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Season changes , Climate shift

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Here we are in mid December and rain continues to fall here in South East Asia . Clear changes over the last 25 years or so lengthening wet season . More tropical weather and stronger typhoons are becoming standard . Our west coast of the USA has stronger heat in summer but questionable rain in winter . Snow has fallen in south Texas as well as typhoon/hurricanes being more frequent . Our world is shifting it’s axis toward Greenland at approximately 4 times the normal rate . Our axis total tilt is 18 degrees but seems to be stretching the limits .

These changes could be Mother Earth normal movements over 10 to 100 thousand years and more . Geologists have a fair idea of past events but not a clear enough picture for comment .

One thing for sure is we have a reflection from our oceans off the plastic gyres . Ozone layers have been depleting quickly from pollution . Volcanoes are erupting more than now than the past 2000 years as well as earth movements . These are some of the new changes we face in our modern world . There are more .

Protecting what we can is very important today . Life is fragile . Making choices for your families future is inherent in us all . Man will do whatever he can when pushed to the limit . Informing those that don’t know is a step along the path of todays world , our lives . It may sound like preaching but some of us can’t collect plastics , some can’t recycle or make government decisions . Your voice is all you have . I welcome those voices with open arms . Please never stop informing others . You matter , children matter , coral and fish matter and plants and trees matter .

Love is our strongest ally , unity gives us a foundation . Our voices shout our lamentations , our direction and intent for everyone .

wars are won with diplomacy .



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