a milk , nutritional treat and sandwich wrapped in plastic , throw it in a plastic bag and send Tommy off to school , she’s feeling good about her duties as a mother . Of course the straw is provided in it’s own plastic for health reasons . This has become the normal in today’s society .

Tobacco industries place filters on most cigarettes for our health as well . Isn’t that thoughtful of them ? Maybe they found out we’d smoke more if we weren’t coughing so much . Not only is smoking addictive but we’re left with that fiber butt for 10,000 years or so after each 4 minute smoke . Like Tommy’s daily plastic wrappers , lunch takes 10 min so Tommy can relax or play until the bell rings . lunch is over .

For us to buy from bulk doesn’t mean we should buy in large quantities . Just buy from the bin or bulk storage of the item needed . Using our reusable containers . When the item is used , refill the container again . If you see something packaged in single use plastic , you probably don’t need it or the preservatives it’s kept fresh in .

Most industries melt down to just a few big companies with a lot of names separating  them . Looks like we’ve got plenty of businesses but that’s a way not to show monopolies and avoid responsibilities . Lawyers think these things up to justify receiving that big paycheck . We pay for that with a plastic check , no return . Hey sounds like it’s our fault too . People don’t deserve to control water or have rights , ( CEO of Nestles ) . And their plastic packaging is good for us , as long as we clean up behind ourselves . Ok , for the next 10,000 years we are each responsible for each piece of plastic we buy . After all , we bought it ! Not the next generation , not our grandchildren but us .

Our imprint left after we’re gone reflects how busy we’ve been chasing our tails . Shows how vulnerable people are to get demands done while adhering to strict regulations .   Law has placed responsibility directly in our laps again . Like the Paris climate talks . Government has denied and forgiven any government of cause and effect , pointing a finger at the people . Did this help the pollution ? Yet if they took us all to court to pay for our crimes , there’d be no one left to buy their plastic wrapped world .

The solution is simple . Stop buying plastic wrappers . Start using homemade foods and products like people used to just a few years ago . That has been blocked by legal teams stating whole milk has to be pasteurized as well as everything else you eat . No sharing or selling because of contamination . Have a licence for this and that . Sounds like we don’t have a choice ? Not so . The choice is not to consume chemicals as well as donate to the plastic pile . Yes we’re busy living in a 26 hr. day consisting of only 24 hrs. Please do your best .

Romblon Reef

The shallow reefs are young.  Growth over dead corals.  There are larger growths deeper,more established but the young ones are healthy, beautiful and strong.  We were lucky enough to catch a turtle sleeping and a couple of eels warily peeking out of their hideaway.

We stopped at Cobrador Island and talked to the school coordinator.  We spoke of the library, built of plastic bottles filled with plastic then plastered over.  Having exposed areas showing the bottles and the construction of the library.  All children in Romblon and accompanying islands are taught the value of keeping plastic out of our oceans.  Praise to the teachers, honor students and thanks for the beautiful beaches.  It’s only a matter of time before all of the Philippines will have an understanding of the value of our reefs, our fish nurseries, along with the protection they provide for all.

Reef Measurements, New Growth

We’ve taken some pics of coral under a year old to show size and color.  Many of the established coral shows grazing by turtle and rock fish among other species living on the reef.  We will attempt to monitor this coral as they grow from year to year.  That the coral has been eaten shows that it’s a healthy reef.  Makes it hard to monitor growth when they eat the tasty tips.  Hope you enjoy.

South East Asia Reefs 2018

Entering summer months in the northern hemisphere brings welcome changes . Water lovers everywhere enjoying beaches and sun gather in resort areas to enjoy the festival . We wish everyone a safe and memorable season .

Have you noticed more accumulation of debris in and along the shore ? Anyone experience dirty diapers or cigarette butts piled , strewn and poking up like mounds of clustered synthetic stench piles ? # Me Too .

Every year we hear of efforts from inspired young people gifted with ideas of cleaning the world . Then we see the fact that twice as much plastic and trash have accumulated since last year .

Every year we’re promised new material , edible and biodegradable is mentioned , but continue seeing plastic with ” green ” stamped on them . The fact is , We the people have to clean it up . We have to stop buying the plastic to prove we don’t want it . The way to be heard is to have a large and loud voice . To be acknowledged we have to prove we want to live .

