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The right thing

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Doing good or the right thing is hard , difficult at best , doing the wrong thing is easy , Just don’t care . Feeling good is rare but it seems lately pain is everywhere .
Have you smiled lately , had a good laugh ? It’s an important part of our lives to be social , enjoy others and retain memories that carry us through those rough spells . I believe most people want to do the right thing , just aren’t aware of how . It’s not a blame game , we do the best we can at every gives moment but bad actions cast blame way from itself and onto others . Then , stress and sadness cast a cloud over us and laughter faces into depression .

When we have a project and finish correctly the feeling of accomplishment gives a boost that won’t be forgotten . When we step up and help others , again the endorphins kick in and smiles exude pleasant energy . The enertia is catching but so is the negative actions and projections .

The past year has been hard on us all . Worst year in my life was 2020 . I saw plastic bags come back along with massive medical waste thrown into our water ways . Filth dominated our streets unchecked as people zombied through their days . In first world countries homeless families became a normal unlike anything since the 1920’s and it’s only getting worse . Third world countries seem to be handling this better. What can we do ?
Realize the movement of the molecule . As we think we move molecules , project good thoughts or bad . It’s pretty simple to do the right thing , think the right thoughts be a positive person . We can boost ourselves and everyone around us by good thinking . Doing the best you can at every given moment . Some moments are better than others but trying your best is all that’s asked .
We usually speak of coral and fishes but I thought solutions and understanding are what’s needed now . Bless each and every one of you . We will display Ocean posts soon , please be patient . The last Typhoons really knocked our home reef but life returns , in it’s tenacious ways and we have some pictures for you .

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