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November 2019

Lobo Batangas 2019
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Ending the year with a bang .

We’ve been gone for over 6 months and everything out on the reef has changed . Most importantly it’s as healthy as always , growing at a fast pace and colors bright . Fish in abundance , schools of all kinds proliferating all over . Missed some pics the first couple dives and though we can’t get them back , more are on the way I’m sure . We did gather new growth and overviews so far . That’s going to have to do for a couple days as a Typhoon is on the way .

Plastic garbage has dropped to almost nothing . Yay for that progress ! People are learning quickly how important our reefs are , how fish sanctuaries are detrimental to our lives as well as maintaining a healthy coral forest . What washes down the tributaries still poses a major problem and will for years to come , needing attention now . I’ve noticed jetties angled upstream on either side of the river collects a majority of plastic and is easy to reclaim . Here in our Barangay ( township ) , we’ve begun levies along the river and a dam upstream that will stop debris from entering the ocean . Another major move to help the cleanup . Salamat Po to insights of Lobo . Thank you very much .

Looks like we’ll be hunkered down at home until the storm passes but we have plans to visit new reefs and locations within the Philippines this year . My end goal is to produce segments from all over South east Asia to Australia .

We intend to cover townships , populated Islands and obscure inlets that may contribute to the pollution of our Oceans . I will talk to people about what’s being done in their area to stem the flow of plastics . How to curb the use of plastic bags , straws and some of the worst like styrofoam and diapers . We want to come up with solutions that local and tourist alike will make habit . Places to deposit the waste that can’t be burnt safely and hopefully collected for restructure into usable materials . People are creative of that I’m sure . When shown a disastrous situation we’ve always risen to the challenge , working together for the betterment of us all .

We are human and this is our earth . I don’t believe any one purposely neglects nature or each other . The scourge has been created by consumerism and fueled by convenience . Life demands drive us through our day like a roller coaster . It’s time to step off , not be driven by stressful daily chores and breath . Please let your nature waken and do what you can .

conk on green hard coral
home reef Nov. 2019
growth on top of growth it thrives .

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