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fact not fiction

Lobo Batangas 2019
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We’ll start with some interesting tidbits of knowledge . 97 % of the worlds water is already in the oceans . The other 3% consists of ice , snow , lakes and rivers . How much rise in ocean tides can be achieved by the total melt of our ice and snow pack ? Possible 2 meters but that’s stretching it . Rain also has some weight in this matter but what hits land goes to our lakes and rivers as well as under ground . Captured for years and longer when flowing into lakes .

Here’s a good fact we haven’t faced yet but could be a reason for chronic pain , loss of cartilage and an assortment of ailments we address as common . Plastic in our bodies ! Yes you , me and everyone living today ingests approximately 5 grams weekly . Sound like a lot ? Does to me too . By eating fish , shrimp , crab , cow , bird , just about all animal life and drinking from plastic bottles , we ingest that much . I don’t want to get started on the vegetables sprayed with Atrazine but that’s for another post , look it up .

We aren’t given a choice about these poisons added to our diet . If you shop at a market , eat from a large farm produced for profit , most likely you’re filling the hungry belly with food that shortens your life . I’ve been posting for years about the harm of solid plastics we use and don’t need to . The plastic that chokes our ocean life , in return harming us . Whether you see it or not the time has come to open your eyes to what you know is true .

The climate protesters want action on that 3% of melting ice , claim a natural cycle can be stopped if we throw our world into chaos . I ask you all to look around and see what giving more control to those supporters , not the common people but the funding parties wanting to stir up confusion and have us chasing a natural event as their agenda is doing . If I can uncover the facts it can’t be that hidden . Plastic enters our oceans by the ton everyday . So much plastic that if we don’t stop it we’ll die of starvation just like the whales that die on our beaches every year . Just like the birds that can’t give birth and also die with a belly full of plastic , Yummm .

Greed has taken over as we’ve entered into the 21st century . Possibly by those people smelling the end is near , like a vulture circling the dying bodies . I remember hearing a priest say to my father , ” The end may be as close as your children feeling and seeing it “. I thought then what gangs would do if they thought that way , heard this man spout such lies . Now I see those in charge grasping for every penny to give their family a head start above anyone else based on this very same lie .

We are alive . We have choice , show love and like any good parent , roll our sleeves up and clean the messes without blame . A good scolding , maybe a spanking and being taken out of the game is needed for a while but we don’t give up. Without this enduring spirit we’d all be lost . No matter what nationality , color , religious beliefs we have , from start to finish I stand along side the people of this planet . We’ve offered solutions , applications from cleanup efforts to alternative plastic products . It’s not easy standing up to huge business using plastic to sparkle their products , catching our eyes but please realize what damage is caused by single use plastic or just plastic in any form anymore .

Natural events and cycles happen and can’t be stopped . Like the tide or lightening , could we stop them ? Those things man has done can be controlled and by being responsible we can and will control our fate . Just remember every little bit helps , every conscious effort steers or destination toward a beautiful world again . Love All , All Love

selfless giving
clowning around

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