Vibration , etheric , aura , life force in harmony

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Here now . We are set in the moment and then it’s gone . As we view our past we decide what accomplishments we’ve made or not . Did we just walk by the garbage along our beautiful path , ignore the unpleasantness of janitor so we could enjoy our stroll ? Were we the one that tossed the garbage down for someone else to notice and take action of picking it up ? Maybe we just unconsciously picked it up and placed it in a recycle bin . Does this show different levels of vibration between people ? Sure . What could be said is ” we’re all in this together “, but that’s wrong . On the surface, yes we are all third dimensional beings and yes we are here on this pebble together but on a vibrational state we are as separate as spirits can be .

The scales can help explain this and some believe our resonances or vibrations rise as we become conscious of more around us . Do , Re , Mi , are the first steps up the melody ladder, then we reach Fa. At this fourth step it’s said we need help from another spirit to attain tone. One person isn’t meant to advance alone. This to mean a blend of octave is needed to enhance growth and harmony. Makes sense? Then the next steps So, La, can be solo but wasn’t blending melody so much more fun? Anyway, Si needs help also and you just can’t get over these hurdles without help. There was a Russian man , Gordjief , that did some extensive work on cause and effect with much surprising results but would have been put to death for saying so in his time. We will use what fits within the narrative of known science for now anyway .

I just read about placing two tuning forks together and how their vibration blends in harmony when that happens . You can try if you have an interest or need proof . The higher the frequency the more positive the vibration . Lower vibrations , heard by humans can’t be heard by other animals here on earth , higher vibrations can’t be heard by humans . Another funny fact left on the table. Most of us are drawn toward vibrations that are harmonious to us . We feel something about another person or animal . When we contact these beings , as they harmonize with us , we become happy , positive and alert , more in the moment . That is our molecules dancing in delight by our happiness . We move the molecules by our focus , by asking and doing . Simple but true . Another vibration is more electrical and that’s our Etheric . Everything has an etherical glow , it’s no secret but has been denied by western beliefs . For humans this is just an electrical current blended or influenced by our mood , health , happiness and understanding of what’s going on around us . It can be from a quarter inch to over an inch radiating from our bodies . Don’t worry everything has one, even rocks , they vibrate too . To easily see your etheric place your thumb and finger just slightly apart and you can see on a light background the vibrating between those fingers . Doing this through your day can help you stay tuned and focused. Practice seeing this and soon you’ll be ready to see your Aura , and others also .

Getting back to this moment and then … it’s passed , ha , I’m in need of every moment being as positive as I can make them from now until I no longer have connection to this physical world . That may be a long long time though , so in the meantime we’ll harmonize and grow together , spread the knowledge and bring this world to a higher plain .

It’s been said , ” we can explain everything in the universe except the movement of the molecule” . What makes that little sucker dance ? There is also a resonance along with that movement . So we have tone and movement we can use but don’t understand . On a positive level this is amazing , unstoppable , world changing if you use it right . Why isn’t it being acknowledged or used in a positive way ? Control is a good answer . If somehow our receptors could be controlled , keeping us from seeing or interacting with these natural vibrations, what then ? If our natural growth is damaged , our reproductive process blocked and denial of anything other than this third dimension being real, then we are damming up the flow from dimension to dimension , holding back growth and adhering to unthinkable oppressions . That would be a crime against life on every level .

What we have been witnessing in the past year or so is just that . This didn’t start yesterday and won’t be cleaned up by tomorrow but needs addressing now. While we look at the hungry nations and the homeless people that had something but whoosh now it’s gone , we sympathize , have empathy and try to help . We’re told we hate each other and shouldn’t touch anyone else , shouldn’t pray or extend a hand because , co , co , contamination or some such fear that keeps us from harmonizing or even helping resonate a negative being back to positive . The beauty is being stripped from our view , the melody is drowned out by cries of anguish and oppression . This is just another dam being built , holding back the evolution of love between people . I haven’t seen the hate and prejudice until now , when a few disruptive people claim they’re not getting their fair share . As with everything , you help , work toward a goal and achieve it or remain stagnant and wither by your own choice . Negative has never accomplished a goal or made not one thing better for anyone or any animal throughout history . Negative doesn’t harmonize and is not pleasant in sight or action of any kind . How do we overcome such darkness ?

In this moment we choose to pick up that garbage and give the next spirit passing by a beautiful view . We choose to sing , not just talk of harmony but sing it out . Look for the positive influence around us and listen to that vibration for a moment at least . Search for another and another alike ourselves , gain strength together and become a harmony that grows , is heard and is pleasant to hear . Most of all , don’t give up . The saying “it’s darkest just before the dawn”, has fact in it’s meaning . Many of us look at the problems around us and just want to give up . That only keeps you where you are , controlled by the negative, the fake hate facade mask telling you you can’t have happiness . Yes you can .

Move those molecules in a positive way . Effort is step toward our first goal , happiness . Once we’ve begun to walk the path we can beautify along the way for others to enjoy . Once we begin resonating our voice, others will sing the tune with us .

An analogy given by most religions is of pain and suffering to attain that heaven . I disagree . Pain and suffering just holds us back . Sure we go through much more than we deserve as most people do but we can and should avoid it and any entity that tells us so . Yes if you burn yourself on a hot stove you’re most likely not to do that stupid thing again but isn’t just being told good enough ? You want to empty your pockets of rocks before you go swimming . Nowhere in any book does it say you can’t achieve without pain and suffering other than one trying to control you . Nowhere does it state the movement of the molecule works better if burden is placed on it . At no time ever has the screech of an out of tune violin been pleasant so please tune that sucker and let’s jam .

Just a side note : Our aura is a very strong glow from our resonance . This beautiful display of self shows everything about us . Our mood , our health and even when we’re being deceiving toward others . It can compliment us or repel others from us . Modern science is coming along with machines to show our aura but have only addressed it through CAT scans , color codes of the body . many actions through daily strife show through our aura and with practice we can become sensitive to this glow . Having a healthy outlook and living in a positive way strengthens our resonance , our flow , so use every moment to brighten life around you as best you can from moment to moment .

all Love , Love all

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