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Mote Marine Laboratory

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The Elizabeth Moore Center , located in the Florida Lower Keys has grown into a major restoration, research and science laboratory helping monitor our environment. The importance should be obvious. Following Coral restoration, Coral health and disease, Ecotoxicology some Fresh water Aquacultures and Acidification, they are professionals helping save the world.

This is some exciting stuff especially when you’re under the waves. They go down to places with the gamble that those chosen spots will protect the coral their going to plant, and thrive. just think if it like planting a tree here above sea level. You grow with that tree, have a lifetime enjoying it’s company. The same goes for below. It’s another wonderland right here on Earth. Yay Mote !

So there I were just bouncing around the Keys and happened on this Mote place. So we sauntered up to the gate and were invited in . Even though the Mote Lab grow pools were closed to tours that day they need constant monitoring daily. The crew work very well together. I wonder if they’re the divers as well? What a fine and fun job . I do advise everyone to join a tour, don’t barge in like the likes of us. Plus ya want to be on good terms with the Mote team. Some say manners, I say Pirate blood.

What we gather on our little rock across the Sea is powerful medicine for all reefs and nurseries , brought by the research Mote has done. The gift continues to grow along with hope for a clean bountiful future for us all.

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