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Reef Nurseries

Lobo Batangas 2019
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In the last storms we’ve experienced turbulence within the reef . Our barriers , floating canastors , have broken away from their moorings allowing fishemen to encroach over the coral . This has broken down some healthy coral and depleted many schools that are usually protected within the reef . In my last few trips out I’ve noticed a decline in schools , some as much as 50% . This is alarming to say the least .

Some of the species are , whitetip soldierfish , Snappers ( Lutjanus sp. ) , Yellowtail Fusiliers ( Caesio Teres ) , Sweetlips and Bumphead Parrotfish (Sphyraena Quenie ), Batfish ( Platax Boersii ) and Humpback Snappers (Lutjanus Gibbus ) to name a few . I’ve noticed the Striped Catfish ( Plotosus Lineatus) hiding between cracks in the giant coral mounds , still in schools . The yellow and blue reef fish have gone into hiding as well instead if gathering on top of the horned coral they usually frequent .

We’re approaching the local municipality to anchor new floatilla to keep fishing away from the reefs . This is for the fishermen as well as the local communities that rely on daily catches . If we don’t alert them of the dwindling populations there won’t be food on their plates either . We have yet to survey other reefs within our acapello but fear the same may be true . The ease of catching close to shore or within reefs is attractive , making a short day and bountiful catch for local fishermen .

Yesterday I noticed a new Moray Eel close to the house . She was hidden in her cave but came out to greet me . What a colorful species , healthy and dominant . Looking to be settling into her new home quite well . I was pleased to see her and hope the other morays become attracted to our reef as well . Small sharks were spotted as well , close to shore , dorsal fin only 5cm , standing straight and true . We’ve heard the mothers hang under the shipping boats stationed over the sand just west of the reef . I’m hoping this turns into a birthing area for the Nurse and White tip sharks as well . A Whale shark was spotted last week by someone sitting at the Lomi haus overlooking the reef . She was out just past the reef in 6 mtrs to 8 mtrs deep. It would have been a thrill to have swam with her . So there is an abundance of life in our ever changing reef system . The water is cooler this month and may be attracting the sharks .

My concern about the lack of nurseries will be monitored as we protect the reefs from illegal fishing . Even now we’ve noticed the boats are farther out away from the reefs and hope they realize their livelihood depends on the schools growing to adulthood .

Sea of colors , life thrives
Turtles love to nibble on the tips

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