It’s been said ” people don’t deserve control of natural resources ” . We shouldn’t have a choice as to water , air , minerals in our atmosphere and so on . It’s for our own good ! If you believe that please stop now and find some information about those that give up their rights and what the outcomes have been through history .

To hide and deny what is happening in our world is when we run out of breath . Literally stop breathing and gasp for that last look before the black out . Is this what has to take place before we turn around and pick up the mess ? Are we living in a throw away society so caught up in denial we don”t recognize the wall just ahead ?

Those places away from oceans , countries held in 3rd world mode so manufacturers can dump toxic and long lasting pollutants there need to  be recognized as well . We the people doesn’t mean standing alone .                     Please help . Please talk and act together . Please become active in how we live among the packaging gifted to us with everything offered . Individual bite size snacks that are gone in 5 seconds  aren’t gone if the wrapper lasts a thousand years .

Fluvial Parade , Lobo Batangas 2018

New news for 2018 . Fluvial Day in Lobo ;
The sun is up the reef is alive and dancing in the streets becomes everyone .
we sailed with Mayor Jurlie Manalo and parish Priests of Lobo over the reef , blessing all along the way . Afterwards there was a festival at Catada Beach Resort as the choir sang lovely songs .
We only have a few weeks to survey the coral before we return to the coast but I’ve been out everyday and it’s amazing as usual . So much new growth , such massive changes . The power of the sea is unseen by most people as we gaze over the top and admire the waves . Under is a world of it’s own . Moving pieces of coral weighing tons and smashing together like cars crashing together . What’s left is a foothold for new growth building atop the old in a display of color and design . Most coral is strong enough to withstand these storms , remaining shelter for the reef fish and supplying food , oxygen , and balance for the life there .
At this time we’d like to mention how our community has rallied to help keep it clean . Our beaches are 75% cleaner , The burn days don’t have plastic spewing into the atmosphere and tourists are happier . Thank You Lobo ! Thank you children for mentioning it to your parents and working so hard cleaning the beaches . You are Lobo ..
More to come . All Love

World’s coral reefs could disintegrate by 2100

Researchers at Carnegie Institution say corals are being overwhelmed by rising carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Coral reefs in the Red Sea, north of Jeddah. Photograph: Hassan Ammar/AFP/Getty Images

The world’s coral reefs will begin to disintegrate before the end of the century as rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere make the oceans more acidic, scientists warn.
read more

Deep-sea trawling is destroying coral reefs and pristine marine habitats

Deep-sea trawling is destroying coral reefs and pristine marine habitats

A survey of the world’s reefs and submerged mountains has revealed widespread damage from deep-sea trawling

Squat lobsters on a cold-water coral reef off the coast of Ireland. Deep-sea trawling poses a particular threat in temperate regions. Photograph: University of Plymouth

Deep-sea trawling is devastating corals and pristine marine habitats that have gone untouched since the last ice age, a leading marine biologist has warned.read more

Biorock giving new life to coral reefs

Biorock giving new life to coral reefs

Johnny Langenheim explains how an innovative method is sustaining corals and why on World Oceans Day we need to pledge for more such projects

Biorock project at Ibu Karang, Pemuteran, Bali, Indonesia. Photograph: T.Goreau/Biorock

Coral reefs are the rainforests of the world’s oceans. Like their terrestrial counterparts, they occur in tropical and sub tropical environments, support a bewildering variety of species and are diminishing at an alarming rate.read more

Critical time for our oceans and forests

Bream in the Mediterranean Sea near Marseille in southern France. Photograph: Boris Horvat/AFP/Getty Images

Your timely editorial about the need to improve our knowledge of the ocean (8 August) rightly stresses the responsibility of political leaders to create the means to find out more about the 70% of the planet covered by the ocean. But it is not only in the physical, biological and chemical sciences that we must improve our knowledge. There are large gaps in our knowledge about the economic and social aspects of human interactions with the sea.read more

2018 new beginnings

We’ve gone to the building dept. here in Lobo . Expected to get a go ahead on the pier , netting for plastic pickup and beach cleanup .

What I got was , sent to Batangas Environment and Natural Resources for an application . They want to review and discuss the proposal . Meanwhile we’re waiting for the 55 gallon trash barrels to modify some collectors stationed before the reef as the Mayors aid requested . Being calm .

We’ve got two more weeks here before our return to the coast to begin tax season . With any good fortune all that will be complete by mid March and we’ll be en route back to the Islands to continue the project .

