In the unfolding of Quantum timelines there is a flow of thought, picture and sound, like a movie that never ends. Simply described as Akashic records. My colorful description is it’s a Female collective of thought, like a switchboard for communication. A phone line between our subconscious and conscious brain connected to this flow of timeline. It stands to reason we should stay truthful and do our best because everything is recorded, even mistakes.
With the recognition of this truth we fall back to our scaled race of beings millions of years advanced from even our creators. Are they there in the records? With their technology , seeing the Quantum timeline and not being there would be a shock to say the least. Having to read, write and keep science honestly would be the only way to advance as a race . This must have been arduous. Passing down discoveries from generation to generation . Trusting where your ancestors came from, your history.
As infants in this universe, we are somewhat the same for now. Our brains haven’t grown together between Alpha and Beta and it looks like maturing could take some time. Very few people have touched on the recognition of these records or the circuit board available to 3rd dimensional humans in general. Probably a safeguard, in our maturing. Although it logically seems the advancement will come when we are ready.
Engineering of humanity wouldn’t have been left to trial and error, even if all that was wanted was a mule. The old adage ” treated like a rented mule” is a saying of abuse and callous lack of compassion for help in daily strife. Kill the golden goose, not any sane person would. History shows we’ve been a cycle of war, neglect and abuse from a cycle that’s not even our own. Many questions arise from this fact. Wouldn’t mechanical machines have been better? Why follow another’s cycle of pain and suffering? Who would place uninformed scientists to practice evolution while in the dark? The answer is, they had help from much better science to blend us into what we are destine to be. Our root parent ( goose killer) is not pleased but they want the golden eggs. There are other benefits for other beings held more precious than gold though. The cards will unfold as we ingest and decipher what history along the Akashic timeline shows .
Our world is 70% water. Without this abundant Hydrogen and oxygen Life would be thriving other places. Humanity might not have been given the chance to thrive, here or anywhere else. We should protect that delicate balance we have above all else. Without a thought most people live along water flows, from rivers to our oceans . We survive because of the gift of warm climate and solar protections keeping the balance. Our primary concern is to keep clean the waters of this earth along with enlightening people to preserving life on this tiny spinning planet . Gardeners need water to grow the crops, be it grain, green or us. All Love Love All.