New news for 2018 . Fluvial Day in Lobo ;
The sun is up the reef is alive and dancing in the streets becomes everyone .
we sailed with Mayor Jurlie Manalo and parish Priests of Lobo over the reef , blessing all along the way . Afterwards there was a festival at Catada Beach Resort as the choir sang lovely songs .
We only have a few weeks to survey the coral before we return to the coast but I’ve been out everyday and it’s amazing as usual . So much new growth , such massive changes . The power of the sea is unseen by most people as we gaze over the top and admire the waves . Under is a world of it’s own . Moving pieces of coral weighing tons and smashing together like cars crashing together . What’s left is a foothold for new growth building atop the old in a display of color and design . Most coral is strong enough to withstand these storms , remaining shelter for the reef fish and supplying food , oxygen , and balance for the life there .
At this time we’d like to mention how our community has rallied to help keep it clean . Our beaches are 75% cleaner , The burn days don’t have plastic spewing into the atmosphere and tourists are happier . Thank You Lobo ! Thank you children for mentioning it to your parents and working so hard cleaning the beaches . You are Lobo ..
More to come . All Love