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Braving Our New World

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Once there was explosive actions taking place everywhere on our planet . Volcanoes erupting , earthquakes , tsunamis , but no life . The evolution of life came as a zoo in my opinion and we’re still in that stage .  The dangerous dinosaurs were moved to better cages as we the humanoid took stage.  Playful, inquisitive, creative homo erectus became the main attraction.  Just what would these creatures do next, ha . Have we evolved in the past 135,000 years?  Sure but not much.  Have we been given upgrades?  Sure but not much in strength, mental or physical.  It seems the cycle we’ve adopted holds us to greed, war and many other negative traits. It’s said there are 6 levels of enlightenment. two lower, base and survival are cycles of hell two mid are cognitive and reason, 3rd dimensional sight and thought two are upper, astral, telepathy and empathy, 4th and 5th level       enlightenment.  Then heaven. Controlling forces wish to hold humanity in the 3rd step, hell.  Our evolution was set in fate, recognized some 8 to 20 thousand years ago and recorded by the Mayan, Inca people by their amazing calendar.  Then promptly destroyed by conquering religion that perceived as a threat to their machine.  We could have a better understanding of why we’re here if pieces of the puzzle weren’t thrown away. Sheep follow blindly.  Take away knowledge and Bam here we are. That ruling class is still cycling their gears.  But wait!  Time is destiny, the making of time is fate.  We choose our fate but in the long run destiny is set. The changing of a celestial house is like beginning a new cycle and we have our own choice to follow the old cycle or create a new one.  Your choice.  Your fate. This all hinges on our world.  How we’ve treated it and ourselves along the path of time.  Fear is an assumption of what might happen.  Jumping ahead is choosing our fate.  Hell becomes amplified when fear stands in it’s path. Calm and make right choices now.  Truth opens avenues unknown to fear and trust grows with confidence.  The smallest gesture to help another makes a giant step toward unity.  The conscious effort to beautify instead of discard makes a giant difference along our path.  Imagine life in the upper realm, it’s just through the fog.  Please join us in love .  

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