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Ebb and Flow

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The current if energy is never ending .

fate is our direction , sometimes by choice , sometimes by ebb and flow . Einstein used to enjoy sailing his boat , alone on a pond or stream would give him time to think and redress ideas . He realized he couldn’t see the wind , so a flag was tied to show the flow . He couldn’t see the current , so the rudder needed attention most of the time . Otherwise that beautiful sandy beach ahead wouldn’t be reached but that mud bar could pop right in the way and foul the afternoons fun . This is true with fate , if we aren’t aware of what’s around us we can end up with mud on our faces by making the wrong decisions . Sometimes this changes course of our lives and not for the easier .

As we grow into what we’d expect to be our world of decisions , making life easier , we don’t think of others . When we act on selfish goals we neglect those that might have a harder fate than us . This is not judgment or Karma it’s life’s gift to each individual as their harmony , their resonance toward their task in this lifetime . Each of us has the same only a slightly different tone . We harmonize together or become off key when our choices aren’t blending with those around us . We are a song that should sound beautiful together . Standing idle , allowing the current to send us wherever we go is a gamble , maybe too much to chance .

If I were sailing along and saw debris floating around me I would question my place . Question what brought this and what effect it will bring . Enough debris and my rudder will get caught up forcing me to follow blindly wherever the direction takes me . This is allowing someone else to make my choices for me . This is against my belief because the debris isn’t supposed to be there in the first place . What about deeper , below my boat ? Are the fish having as much trouble as I am ? Is that beautiful sandy beach now covered with this unwanted clutter as well ? I feel I should ask those dumping this trash what they expect to gain . What any of us could gain from such careless actions . Being alone I can only pick up what I can reach for now but won’t forget to inquire as soon as possible how this wrong can be righted . Call my superiors , write the people responsible and suggest alternate methods of disposal .

What I see here is upper and lower levels of life . The lower being a kind of hell pain , pollution , and a haze of concentration people have . to ignore unhappiness around them . The more focused we become , aware of the actions we take , the higher we rise in levels of life . This alleviates pain and suffering along with bringing others around us to a better place as well . The ebb and flow will always be there , always come with unexpected results but we have a choice as to the outcome , our fate . The idea of working together ,calling and writing those in charge is our song . If we sing in harmony they enjoy and hear us loud and clear . Doing this by ourselves still adds to the octave we are reaching for . You becomes we and we become a voice heard by many , joined by many , loved by all . Even the fish are happy , the turtles smile because the jellyfish are tasty again , no bellyache . The birds sing and their eggs don’t crack before the babies are born . Life becomes that song it was before neglect became the normal .

Our world has been shut down for over a year . Pollution has paved way to new tons of waste along our coasts and in our gyres . Life has become hard . We’ve lowered ourselves into hell listening to those that say it’s our fault and if we’d done what they want this would be cleared by now . Do you still believe that ? To many people cause to much destruction , we need to lessen the population . These are lies and shame tactics that have come about quickly , without science or proof . Fact is we were doing better up until 2020 , we had inertia and were building toward a better world . There were and are solutions to the population growth . Pain and suffering don’t need to be imposed because a few rich people are afraid of what might be . If they’re rich and smart they’d find solutions instead of attacking and blaming the masses . The money spent on war could easily be spent on cleaning up our world , saving species becoming extinct and giving health to those suffering people now without hope . Never before is such a short time have we lost pride in life , given up hope and become dependent on those willing to destroy us as soon as they can . Again the unity of sight , mind and voice is our hope . Open your eyes and look around , help others and don’t be divided . Sing in harmony and blend together , be heard . Bend down and pick up the trash like we’d do for our children when they spill . Freedom is life , we live free or we aren’t living .

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