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Peace to all

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Calming is an art , a practice taught through yoga or discipline among other methods to aid our daily progress . Having a peaceful mind enables us to acquire our own direction or fate . A good reminder is how sailing allows us to reach a destination regardless of the unseen wind and currents . The effort we give returns our desired outcome .

There are some conflicting thinkers feeling fear and threats gain better results by intimidation . Demand control of things unseen and unproven for the mere feeling of power over others . Eventually truth prevails but the damage done and loss of true progress can never be regained . Let us be informed before making choices that will effect future events .

We’ve been monitoring tide and water temperatures for the last 15 years with no noticeable changes . I will explain our world cycle in just a few words . We are in a warming trend that’s lasted approximately 15 thousand years now . Before then we spent 20 thousand years in a cooling trend that teetered up and down for millions of years past . Snow and ice pack has been melting , causing liquid water to rise ocean levels to todays heights but we’re almost topped off . This is a natural cycle that man has very little influence over . We can build dams but the flow will eventually spill over them . We can not stop natural air flows or ocean currents . Our world is stabilizing volcanic activities but tectonic plate movements open new avenues for volcanic activities and future eruptions may occur naturally as well . Good news is that helps cool the planet but is unhealthy for crops and life forms above and below the ocean surface . These are facts we can not deny or manually control .

If we continue polluting our oceans we risk depleting our major food source and damaging the oxygen exchange from our coral reefs . This is a main concern we should all be addressing . Think of the reefs as being the rain forests underneath the waves . We don’t see them or acknowledge their beauty but that world is here and viable to life’s existence for us above . The bleaching of reefs is a natural event as storms , acid levels and over fishing and dragging nets destroy years of healthy growth in minutes . If left alone the coral will replenish quickly , allowing nurseries and feeding grounds for all life under the waves . Typhoons change more ocean geography than man could ever imagine . We have no control over these natural events and shouldn’t find blame for mother nature changing cloths .

Plastic is a major threat on more than one font . The debris fills bellies of every living creature from shrimp to whale . We eat plastic without knowing everyday . The cancer rate has shot through the roof along with other diseases because of our ignorance of the facts , or is it a money maker so we allow the pollution to continue . Now we’ve gone full circle , live happy and healthy or be sick and in fear . Not really your choice anymore is it . Have we given that control to those that know best or those that stand to gain the most ? please pay attention and do your best to help .

This photo is taken by AllWinner’s v3-sdv
This photo is taken by AllWinner’s v3-sdv

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