We can see water easily change from solid to liquid and vapor and that is enough to show our path along dimensional lines. We are 80% water and internally flow like the streams, creeks, rivers and into oceans that circulate throughout our world. We are that flow as well.
It has been said we influence water crystals by thought but could it be more internal as well? Yes I think so . After realizing how water crystals form after being influenced by positive or negative thought the conclusion can only show we effect everything in our lives. This is a profound statement for those wishing to just follow or be led. With all the mistruths most of us have lost our minds anyway. It’s very simple, just think positive. Use your thoughts to send loving feelings into all situations and those thoughts spread to others. Flow keeps thoughts balanced, negative thought is like a damn holding back that flow. Everything beyond or down stream has to change because of the lack of positive flow. If we are uncertain or angry our course develops blockages like ponds with scum and bad bacteria that sickens our flow.
Resonating harmony through water strengthens vibrations enabling frequencies to blend. This gathers and unifies people making a stronger thought pattern. Just expressing positive thought blends with other people. Negative thought is jagged and repels others, so it has to be repeated over and over to convince people it’s for the best. Sometimes what doesn’t taste good isn’t. Even things we can’t taste or see have been introduced into our world, not for the better but to make profit. In this modern world we have developed many toxic molecules unknown to their effects long term. These retard our decisions, damage our immune systems and sicken our flow. Not a good thing in any way, shape or growth.
PFAS is , Per- Polyfluoroalkyl substances or easily stated, forever chemicals. These man made molecules replace hydrogen in their bonds with fluorine, creating an almost unbreakable bond that lasts thousands of years. We now have these chemicals in everything including ourselves. This causes diseases such as cancer among many others. It replaces the hydrogen with an oil\ grease bond, ” fluorine” to the carbon that prevents breakdown for easy cleaning of carpet, clothing, paper dishes etc. What does it do to us ?
Other than melting clouds, as I was taught as a child, water crystals can be influenced by our children as mind expression and strength. There are many other exercises we ignore today that used to be fun before modern electricity. Now we’re in the big time, ha. I think if we knew the power we hold in our thoughts we’d accept different life styles. Some of what we learn today is just wasting positive thought for an acceptance of expectation. Some is a belief that fellow man wishes us all well and will to protect life above all else. Sorry to disillusion you. Buyer beware.
Thinking in terms of, Frequencies, Resonances, and Vibrations brings us to Harmony. Harmony is blending our positive thoughts with others, expanding like a chorus, and developing beauty to enjoy. Coming up with solutions where alone we couldn’t have imagined. There’s more to this frame of thought. There are harmonies that elevate our mental growth as well. Certain tones open neuronal pathways we overlook that bring love and patience, growth into our other dimensions such as 4th dimensional sight and mind. This allows seeing into mercurial places aura and etheric along with many other advances. The world will balance better once we’ve grown to invite this. As we grow toward this maturity we begin protecting self space as well. Many of the modern items we take for granted aren’t for our good but stagnate our natural growth, Who would want to do that to humanity? Now the fact that big business isn’t concerned with our health and happiness comes to light.
Watch yourself and be aware of what you put in your body. Use clean water always , at least as best you can. Flush out the toxins as best you can. Stop using manufactured goods and grow what vegies and fruits you and your family need. Grow extra for those unable to. Question things like carbon emissions and resetting the environment to fit the dictates of underqualified people. THINK.
Is water in other dimensions? The molecules vibrate forward and backward. We are in a negative vibrating universe. What is between solid here may be solid somewhere else, another dimension. Being said, everything is connected through dimensions. Nature places the two most abundant molecules Nitrogen and Hydrogen along with carbon to make almost everything. I assume fluid must be the basic atmosphere for most levels of dimension if not all. Water blends with water around the world. Water carries thought and holds memory. This is how we send and receive intuition, love, grace, and will continue to thrive. Drink to our survival.
All Love Love All