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Cigarette butts and plastic straws . Oh My !

Single use plastic packaging is choking us to death . We all know there’s alternative ...

Romblon Reef

The shallow reefs are young.  Growth over dead corals.  There are larger growths deeper,more established ...

Oil Slick

We’ve been monitoring this slick for 2 years.  We assume it’s approximately 8 liters of ...

Reef Measurements, New Growth

We’ve taken some pics of coral under a year old to show size and color.  ...

Happy All Saints Eve

  second effort to capture pics . still murky from the storm but we’ll take ...

South East Asia Reefs 2018

Entering summer months in the northern hemisphere brings welcome changes . Water lovers everywhere enjoying ...

Fluvial Parade , Lobo Batangas 2018

New news for 2018 . Fluvial Day in Lobo ; The sun is up the ...
A fisherman on a beach in Temuco, Chile that is blanketed with dead sardines, a result of algal blooms that suck oxygen out of the water. Photograph: Felix Marquez/AP

Oceans suffocating as huge dead zones quadruple since 1950, scientists warn

Areas starved of oxygen in open ocean and by coasts have soared in recent decades, ...

Drastic cooling in North Atlantic beyond worst fears, scientists warn

Climatologists say Labrador Sea could cool within a decade before end of this century, leading ...

As blood flows through our bodies water flows through our earth . As everything is connected our life’s blood needs a transfusion.

We , the people of this planet have duties to protect the environment as we would our children . Harmonizing and balancing along the journey , using technology to enforce life  before profit .

Extinction is forever , gone , never to be again !  Can we afford to gamble with our fate ? Is the ease of drinking water from a plastic bottle then throwing it away become the normal ? Buying new lawn furniture to keep in style , using plastic lighters , polymers , synthetics that last a few months , dull and are discarded is choking us to death .

The plastic fragments broken down and entering everything that eats or breaths is clogging our systems so badly that in only one generation we’ve come to a threshold of life . All Life Is In Jeopardy .

The world has grown very quickly this last century . It’s not so big anymore . Quite small in fact . Old rules don’t apply . War isn’t needed , we communicate across the planet in nano seconds . New forms of energy are available , oil is out dated and crude . Yet wells are constantly placed in our oceans that leak , across our lands that spill and enter our fresh waters .

The CEO of Nestle thinks we people don’t deserve water rights while he is no better than an African tribesman trying to supply his family with enough to survive another day . Money and power gives the right to dictate a life’s outcome ?

People have a voice . Together we give those on top what they want or not . People taking time to live like before oil and plastic ruled them makes them heard in a loud and clear voice .

Please join together in this battle for life . Let’s not give our choices , our vote to a greedy few just because the advertising  says it’s okay . Each and every person , animal , coral reef or green plant has a right to live in a clean environment .

All Love Love All

Rich and Theresa




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