Tidal waves

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It’s been a while since the shut down and we haven’t posted . Not allowed to refresh ourselves in the salt water , probably the best thing to kill any virus . Flip flop on every choice controlled by people without fact . PLEASE OPEN OUR WORLD.
The oceans are recieving more plastic and medical refuse than ever and no one even notices . We have been sickening ourselves and our world by listening to eliteists giving false narratives . Open your eyes and see how wrong this scenario has been .
I thought in the beginning a couple weeks stay at home would give the life on this planet a chance to recover but far from true . We are polluting more than ever . The debris gathers in our bays , along streets and in gutters to wash into our water ways . See the Dolphin wear the mask ? How cute .
The agenda of Atrazine and now a vaccine washes through our air and waterways everywhere . This effects all life on the planet . Did we ask for any of this ? We were warned against tweaking D N A in the old testament and the consequences , now the stew is cooking . We won’t know the outcome for up to two years after This experiment . Can’t wait ! No sexual gender , up to 70% sterile people . What about the other animals on this world ? Will the Atrazine effect their D N A as well ?
We are scheduled to return to the reefs in a couple weeks , hope they don’t shut the World down again within our fact finding mission . We will post and picture as much as we can within our one month expedition . My hopes are positive , we expect scientific findings to show a heart beat vibrant within the nursery ( coral reefs ) and beyond . We’ll tell as many schools and government officials as we can.
Our Shaman background is of helping the healing and health of our world . Bringing insights to darkened minds and adding prosperity throughout this planet . Love is at our core .

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