Getting started has to happen somewhere sometime , but when ? With opposition standing between us and a clean reef I can only imagine what the turtles and fish are thinking . There’s been storms all month long hampering diving because of turbulent water with no visibility . this is throughout the entire seven thousand islands here in the Philippines . Doing what we can on land is slow at best but we’re trudging through the red tape .

High season begins in May . Usually tourism and beach goers start populating the sun spots , enjoying the many pleasures day and night . As weather seems to have set rain season a month in the rears we expect a warmer than normal dry season as well . This should add to the people’s desire to cool their heels in the surf and enjoy some ocean breeze . We’re pushing for progress or even enlightenment in way of teaching those that don’t know about clean oceans and what that means for everyone .

Many countries dump their garbage directly into the ocean or give it to India . The flow of plastic debris from the Indian ocean is massive , effecting most of the gyres in the Indian and Atlantic oceans . As much as 85% comes from India . So those countries dumping there don’t have responsibility ? I think they do and should act on a cleanup project there . Set up reclamation plants , fabrication plants , offer work from molding to shipping reconstituted plastic products . With a little help and encouragement we might be able to persuade something to start there as well . Please help by writing to your legislators and asking them to plead our case . On Line is as easy as pen and paper . Thank you

Christmas Cheer

It’s the end of the year 2017 , you’ve heard of our projected goals and seen the progress so far . What suggestions would you like directed our way ?

The world is everyone’s , all our villages , towns and cities that accumulate trash , all our coast lines , all our sky . I’m old enough to remember before plastic became such a part of our lives . Now it’s daily use is common and thought nothing of . How did we ever survive before it ? The appearance of plastic bags , the freshness it gave our foods in storage , the products we invented because of ease in manufacturing became normal so quickly . At first discarding plastic was without thought . just toss it away and get another . Is that old lighter you first used still buried under decomposed food, sand and dirt at the dump ?

jumping forward 40 years and quality control brings us to massive discard of everything , cars , appliances , shoes , lighters , you name it , and it’s all made of plastic . It’s a great world for most people . Something new comes every Christmas like clock work . We see the shining bottles of product and need that , want that for our personal health and grooming or consumption. Later when the plastic container is dulled and empty we discard it for another . But we’re learning ! We’ve been watching the animals die , the path we travel clogged with plastic and it’s not beautiful anymore .

One of the worst problems I’ve seen is burning plastic to get rid of it . Most people in third world countries don’t understand the cancer growing from just one inhalation . Lung , Breast , Pancreatic , skin cancer are some of the ones on the rise . Soaring hospital operations and pharmacy visits like never before . Lawyers fall to the wayside in employment compared to Doctors graduating from our top colleges . Those people used to be family friends and now we’re a paycheck without a face . What about those in second and third world countries ? Population control , soft targets , acceptable losses .

Now the problem has entered everyone’s home just about dinner time . You , me and Mr. President . All ingesting particles of plastic with every bite. Mmm pass the salt please .

Can we stop this madness please ? Can we not use plastic today ? Find an alternate packaging system for our families ? Wax paper bags for lunch boxes , degradable tote bags for shopping , hemp plastic for bottling liquids? There are solutions and we should be demanding their use now .

It’s the beginning of another year . We haven’t posted much good news in our past years but we’re optimistic this one , this year will be the tuning point . We’re mad , we’re seeing it in our face and the health of our children. Let’s make 2018 a start in cleaning up the mess . It’s taken less than 60 years to pile up the everlasting killer . Let’s contain it and free our world .

All Love Love All


World Ocean Gyre Clean-Up Project
World Ocean Gyre Clean-Up Project


Season changes , Climate shift

Here we are in mid December and rain continues to fall here in South East Asia . Clear changes over the last 25 years or so lengthening wet season . More tropical weather and stronger typhoons are becoming standard . Our west coast of the USA has stronger heat in summer but questionable rain in winter . Snow has fallen in south Texas as well as typhoon/hurricanes being more frequent . Our world is shifting it’s axis toward Greenland at approximately 4 times the normal rate . Our axis total tilt is 18 degrees but seems to be stretching the limits .

These changes could be Mother Earth normal movements over 10 to 100 thousand years and more . Geologists have a fair idea of past events but not a clear enough picture for comment .

