Here we are , an advanced race of human selfishly keeping everything for me and none for thee . If I can’t have it I’ll destroy it . give us what we want or we’ll burn this mother down . Sound familiar ? Only in America , but wait ! Now it’s the world not just your neck of the woods .
Today we look into what happens when pollution meets chemicals mixed with trash and heat . One big stinking problem , then another , then another , oh like dominos .
First we over cut forests for farming , not noticed or monitored by much , it’s all profit for the countries doing the clear cutting so then what . Our thermal rivers slow or stop cycling completely . Imagine five times the amount of water the Amazon river has but up in the sky , stops flowing . Ahh , let’s look back before clear cut and see the nuclear testing and fall out from such tests spreading across land and lakes , even oceans . which direction do we point ? Fear gave government the right to test with no monitoring or protection for the people they were supposedly protecting . Kinda twists the tongue doesn’t it . Who’s watching the hen house , who’s watching the money , who’s counting lives ?
Presently the drought , natural or man made takes effect and the dust begins to fly . Lakes that were there are dry and whatever settled to the bottom is now airborne . One example is lake Chad in Africa . People are fighting for what water is left but still no monitoring or solutions other than fighting for scraps that are left . Babies are born without eyes , noses or hearts and worse if there can be . This is old news but we didn’t hear about it because it doesn’t make money for the lead donkey . We’re all following our tails afraid to question what’s really going on .
Mix this all up with a quarantine , mild cold that shuts the world down and separates people from talking even to loved ones and it’s a perfect way to eliminate any one questioning their agenda . These aren’t the smartest birds in the coop but they’re in control . It’s been going on for a long time . I spoke of Atrazine and it’s use before , wondering why so many children don’t know their gender ? It’s bug spray , tons and tons sprayed on all our crops , that turns the bugs gay ( female to female , male to male ) all for population control . Wasn’t working fast enough . The restructuring of our world has to happen now , while those in control are still alive . Don’t want to miss all the fun , set up the game and oops it’s a time out . Still , their not the sharpest pencil on the desk .
Now let’s get to our water , the worlds water , our oceans and sea life . With all these man made atrocities in our air and water , settling into the soil then washing into the ground water along with lakes and oceans , all living things are confused . Is it too late to repair the damage ? Have the simple minds that set this in motion thought of the lasting effects ? Are there platforms above the earth for them to hide in while the dust settles ? Better yet , Can we come up with healthy solutions for population control without mass genocide , can we save sea life , plant life , our lives ?
Yes we can . We have to , we know how and all life on this planet depends on brilliant minds working together to do so . These challenges won’t happen as long as we are locked down and kept from the truth . Please don’t live in fear anymore . We all have an equal share in the gardening of this world and on into the future . Love is a choice , also the strongest bond in the universe . Life is of little value without love . Let’s start this journey together , all mankind depends on our actions now .
There are many departments of this problem I have left out . Plastic in our oceans , silicone in our food along with GMO’d genetics of that food , nano particles spread through the chemtrails and on and on , but there are humane solutions to each and every one of these problems . Start by informing yourselves and others of the truth . Come up with sensible solutions and work together .
We are the people of this world .