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What’s for dinner

Lobo Batangas 2019
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Out on the reef today we spotted some colorful coral and fish along with a turtle munching on a bit of sponge . The winds were up and water was hazy but we got some pleasurable shots none the less . We’re looking for the Moray Eel , their elusive nature and the size of the reef makes for a challenge but we promise to keep looking , she’s worth the pic . Other illusive fish are the sharks that turn up from time to time . I think the water has been to cool as we’ve seen them on warm days . I’ve only gone out once at night and the sharks do like their night hunting , but no luck filming them yet .

We’ve been impressed by the lack of debris but the night fishing by boat continues . That’s something we’ll deal with before we have to depart . Not looking like we’re going to other reefs on this trip as we return to Cali at the end of the month . Sad truth is there’s only the pair of us to coordinate and plan for our obligations as well as monitor the reefs . As much as we enjoy doing it all there’s just so much time .

at least we got some great pics for you to review . Hope you like them all .

Night shot for beginners
cam upgrade may be needed for night shots
colorful sea slugs ready to mate

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