One thing for sure is we have a reflection from our oceans off the plastic gyres . Ozone layers have been depleting quickly from pollution . Volcanoes are erupting more than now than the past 2000 years as well as earth movements . These are some of the new changes we face in our modern world . There are more .

Protecting what we can is very important today . Life is fragile . Making choices for your families future is inherent in us all . Man will do whatever he can when pushed to the limit . Informing those that don’t know is a step along the path of todays world , our lives . It may sound like preaching but some of us can’t collect plastics , some can’t recycle or make government decisions . Your voice is all you have . I welcome those voices with open arms . Please never stop informing others . You matter , children matter , coral and fish matter and plants and trees matter .

Love is our strongest ally , unity gives us a foundation . Our voices shout our lamentations , our direction and intent for everyone .

wars are won with diplomacy .





Braving Our New World

Once there was explosive actions taking place everywhere on our planet . Volcanoes erupting , earthquakes , tsunamis , but no life . The evolution of life came as a zoo in my opinion and we’re still in that stage .  The dangerous dinosaurs were moved to better cages as we the humanoid took stage.  Playful, inquisitive, creative homo erectus became the main attraction.  Just what would these creatures do next, ha . Have we evolved in the past 135,000 years?  Sure but not much.  Have we been given upgrades?  Sure but not much in strength, mental or physical.  It seems the cycle we’ve adopted holds us to greed, war and many other negative traits. It’s said there are 6 levels of enlightenment. two lower, base and survival are cycles of hell two mid are cognitive and reason, 3rd dimensional sight and thought two are upper, astral, telepathy and empathy, 4th and 5th level       enlightenment.  Then heaven. Controlling forces wish to hold humanity in the 3rd step, hell.  Our evolution was set in fate, recognized some 8 to 20 thousand years ago and recorded by the Mayan, Inca people by their amazing calendar.  Then promptly destroyed by conquering religion that perceived as a threat to their machine.  We could have a better understanding of why we’re here if pieces of the puzzle weren’t thrown away. Sheep follow blindly.  Take away knowledge and Bam here we are. That ruling class is still cycling their gears.  But wait!  Time is destiny, the making of time is fate.  We choose our fate but in the long run destiny is set. The changing of a celestial house is like beginning a new cycle and we have our own choice to follow the old cycle or create a new one.  Your choice.  Your fate. This all hinges on our world.  How we’ve treated it and ourselves along the path of time.  Fear is an assumption of what might happen.  Jumping ahead is choosing our fate.  Hell becomes amplified when fear stands in it’s path. Calm and make right choices now.  Truth opens avenues unknown to fear and trust grows with confidence.  The smallest gesture to help another makes a giant step toward unity.  The conscious effort to beautify instead of discard makes a giant difference along our path.  Imagine life in the upper realm, it’s just through the fog.  Please join us in love .  

Water is Life

As blood flows through our bodies water flows through our earth . As everything is connected our life’s blood needs a transfusion.

We , the people of this planet have duties to protect the environment as we would our children . Harmonizing and balancing along the journey , using technology to enforce life  before profit .

Extinction is forever , gone , never to be again !  Can we afford to gamble with our fate ? Is the ease of drinking water from a plastic bottle then throwing it away become the normal ? Buying new lawn furniture to keep in style , using plastic lighters , polymers , synthetics that last a few months , dull and are discarded is choking us to death .

The plastic fragments broken down and entering everything that eats or breaths is clogging our systems so badly that in only one generation we’ve come to a threshold of life . All Life Is In Jeopardy .

The world has grown very quickly this last century . It’s not so big anymore . Quite small in fact . Old rules don’t apply . War isn’t needed , we communicate across the planet in nano seconds . New forms of energy are available , oil is out dated and crude . Yet wells are constantly placed in our oceans that leak , across our lands that spill and enter our fresh waters .

The CEO of Nestle thinks we people don’t deserve water rights while he is no better than an African tribesman trying to supply his family with enough to survive another day . Money and power gives the right to dictate a life’s outcome ?

People have a voice . Together we give those on top what they want or not . People taking time to live like before oil and plastic ruled them makes them heard in a loud and clear voice .

Please join together in this battle for life . Let’s not give our choices , our vote to a greedy few just because the advertising  says it’s okay . Each and every person , animal , coral reef or green plant has a right to live in a clean environment .


All Love Love All

Rich and Theresa