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Here’s a short look into our universe through the eyes within your minds.

Vibrations create tones . It’s movement and friction casting off a wave or ripple in all directions around this friction . Everything vibrates naturally from the smallest particle to our sun and stars . I have a feeling gravity and magnetism plays an orchestrated roll throughout the journey .

Tones along with density and weight make up the octaves , ok add in a little friction and before you know it we’re harmonizing . This is the setting for an organized solar system . But wait ! There’s more if you look through the mirror from the other side, other dimensions . Certain vibrations , magnetics and gravity all extend through those bubbles like they weren’t there . Even more astounding , our minds don’t recognize the separation either . We just haven’t exercised that part of our conscious that recognizes these subtle feelings .

In our modern world we don’t hear or see the vibrations around us . You can’t see a 5G signal or smell if it’s not healthy . We don’t have defenses against bad vibrations , they say just toughen up or get some thick skin , ha. We think there’s something more to all this , especially since modern science has military weapons involving sound and vibrations now . We’re more interested in the beneficial part of natural octaves and harmonies . These vibrations still can’t be seen , smelt or heard by our ears nose or mind but they are as real as a dog whistle .

There are signals that greatly benefit our growth . There are vibrations that heal , there are harmonies that enlighten and give comfort . There are all kinds of influences to our lives we aren’t aware of because of vibrations , either natural or man made . How we think creates a vibration around us and can extend to others in both positive and negative ways. Our prayer repeated three times creates a ripple sent from us to this ocean of matter that responds , positively or not . Depending on our will .

Begin with simple efforts of harmonizing with all around you . If you close your eyes and see etheric moving away from you , turn it around and bring it toward yourself . Then open your eyes and continue on . Control of emotion becomes a habit while chaotic thought has no controlled direction. Einstein loved to sail , controlling the unseen . If the wind just blew you any which way where would you be ?

There is a lot we haven’t acknowledged yet and so much more to discuss , ponder and find . One thing is sure , we want to learn , we want to grow and survive . These are the issues and repairs for so many problems within our world today . If we can discover truths we will build a foundation for a new cycle of life .

all love love all

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