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Christmas Cheer

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It’s the end of the year 2017 , you’ve heard of our projected goals and seen the progress so far . What suggestions would you like directed our way ?

The world is everyone’s , all our villages , towns and cities that accumulate trash , all our coast lines , all our sky . I’m old enough to remember before plastic became such a part of our lives . Now it’s daily use is common and thought nothing of . How did we ever survive before it ? The appearance of plastic bags , the freshness it gave our foods in storage , the products we invented because of ease in manufacturing became normal so quickly . At first discarding plastic was without thought . just toss it away and get another . Is that old lighter you first used still buried under decomposed food, sand and dirt at the dump ?

jumping forward 40 years and quality control brings us to massive discard of everything , cars , appliances , shoes , lighters , you name it , and it’s all made of plastic . It’s a great world for most people . Something new comes every Christmas like clock work . We see the shining bottles of product and need that , want that for our personal health and grooming or consumption. Later when the plastic container is dulled and empty we discard it for another . But we’re learning ! We’ve been watching the animals die , the path we travel clogged with plastic and it’s not beautiful anymore .

One of the worst problems I’ve seen is burning plastic to get rid of it . Most people in third world countries don’t understand the cancer growing from just one inhalation . Lung , Breast , Pancreatic , skin cancer are some of the ones on the rise . Soaring hospital operations and pharmacy visits like never before . Lawyers fall to the wayside in employment compared to Doctors graduating from our top colleges . Those people used to be family friends and now we’re a paycheck without a face . What about those in second and third world countries ? Population control , soft targets , acceptable losses .

Now the problem has entered everyone’s home just about dinner time . You , me and Mr. President . All ingesting particles of plastic with every bite. Mmm pass the salt please .

Can we stop this madness please ? Can we not use plastic today ? Find an alternate packaging system for our families ? Wax paper bags for lunch boxes , degradable tote bags for shopping , hemp plastic for bottling liquids? There are solutions and we should be demanding their use now .

It’s the beginning of another year . We haven’t posted much good news in our past years but we’re optimistic this one , this year will be the tuning point . We’re mad , we’re seeing it in our face and the health of our children. Let’s make 2018 a start in cleaning up the mess . It’s taken less than 60 years to pile up the everlasting killer . Let’s contain it and free our world .

All Love Love All


World Ocean Gyre Clean-Up Project
World Ocean Gyre Clean-Up Project

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