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Looking Out My Back Door

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We’ve made our way back to Batangas with an appreciation of the reef just steps away. I also grew a heart for the Florida Keys and the battle they have with keeping the coral alive there. We are gifted here in the bulls eye of reef and nursery growth . I could estimate 25% of the schools of fish world wide come from the naturally protected reefs between Australia and here in the Philippines.

First and foremost the new births impressed me immediately upon entering the water. schools of baby fish every direction I turned. All colorful species, blue, yellow , stripes, dots, tiger stripes, catfish, groupers, and many others like the ever present parrot and clown fish. We’ve been busy adjusting to the time change and opening the house, so batteries were dead that first dive. Next day rained and most of the schools were hiding under coral, but enough were curious and posed for me. Being overcast and suit clouding the water took some of the brilliance away yet I came away with a fulfilled feeling of peace and comfort. We will all survive.

After visiting the Mote Laboratories in Florida, seeing the effort those people are taking toward restoration of dying species, I would like to see something like that present here as well. We have a lot to offer the world and informing people of the importance these reefs. As the world seems to be going crazy the one place that remains constant is the coral reefs here. I’ve been monitoring temperatures, tide, acidic and alkaline stability among diseases that just naturally come and go like a common cold. What we’ve seen is no unnatural global warming, no rising ocean levels just a world that needs to be cleaned up and respected. Placing blame or creating a disaster for the sake of fear and money doesn’t make a man made disaster. If there was one we’d address it full force with every country in the world. We’d all be in trouble.

There doesn’t seem to be much damage done from the oil spill last year and that’s a blessing. The people here acted quickly , put up barriors to capture the oil , and keep the spill to a minimum. Thank you all, people of the Islands effected by that disaster. 900,000 liters of oil flowed into the straights between Palawan and Luzon averted by the people on site. Seems the media and Government had their hands full at that time.

OK , more to come later, more reefs to explore and we’ll be in touch.

All Love

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