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Ocean life is declining at a rapid pace . air is polluted worse than ever , contributing to saturated levels in earth and water . Like a dirty set of clothing , it’s time to change , wash clean and gain appearance along with pride in ourselves , our world . Like each of us having pride when we receive new items , we have pride when the world is bright and healthy . As health deteriorates the glow of aura declines and recedes to a shallow electrical field . It’s a natural cycle of life and death that is usually replenished anew as quickly as it’s depleted . With such a low outlook seen by many around the planet now , we experience clutter , disregard for hope of future repair , just a tumbling spiral into depression .

The ocean is resilient in life but we can’t see it other than by the catches of fish brought to our markets . What we’re being told is all we know and that is usually manipulated by driving forces to control geographic areas by countries aiming at their goal . Looking under the waves we can see a clear story of what we’re faced with . Even though the debris is thick , the chemicals are choking and the oxygen levels have lessened , there is more exchange of life force than anywhere on land . Our oceans haven’t raped simply by greed as vastly as land , like the rain forests . Much of our oceans are open areas to far from any country to care about up to now . These are the gyre sites , the spaces far from mans desire to hold , the places man avoids like a desert or high mountain unattainable without great effort . Still the life that lives there doesn’t acknowledge our science , doesn’t know of the demand humans place on everything to produce for them . It’s pure and honest in life . Giving and taking only what is necessary , seeing the day as it comes .

To place blame is not an answer or a solution . To retain resources has always been done for stability and to prepare for hardships ahead . When we dam back to much the flow seizes and stagnates growth along the life chain like blood through a clogged artery . When one player has all the marbles the game is over because without exchange there is no progress . Life ends with no winners . Understanding this allows smart leaders to give opportunity all around , not to deplete resources . Knowing these simple applications , offering help instead of asking for more personal gain is a start . Nothing is easy that’s worthwhile and those that do the work are rarely remembered but in the course of life , the longevity and comforts become less burdensome for all . Starting with ourselves we shine , like a ripple on a pond we expand to others and the effect slowly improves our world . Acknowledging the selfish among us allows review into what is greed and what is justly done for the good of all . We all need to think , to apply those thoughts as trial and into effect , to apply what works and discard what doesn’t . This is not a time to give up . Twilight brings anew the future so when the lights are turned on again let’s see something special . Let’s build a future unending with possibilities and comforts within our world . There’s only so much here , only so much to share , only this chance to blend together in harmony . TRUTH .

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