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South East Asia Reefs 2018

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Entering summer months in the northern hemisphere brings welcome changes . Water lovers everywhere enjoying beaches and sun gather in resort areas to enjoy the festival . We wish everyone a safe and memorable season .

Have you noticed more accumulation of debris in and along the shore ? Anyone experience dirty diapers or cigarette butts piled , strewn and poking up like mounds of clustered synthetic stench piles ? # Me Too .

Every year we hear of efforts from inspired young people gifted with ideas of cleaning the world . Then we see the fact that twice as much plastic and trash have accumulated since last year .

Every year we’re promised new material , edible and biodegradable is mentioned , but continue seeing plastic with ” green ” stamped on them . The fact is , We the people have to clean it up . We have to stop buying the plastic to prove we don’t want it . The way to be heard is to have a large and loud voice . To be acknowledged we have to prove we want to live .

It’s been said ” people don’t deserve control of natural resources ” . We shouldn’t have a choice as to water , air , minerals in our atmosphere and so on . It’s for our own good ! If you believe that please stop now and find some information about those that give up their rights and what the outcomes have been through history .

To hide and deny what is happening in our world is when we run out of breath . Literally stop breathing and gasp for that last look before the black out . Is this what has to take place before we turn around and pick up the mess ? Are we living in a throw away society so caught up in denial we don”t recognize the wall just ahead ?

Those places away from oceans , countries held in 3rd world mode so manufacturers can dump toxic and long lasting pollutants there need to  be recognized as well . We the people doesn’t mean standing alone .                     Please help . Please talk and act together . Please become active in how we live among the packaging gifted to us with everything offered . Individual bite size snacks that are gone in 5 seconds  aren’t gone if the wrapper lasts a thousand years .

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